“At least somebody likes me.”

I’m still trying to figure out how McCain is going to campaign as being different than Bush (ie, this election’s about change!) when each day comes statements from McCain that make it clear he’s for pretty much everything Bush is doing. Are Republicans who reject Bush policies (who supports them?) and can’t vote for Obama just not going to vote? If so, Obama wins in a landslide.

New Gang of 14 won’t back McCain

At least 14 Republican members of Congress have refused to endorse or publicly support Sen. John McCain for president, and more than a dozen others declined to answer whether they back the Arizona senator.

Many of the recalcitrant GOP members declined to detail their reasons for withholding support, but Rep. John Peterson (R-Pa.) expressed major concerns about McCain’s energy policies and Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) cited the Iraq war.

A handful of other Republicans on Capitol Hill made the distinction between “endorsing” and “supporting,” adding that while they have not endorsed, they do support McCain.
Throughout his career in the House and Senate, McCain has been at odds with his party on a range of issues, including campaign finance reform, earmarks, immigration, healthcare, taxes and energy.

  1. bobbo says:

    Isn’t it shocking that Bushie Boy’s approval rating is 30%?

    How can it be so high?

  2. MikeN says:

    McCain is unpopular with all Republicans.
    Obama isn’t too popular with all Democrats either. There’s already several Congressman who’ve declined to endorse and are staying far away from him. And Lieberman has endorsed McCain.

  3. MikeN says:

    Supports everything Bush is doing? Is Bush against drilling in ANWR? Does he support reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

  4. JimD says:

    Repukes scattering like ROACHES WHEN THE LIGHTS ARE TURNED ON !!! “Distancing” themselves from Bush(The “Decider” whose Reign of Error, WHICH THEY RUBBER-STAMPED, HAS TOTALLY SCREWED AMERICA!!!) just in time for re-election campaigns, and “Endorsing” with faint praise what looks more and more like Bush III – McCain, or should we call him McBush !!! It’s gonna be a very tough year for Repukes !!! Look for many to “Retire” – after BEING SWEPT FROM BOTH HOUSES OF THE CONGRESS BY AN ELECTORATE THAT IS MAD AS HELL AND WON’T TAKE IT ANY MORE !!!

  5. Sinn Fein says:

    Yes, DemoRats will be much better…not. Give the Chinese all of our oil reserves, yaaaaa, great idea!

  6. Peter says:

    I don’t get why people think McCain is Bush III… Yeah, they’re both for Iraq, but that’s about all they have in common. And I say this as someone who doesn’t much like either of them, just for different reasons.

  7. #2 – MikeN,

    And Lieberman has endorsed McCain.

    Last I checked, Lieberman was Independent.

    #3 – MikeN,

    Supports everything Bush is doing? Is Bush against drilling in ANWR? Does he support reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

    McBush is not for reducing emissions. He’s for paying lip service to it because he knows he won’t get elected by completely ignoring a real crisis.

    That said, his reductions are not based on science anyway and are a recipe for disaster. He wants to continue to emit 50-75% more GHGs than the science states as the max to avoid catastrophe.

    Don’t worry, you’ll still get your global warming based mass extinction. And, with toxic levels of H2S in the atmosphere, it will include the extinction of humans. So, vote McBush for increased death.

  8. Chris says:

    Well at least this isnt a biased article or anything

  9. #5 – Sinn Fein,

    Democraps are much better than Repugnicans by virtue of two facts. One, they genuinely do not have quite as evil an agenda, only a moderately evil one as opposed to pure evil. Two, they are less organized.

    When the republican party decides something, generally all or nearly all of their ducks are in a row. All of their senators and representatives will sing the same flatulent notes. Democraps often disagree with each other causing an inroad for the Repugnicans to shoot down every attempt to do anything.

    This thinking for oneself thing on the part of the Democraps (or more likely being bought by a wider variety of sources rather than just a few) is both a good and bad feature of the current Democrapic party.

  10. Dallas says:

    Astonishing that 30% think Bush is a doing a dandy job. It goes to show, Republipukes are more about supporting Team GOP than being honest. Is 30% approval from the American population the floor?

    Was Adolf Hitler’s approval rating at the end of the war about 1/3? Any stats on this?

    A conclusion you might draw is that about 40% of a voting population (a very small number of people) may actually decide our future. Scary thought.

  11. gregallen says:

    Do you think his being a flip flopping temperamental jerk as anything to do with it?

  12. Thinker says:

    All well and true Gentileman, but come November who do you think they’ll vote for?? Obama??

    Keep in mind 2/3’s of Ross Perot’s votes came from Repulicans. Thats what put Clinton in the White House.

  13. Quiensabe says:

    Where is Ross Perot now when we need him. Or any third party candidate for that matter. Did Ron Paul quit yet? .. I see a lot of people in both parties staying home next November.

  14. Steve S says:

    Dammit I want other “viable” choices. I am sick and tired of this two party system that spends 100’s of millions of dollars to “install” a president to further the interests of its contributers.

  15. Cyberrod says:

    I think he’s trying to be too much of a politician, if that can be said. He’s trying to please everyone by playing both sides of the fence and ending up pleasing no one. He seems to be, awkwardly, trying to court votes that hate Bush (because he know almost everyone hates G.W.), but also to hardcore republicans. It’s hard for figure out what exactly he stands for because he seems to stand for everything and nothing.

  16. Funny. I didn’t know there were still Perotgies around. He was a funny one. He recognized lots of problems, drew lots of cool charts, and offered no solutions to anything at all.

    The first time he ran, they analyzed his tax plan. Under the existing plan at that time, he owed a whopping 6.8% total in taxes. Under his proposed plan, he would have owed 6.4%.

    That difference would have made him the highest paid president in history up to that time.

    Oh, and I love the idea of a political outsider who successfully lobbies for his own personal airport. Yeah. He was a great candidate!

  17. RBG says:

    Well make up your minds: Is McCain, the guy whom many senior Democrats contemplated having on their own VP ticket, & now has a former Democrat VP candidate supporting him, & has been facing a right-wing backlash; exactly like BushII or not?


  18. JimD says:

    McCain = McBush:

    1. Continue Iraq War (for 100 years???)

    2. Bomb, Bomb, Bomb; Bomb, Bomb Iran …

    3. Continue Tax Cut for the Rich …

    4. Drill in ANWAR (only 5% of the North Slope)

    5. Ass-Kiss Tele-Evangilist Butt (Falwell)

    ….How much more do you want ???

  19. Thinker says:

    Ok, give me some real things to think about. This ‘McBush’ stuff is too simple and trivial. Talk some substance.

    Bush McCain Bush

    Deal with McCain. Seems to me last election he was the sworn enemy on the right of Bush. Then people were calling him the ‘Anti-Bush’

  20. #17 – RBG,

    I guess that depends, which McCain we’re talking about McCain or McCain?

  21. Dr Dodd says:

    It’s easy to fall into a state of despair when studying McCain and Obama. Neither have the tools and neither should ever be president under any circumstance.

    Yet, one of these monuments to mediocrity and a dumbed-down citizenry will stumble into taking the oath of office.

    We have been systematically divided and conquered to where only a fool stares back at us from the mirror.

  22. Lot’s of videos about McBush at this site:


    I haven’t watched them all yet. I like the one about the McCain clinic and birth control options.

  23. MikeN says:

    JimD, please give a link to McCain’s supporting drilling in ANWR. That would certainly improve my view of him.

  24. #24 – MikeN,

    How about we allow Cheney McBush to drill in ANWR if and only if we stack them on top of each other and drill them all new assholes with a nice fat oil rig before the bit ever touches the beautiful arctic tundra you care so little for?

  25. JimD says:




  26. bobbo says:

    #23–bstruck==you kinda have a long talking point there, won’t fit on a bumper sticker, what you gonna do? Everything you have posted is twisted==good job. Too much to detail, so I’ll just take one.

    You say: “He plans to pay for it with more taxes. Which takes power from people and gives it to special interests.” /// I heard him say he would pay for healthcare for instance by the money saved by withdrawing our troops from Iraq. The tax increase by way of the Bush Tax Cuts not being extended beyond their current approved term, would not affect anyone earning less than $250K–ie, the top 1%. So==”the people” in your scenario are the $250K’ers, and the special interests are the 75 million people who have no, or inadequate healthcare. Yes, that would be just terrible.

    Can we clarify? Did you vote for Bush twice? And again==who is more like Bush, McBush or Obama?

  27. #30 – RBG,

    Wonder if there is anything else insurance companies are not required to cover?

    Probably just about anything. Many of the low end ones will just flatly refuse every claim that comes in the door and hope that people eventually give up.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>According to Obama’s plans he will spend
    >>much more money than Bush even without a war.

    I have no beef with the government spending money. As long as they do something to promote the general welfare, unlike Dumbya and his irresponisble frittering of taxpayer dollars on absurd shit that only serves to line the pockets of his puppetmasters.

  29. MikeN says:

    #27, the rollback includes a rollback of the 25% tax bracket to 28%, and this bracket starts at $32000.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>27, the rollback includes a rollback of the
    >>25% tax bracket to 28%, and this bracket
    >>starts at $32000.

    Got a link, Mike, or are you lyin’ again?


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