Microsoft and Harrah’s Entertainment are introducing a high-tech interactive bar table that lets patrons order drinks, watch YouTube videos, play touch-screen games and even flirt with one another.
The tables offer Harrah’s a new way to track its customers’ habits and behaviors, adding to its sophisticated costumer rewards program that tracks users’ gambling habits.
“Of all the goodies up our sleeves lately, this is one of the most dramatic,” said Tim Stanley, chief information officer of Harrah’s. “The range of opportunities are fairly limitless.”
Golly! Wow!
What’s next? Used car showrooms?
This is a “practical use”?
Hoo boy. Katrina survivors are still living in formaldehyde-contaminated trailers, millions are homeless and starving, people continue to die in Burma (OK, Myanmar), and we’re working on $10,000 touch-screen tables to let gamblers hook up with prossies in a casino?
The End Times are near….
Mustard I wasn’t aware MS was a disaster relief organization.
Harrah’s gets stupid again.
I’d rather hail a passing waitress than mess around with a table trying to get a drink at a casino. The table can’t think, certainly can’t handle a special order, and can’t carry the drink back to the customer. Besides, are they going to have a ordering table by every slot machine in the casino?
#2 MM: I don’t like the tables either, but the real problem with Katrina victims is that they want to move back to houses on land that’s below sea level, with bad levees all around. All the relief efforts can’t change the altitude of New Orleans, much of which is below sea level.
On the contrary, Mustard, the purpose of casinos, gambling (and the $10,000 surface platform) is to efficiently separate idiots from their money.
Now while MSFT isn’t a disaster relied organization, the Gates Foundation is doing a great deal to help the world.
I was just about to explain the difference between the Gates Foundation and Microsoft, but I see that chuck has already made the point.
Thank you.
Holding your arm outstretched, and trying to manipulate stuff with a finger, gets old really fast. It’s hard to improve on a mouse.
isnt that essentially what you are doing with a mouse?
Now the Drunks can just FINGER THE PICTURE OF THE DRINK THEY WANT !!! Don’t even have to speak coherently !!! Alcoholism can SKYROCKET NOW !!!
Any video of this thing in operation? Or is it just the standard MS surface video?
Now isn’t this supposed to be the new “gotta have” feature in Win7 (ReVista)?
Show how “cool” it is to have a touch-screen and watch the crowds line up to get one! (Even if your computer doesn’t actually support a touch screen).
Does MS Surface still work after you’ve vomited your 8th mojito all over it?
Ahh, the Win7 bashing begins already. Get on board early boys, maybe the disinformation and smear campaign will actually work this time.
>>but the real problem with Katrina victims is
>>that they want to move back to houses on land
>>that’s below sea level
Yeah, and people in Florida want to live in a hurricane zone, people in California want to live in an earthquake zone, people in Kansas want to live in a cyclone zone, people in New England want to live in a nor’ easter zone, people in the Netherlands want to live New Orleans-style, below sea level. There are potential natural disasters everywhere. People have to live somewhere. And when natural disasters hit, we should do everything in our power to assist those people in getting back on their feet.
>>Get on board early boys, maybe the
>>disinformation and smear campaign will
>>actually work this time.
No need for disinformation and fear, the MSFT product speak for themselves.
For example Vista is recognized worldwide (even within MSFT) as a complete abortion, abomination, failure, dud. If it weren’t for the OEM licenses, where hapless marks are forced to accept an OS that’s worse than its predecessor, they probably wouldn’t have “sold” a single copy of that bloatware.
We’ll see what Windows 7 has to offer, but if they’re not writing it from the ground up, I’m not very optimistic.
HaHa !!! M$ “Touch Screen” or M$ GIVING YOU THE FINGER ??? For EVEN MORE MONEY !!!
This goes against the whole concept of a bar or nightclub, which is inherently a social endeavour. The whole reason you go to one is to meet people and socialize. If you wanted to “nerd out” and do everything electronically you would just hang out at an internet cafe where everybody is silent, staring at a monitor and wearing headphones.
Microsoft surface: A solution in search of a problem.