Now that the political parties have informally settled on their nominees, the focus turns to November 4, when the nation will go to the polls to choose a new president.
Officially, Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (depending on the year, it could be November 2 through November 8). Since 1845, this has been the standard practice in the United States. Congress wanted a set date to elect a president and members of Congress, and because we were an agricultural society, this was the best day for farmers in rural America to get to the polls. That made a ton of sense. Then. But a lot has changed in the past 163 years, and it’s time Congress changed this unnecessary law…
So, why not the first Saturday in November? If that date were chosen, the majority of voters wouldn’t have to worry about trying to vote before going to work, hoping and praying the lines aren’t too long so they can zip in and zip out. The same thing happens in the evening. Folks have to hurry up and finish their work, interrupt meetings, and shut down whatever else they are doing and head to the polls…
It would be nice to see the presidential nominees weigh in on this and pledge to change the election date. Let’s see a debate moderator ask this question.
Way too easy. Which means all the nutballs will surely oppose the idea.
#5 and #14 are on to something here. Voting would be easier if it didn’t take place on a workday!
We don’t need the government to change the day, we just need our employers to give us the day off. If we show enough interest, this should not be a problem.
I’ve created a campaign at a site called The Point: https://www.thepoint.com/campaigns/make-election-day-a-national-holiday
Where if we show that this is something we all want we can make it happen. I’m asking everyone interested in this to join this campaign and show support.
#12, “The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”
Yes, only the day that the Electors vote is singular.
You could probably parse this even more though and say that “Time” is also singular and thus implies a similar interpretation. Since the corresponding clause for Congressional elections uses time in the plural — “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives…” — you could probably make the case that it should also be one day, or at least a uniform period of time across all states.
sponsored by daffy duck for president.
I suggest that everyone have a minimum of six hours to vote.
If you get off work at 3:30 and the polls close at 8:00 then that day you would be allowed to leave work at 2:00.
The voter would be given a receipt after voting that he may use when he files his tax return to be reimbursed for the lost employment time. He is not being paid to vote, only for the 1 ½ hours of lost employment. If someone doesn’t vote, they don’t get reimbursed.
I would also spread the vote out over two days and not release the vote until every polling station has closed.
#36, why would you get reimbursed through your tax refund for voting? It’s not like you were taxed for the money you didn’t earn.
>>why would you get reimbursed through your tax refund
>>for voting? It’s not like you were taxed for the
>>money you didn’t earn.
It’s like Dumbya’s Economic Stimulus Package.
Voting is overrated.
We always have the same crappy politicians running for office. Incumbents win about 90% of elections.
This is inside-the-box thinking.
Something that would make an actual difference would be increasing the # of representatives in Congress as 435 hasn’t been adjusted for the population increases several times over.
Better yet… allow voting by Internet from home. Mail serialized ballots to voters to fill in and either (a) mail in, (b) turn in on voting day, (c) or fill in online.
Then you can make your decisions the weekend before from the comfort of your home office.
Oh yeah, that’s just great for security.
Should consult the electoral college as to what they would prefer. they’re the only ones who really matter.
I’m for making election day a national holiday. You get up, BBQ, eat a good meal on the patio, then take the family and go vote.
Then you watch the results on TV. Now thats a good holiday.