Now that the political parties have informally settled on their nominees, the focus turns to November 4, when the nation will go to the polls to choose a new president.
Officially, Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (depending on the year, it could be November 2 through November 8). Since 1845, this has been the standard practice in the United States. Congress wanted a set date to elect a president and members of Congress, and because we were an agricultural society, this was the best day for farmers in rural America to get to the polls. That made a ton of sense. Then. But a lot has changed in the past 163 years, and it’s time Congress changed this unnecessary law…
So, why not the first Saturday in November? If that date were chosen, the majority of voters wouldn’t have to worry about trying to vote before going to work, hoping and praying the lines aren’t too long so they can zip in and zip out. The same thing happens in the evening. Folks have to hurry up and finish their work, interrupt meetings, and shut down whatever else they are doing and head to the polls…
It would be nice to see the presidential nominees weigh in on this and pledge to change the election date. Let’s see a debate moderator ask this question.
Way too easy. Which means all the nutballs will surely oppose the idea.
I thought “why don’t they vote on Sunday, like we’ve always done here in France ?”
Then I remembered… religion…
If it convenience you want, then just allow voting anytime over 7 days.
If the cost to man the polling area is too high then offer voting by mail, over the internet, and even over the phone. That’s easy.
I think moving election day to the first Sat in November is a great idea. But I’m not convinced that trying to find time to vote is that big of a deal. A couple of hours once a year? Come on!
I can think of many events that people have no trouble fitting into their busy schedule without any problem:
work out at the gym
bowling night
big race at Off Track Betting
kid’s hockey game
finals night for American Idol
latest episode of Survivor
What about simply declaring election day a national holiday?
This is what the Republican politicians are thinking about this issue:
OMG!! People might actually vote! We must put a stop to this!!
Remember, if voting actually changed anything it would be illegal.
I don’t care what day we vote on, I just wish all of the polls would close at the same time, which would prevent the melodramatic news coverage counting down the time zone closings. I have also heard the idea of voting over the same 24hr period (i.e. 7pm EST Monday to 7pm EST Tuesday). This would allow all time zones similar convenience (i.e. 1pm Hawaii Standard Time Monday to 1pm Hawaii Standard Time Tuesday)
Here in Brazil, we vote on sundays because lots of businesses open on saturdays too.
“A lot has changed in the past 163 years”
– including Advanced Polls, mail-in ballots, etc.
– also the 5-minute walk to the polling station is considerably easier for city-dwellers (now) than it was for the farmer who had to ride 2-3 days to get to a town (then).
The main problem with changing the election day is that it opens up the possibility that it could be changed again, and again. Then the date of the election becomes a political tool.
In Canada and the U.K, the government is elected to a 5-year term, but it can be dissolved any time the Prime Minister feels like it (or loses the confidence of his MPs). So often the decision about whether to call an “early” election depends on the popularity of the governing party.
Anyway, its a moot point. In October, President Bush will announce he’s suspending the elections until the National Emergency is over. He’ll provide us with the details later.
Why not have the polls opened for an entire week-end – saturday and sunday ? Then there would be no excuse not to vote ! But we might also think about moving the election to a more suitable day of the year – like April 15th !!! Get people thinking about taxing and spending !!!
Um, polls are open 6 or 7am till 8 or 9pm in all states. That’s 14 hours in most cases. People don’t vote because they are lazy and/or don’t care, not because they can’t. If they can’t vote, that’s what absentee ballots are for. Absentee ballots are incredibly easy to get, no excuse even needed.
Why pander to the lazy?
#3, doesn’t the constitution specify that voting happen on a single day?
I think mail-in voting and absentee ballots are probably unconstitutional, as well as the early voting.
It could be that only the electors’ vote happens on the same day everywhere.
#5 and #9 have it right.
#9: The main problem with changing the election day is that it opens up the possibility that it could be changed again, and again. Then the date of the election becomes a political tool.
And that must be avoided. The best way is as #5 states:
What about simply declaring election day a national holiday?
Now to the original premise: There will definitely be a large number of religious (some Jewish and some Christian sects) people who would not be allowed to vote on Saturday by their beliefs. And others on Sunday… And my interpretation of state and religion separation is that the state should not bother the religion if it can avoid it….
So, leave long tradition alive and make it holiday to vote. Say Freedom Day?
This sounds like bullshit to me. If people want to vote, they’re going to vote. And plenty of people work on Saturday anyhow.
A better idea would be “how about if we have a single primary election on one, pre-determined day”. That would eliminate the six months of agony that we’ve had to deal with this year, the monkey business with Florida and Michigan, and if it were a real election (you know, where people go and vote for the candidate of their choice), it would eliminate this “caucus” nonesense, which nobody even understands anyway.
Single-day primary! Let’s have a Constitutional amendment!
#15–Mustard–I rarely see you post in such a mean spirited way. More people DON’T work on Saturday than do.
Isn’t it pretty obvious that voting should take place over 2 days? Like Friday for those power guys who can take time away from work as a benefit, and Saturday as a fail safe?
Us Constitution has nothing to say about Primaries. Each “party” decides for themselves how to do it. Thats why the Dem’s have a compliated shoot themselves in the foot process, and the Repugs have winner take all to match their business outlook. Pro’s and con’s to every process.
I always vote often and early. You should too.
#16 – Bobbo
Wtf are you talking about, “mean-spirited”. I know of very few people who can’t make it to the polls, no matter WHAT day it’s held on. It might be a little inconvenient, but tfb. Holding the election on Saturday would also have the effect of disproportionatly disenfranchising the non-Ward Cleaver types who work in restaurants, transportation, airlines, police, fire, or any business that’s open for business on Saturday. And what about the Jews? Are they going to want to vote on Shabbat?
A bigger problem, in my mind, is the six-month three-ring circus that the primary has become. Endless media drivel and hundreds of millions of dollars spent for no apparent benefit. Why not have them all on the same day.
Single-day primary! Let’s have a Constitutional amendment!
I’m sure nobody every thought of the fact that Orthodox Jews would not be able to vote on a Saturday.
#19–Sabbath==thats another excellent reason for Saturday only voting. I’m starting to be convinced.
@4…A couple of hours once a year?…
Here in Virginia, there appears to be an election every other Tuesday 🙂
>>I’m sure nobody every thought of the fact that
>>Orthodox Jews would not be able to vote on a
I did. See my post preceding yours. See how culturally sensitive I am?
Call me controversial, but I really prefer that voting take place over an entire weekend (som religious people cannot vote or operate machinery on Saturday or Sunday so having voting on both days spreads out the process). I also believe that the Brazilian law requiring people to vote or pay a nominal fine is the way to go. Voting should be seen as a civic duty, not as a whim.
I always run out and vote at 6 AM then come back home to get ready for work. This gives me the advantages of
* very short lines
* getting my vote in before everyone just starts voting the way everyone else did
* getting a shower after voting for the least abhorrent human beings I can find on the list.
Showering afterward gives me that psychologically clean feeling after doing something dirty.
Funny, I didn’t feel the need for that after voting for Kucinich in the primary. Having a candidate I can feel that way about is very unusual for me.
Let’s see a debate moderator ask this question.
I’m still waiting for them to ask anything about the environment and climate change. Our lives depend on correctly solving that crisis, so maybe we should hear a bit about it once in a while.
Thus far, the number of questions relating to climate change during the debates has been exactly equal to the number of questions about UFOs.
We’re so fucked!
#1 – zebulon,
I thought “why don’t they vote on Sunday, like we’ve always done here in France ?”
Then I remembered… religion…
That’s funny. Imagine how differently people here in the U.S. might vote if they just came from church and were thinking about what it really means to be like Christ.
I should add …
WWJB – Whom would Jesus bomb?
Of course, I’m an atheist. And, I already vote for whoever is most liberal.
#6 – Improbus,
Too true.
To me, THE FAR MORE IMPORTANT election reform is to fix the primary system.
The best idea I’ve hears is four regional “Super Tuesdays” over eight weeks in April and May.
Additionaly, it should be elimination style (ala NFL or American Idol) rather than cumulative. This would help assure that every “Super Tuesday” remains relevant.
If you want to make it “Super Saturday” that wouldn’t matter to me.
>> If it convenience you want, then just allow voting anytime over 7 days.
Here in Oregon, we do it by mail or drop off at boxes or libraries around the city… allowing at least two weeks to vote, I think.
Everybody seems to like the system.
Given the choice of candidates (Kang or Kodos) I’d be happy if CNN just pre-announces the election results today.
Then Lord Cheney can get back to work running the new world order.