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I like this David Copperfield character, he is not a stupendously irritating douche like Derren Brown. At least David Copperfield does not pretend that his tricks are more than tricks…. Except for all that fountain of youth BS. Why can’t magicians just do tricks?
What do you mean TRICKS?????
They are called “MAGICIANS” because they use MAGIC!! They are not called “TRICKSTERS.”
Pretty obvious if you have access to a dictionary or understand the common meaning of words!!
What’s up with the voice-over guy? He sounds like the AntiChrist.
Have you ever heard the term “magic tricks”?
According to this dictionary I have right here, a magician is “someone who performs magic tricks for entertainment”.
I though that it was fairly obvious to almost everyone that magic has been limited to card tricks and illusions since the days of St. George killing that dragon and Merlin pissing people off with that sword in that stone.
#2 – Jees relax man. You’re going to cause a world “question mark” shortage.
#4–Noel==usually I am informed by your replies but you have totally missed this one. So obvious it must be on purpose? The thread is about MAGICAL FLYING!!!!! Flying is not a card trick–there is no deck. As for the assertion that “wires” are used, I have seen Copperfield in person and no wires were visible==even the video here only shows a mock-up because the real Copperfield uses real magic!!!
#5–Neal==my punctuation is the same as anyone elses. What you see is a mind projected “trick.”
Yes, I know the difference.
Anonymous, is that you?
Great, you ruined it for me.
Now, parting the ocean – that’s a tough trick to figure out. Never mind it only happened once but it happened.
Just 3 into this thread and Mustard starts talking about his nemesis. How about Jesus turning water into wine and creating food – tricks. Walking on water? Just showing off for those wine drunk losers that wouldn’t get a job. Healing people? Jes projected himself into the future and learned from Benny Hill. All tricks.
>>Just 3 into this thread and Mustard starts
>>talking about his nemesis.
As an obedient sheeple, I had to obey Dvorak’s law. Get with the program, you watered-down vegetable.
Bobbo, Pro wrestling is real too.
Really? I remain suspicious.
#11-Mister Mustard,
Pot calling the kettle black much? Your post is just the kind of thing that a ground and diluted seed would say.
Well let’s see David Copperfield fly naked if there really are no wires!!!
Oh wait… it’s David Copperfield and he is slightly creepy… nevermind.
I would say illusionist is a better word.
All that was revealed above was someone’s pathetic attempt to benefit off of Copperfield’s work.
It should be “How Does Copperfield Stay Out Of Jail.”
@6 bobbo “the real Copperfield uses real magic!!!”
Please, define “magic”.
You people are obviously not acquainted with how to perform this trick…
There are no wires….
Just a fortnight of eating nothing but legumes…
Yes, that is correct – he “flys” using fart power!
That’s why people are not allowed to sit too close to the show – not because they will spot the wires – but to prevent them from sniffing out the real magic.
After watching this I searched Youtube for the original trick, and you can see the wires. The curtain was made to hide any light bouncing off the wire, but the compression, or maybe that I know how it is done.
You can also tell that he is using wires because of movies like ‘The Matrix’ have shown us how people wearing wires move through the air. Copperfield moves around a point where a belt would go.
Not to say that the illusion isn’t great, it really is. Bravo to Copperfield.
P.S. To Bobbo, Copperfield does not refer to himself as a Magician, he is an Illusionist.
#18–Josh==you make a critical error. Neither “I” nor you nor Mister Mustard or any of us define words. Words are defined in dictionaries of repute. I give you Merriam Webster:
supernatural power over natural forces
and what else is flying without an airplane?????
#20–CDRaff==and Bush refers to himself as a good american. Whats your point exactly?
#21 – bobbo – what else is flying without an airplane?????
An illusion.
#12, Ketchup,
Bobbo, Pro wrestling is real too.
Damn your eyes !!! He wasn’t supposed to know !!! Didn’t you get the memo ??? The Lord High Commander himself said that this was one of the things Bob was supposed to believe was real !!! Now how are we supposed to keep that dummy in suspense ??? I Know !!! We can tell him next week !!!
(BTW, I’m doing my bit to contribute to the world wide shortage of exclamation marks and question marks)
David fly by giving Jobu rum & cigar…