So, what does this want to make you do?

The Bikini Effect Makes Men Impulsive

Bikinis and other sexy stimuli can make men more prone to seek immediate gratification — leading to blown diets, budgets and bank accounts, new research suggests.

In the study, detailed in the Journal of Consumer Research, men alternately fondled t-shirts and bras (which were not being worn during the test). After touching the bras, men valued the future less and the present more, said lead researcher Bram Van Den Bergh of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. Viewing ads with women in bikinis had the same effect.

It wasn’t that the men were simply distracted by their sexual arousal, which caused them to choose more impulsively. On the contrary, they exhibited improved cognition and creativity after exposure to sexy stimuli.
Van Den Bergh warned, “being exposed to a sexy girl may influence what stock you invest in or what candy bar you buy.”

Armed with this research, I assume this means we should demand sexy pictures be posted in workplaces and stores all across the land to improve productivity and stimulate sales. Forget the stimulus check — stimulate the economy with SEX!

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    You’re right. For some reason I feel like getting busy. Thanks!

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Photo editing is the first thing that pops up for you, Sag? Well, it appears the effect described in the article doesn’t work on you!

  3. zeph says:

    Funny. I was thinking “what a horseface, but the body isn’t bad for a woman who needs a hamburger.”

    What does that picture make me want to do? I’m thinking, attach a rare-earth magnet to that navel ring, and stick her onto my refrigerator.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    If her hair is blonde, why do they dye the roots brown?

  5. brian t says:

    Maybe I’m getting old, but I find piercings of any sort to be a total turn-off. Ditto for peroxide blond hair, and tattoos of any sort. Especially the “tramp stamp” on the lower back – WHY?

  6. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #2, Sag,

    You think she has been heavily doctored? Is this another reason for Universal Healthcare?

    #5, Ketchup,

    Hhmmm, she must be from around here. All the blonds dye their roots black. Some of the older ones dye their roots platinum blond, go figure.

    #7, Brian,

    Aahhh, I’m with you on that. They have the same effect on me. Especially when you know that in a few years the tattoo will just be a blur.


    As for the model, I can’t place the face but that body does look familiar. It might have been that weekend in Modesto. Or maybe it was that little backwater harbor in Cape Breton.

  7. B. Dog says:

    She’s cute. She can blow my “diet” anytime.

  8. AlanB says:

    Truthfully, the first thing I wanted to do was zoom in.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>“what a horseface, but the body isn’t bad for a woman who needs a hamburger.”

    Horseface, chicken lips. Big draw for zoophiles!

  10. chuck says:

    Its dificult to tyype with just one hhand.

  11. JimD says:

    “stimulate the economy with SEX!” – Isn’t that what MOST ADS are about ???

  12. master_of_fm says:

    looks like Jenny McCarthy and I cant stand her. Picture makes me want to kick her in the teeth and maybe some puppies.

  13. ECA says:

    I wonder what we could learn, IF’
    we took all the knowledge that the Commercial/TV/Video services, for Print and TV for making sales. And Simplified it, and printed it to the WORLD.
    THEN take all the Political PLAY…SHOWING how they can manipulate what is SAID with what is DONE, and PRINT that into another book for the WHOLE world…

    What do you think people would do, after they find out ALL their emotions and THOUGHTS are being PUSHED and SHOVED around..

  14. t0llyb0ng says:

    Makes me want to lie next to her & wrap my limbs around her. Call me cornball.

  15. mikel says:

    Why the heck do you think there are booth babes at conventions ? Sheesh !

  16. gregallen says:

    It’s not the bikini, technically, it’s what’s in it.

  17. Macs4Eva says:

    I don’t know. She does nothing for me. Now if it were Steve, it might be a different story.

  18. Saratonja says:

    # 18 gregallen said,
    “It’s not the bikini, technically, it’s what’s in it.”

    You Sir are Mistaken, I believe that it is in fact.. what is hanging out of it.. that matters!

    or for that matter what ripe fruits of the flesh lie beneath it.

  19. D.L. Beard says:

    “they exhibited improved cognition and creativity after exposure to sexy stimuli.”

    Cite this study the next time you are caught surfing porn while on the job. “But boss, I was just trying to do my job better” 😉


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