The Denver Post

Post lifestyle reporter Doug Brown and his wife, Annie, were featured on NBC’s “Today Show” this morning discussing a book about their sex lives. Doug Brown wrote the book after Annie suggested that they have sex every day for 100 days. She said, after 14 years together, their sex life had become stale. “Just Do It: How One Couple Turned Off the TV and Turned on their Sex Lives for 101 Days (No Excuses!),” details the journey. “Immediately, I had second thoughts,” Annie Brown told interviewer Ann Currie in this morning’s interview. “When I would tell my girlfriends about it, immediately, their mouths would drop open and they’d ask, ‘Are you crazy?'” “You couldn’t do this for the rest of your life … it was exhausting,”said Doug Brown.

But he recommends couples push themselves at least once a week, regardless of fatigue. Annie Brown said there were lasting benefits after the experiment was over. “I think what we really learned is that we have to take care of each other more and pay attention to each other in a way that we hadn’t since the early days of our marriage,” she said. “It wasn’t just the sex, we were constantly hugging each other. And that has lived on. We touch more,” said Doug Brown.

Awwwww, now that’s just disgusting… and do we really need to know about this?

  1. MIkey Twit says:

    I happen to think this great. Do we really need to know about anything in the news? It’s just another conversation starter story. I happen to believe sex in a marriage is more than sex, it is truly about intimacy. The problem is both sexes come at it from different points of view. An experiment like this really forces both parties to figure what sex in their relationship and their relationship is all about. And yes I am happily married and get my fair share, though not lately with the wife being 9 months pregnant;just uncomfortable all the way around!!

  2. QB says:

    And the point of this article is?

  3. edwinrogers says:

    Were they, “geotagged”? It would be nice to have a website where we could see where they’re humping.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Cute. I’m not sure we needed to know all about it, but cute. At least it’s better than the guy wide-stancing it in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul airport potty room.

  5. The Pirate says:

    1. Have sex 100 days straight.
    2. Write a book about it.
    3. Get on NBC’s “Today Show”.
    4. Profit.

  6. Hand Fetish says:

    Oh my God. look at her right hand!!!!! She’s a bloody freak!!!!

  7. Daniel says:


    Now you know why HE’S smiling.

    Oh, and her hand still is no bigger than his forehead.

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    “Awwwww, now thats just disgusting. And, do we really need to know about this?”

    Hey, it’s only disgusting if you don’t take a bath. She does have some man hands. It didn’t say if any butt secks was involved.

  9. QB says:

    Ohhhhhh. Profit!

    Like every person here I was thinking: “They had sex 100 days in a row. Wow they must a low libido.”

  10. QB says:

    P.S. Me type good. 😉

  11. hhopper says:

    Mister Mustard, I think you have a wide stance complex.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    *APPLAUSE* Oh… they want me to buy a book… what the hell are they? Jehovah’s Witnesses?

  13. JimR says:

    I wonder how far that is in miles.

  14. Mister Ketchup says:

  15. Breetai says:

    Hmpf…. Well practice makes perfect. Now that I think about it they may actually have a real point.

  16. Reminds me of a headline from a trashy romance mag from a couple of decades ago touting that a woman gets “quickie sex” several times a day and more at night. 🙂

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    Mister Ketchup, you are truly the jerk-off MASTER. First Bush and McBush, now the reporter’s wife.

    How do you do that? I need to know that trick.

    [Editor intervention- ed.]

  18. billabong says:

    I’ve had sex for the last 200 days… myself.Does that count?

  19. Mustard, your wife told me the first time you pulled yours out she said, “no, I don’t smoke.”

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – Mister Ketchup

    LOL!! 😀 Thanks for the laugh! Good way of ending the evening. 🙂

  21. Improbus says:


  22. lou says:

    I think I will wait for the movie.

  23. notaredneck says:

    sex is only dirty if you do it right.

  24. Likes2LOL says:

    #6 – 4. Profit.
    Right, but calling it “intimacy” instead of sex is a euphemism for this soft porn book-selling scheme.

    How different is this really from the Masturbate-a-Thon 2008? :-O

    I’m embarrassed to say I took the time to watch the Today Show video — don’t bother, it’s just a couple of vacuous individuals on a book tour, with a vacuous psychotherapist to give it some gravitas. Shame on NBC for pimping this trash.

    I hope Nike sues ’em for the “Just Do It” book title.

  25. vorlon says:

    I love this article. I will show this to my wife and get more sex. Thats what it is good for.

    And If they make a bug out of there book, who cares I save tons of money for not going to special sites 😀

  26. Disgusting? That’s *HOPE*

  27. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Anything that causes more sex to happen in the world is a good thing.

  28. The Warden says:

    She claims some lasting benefits. She forgot to mention she now has TMJ and he has peyronies.

  29. Mister Ketchup says:

    #29 – And pays through the ass (no pun) for Preparation H.

  30. Stinker says:

    There you go! Keep the TV out of the Bedroom!


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