Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution – washingtonpost.com
WASHINGTON — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush. Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was “off the table.”
Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war. Kucinich introduced a resolution last year to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. That resolution was killed, but only after Republicans initially voted in favor of taking up the measure to force a debate. Kucinich won 50 percent of the vote in a five-way House Democratic primary in March, beating back critics who said he ignored business at home to travel the country in his quest to be president.
Our tolerance for corruption has certainly changed since Nixon’s, and then Clinton’s Presidency. Or, do you think back room deals were made?

>>Most of us have long since flipped the
>>bozo bit on MM.
Only the DittoHeads, Tommie. Only the DittoHeads.
#52, Les,
And is Libertarianism left or right?
An even more selfish right wing nut.
They didn’t just allow the inspectors to continue their job because the goal was to invade Iraq, or at least topple the regime.
#90, Thomas,
Don’t forget all of the other nation’s intel reports *also* said that Saddam had WMDs. Kerry stated point blank that we have to stop Saddam from using WMDs again.
Which nations? Several, such as Russia, Germany, and France all challenged Bush’s clam. Don’t you remember how they were ridiculed as being “appeasers” or “just defending Saddam because they make money”? What about the UN Inspectors that said there were no WMDs and asked the Americans where they might be found? What about past inspectors such as Scott Ritter who claimed that all the WMDs had been destroyed by the UN during the ’90s?
Yes, Kerry said that, after being assured that Iraq still had WMDs.
Lester, Mike, Get a room.
# 17 Dr Dodd said, on June 10th, 2008 at 10:30 am
#16 Nixon’s Ghost
It’s obvious that your opinion is based more on a hatred for Bush than from any rational or truthful facts. Your vacuous intellect is not a total loss though because you give the rest of us a good idea of how the term, “blind hatred” came about.
Dr. Dodd, it’s obvious that you have no clue about rationality or truthful facts.
It has been proven time and time again that the war in Iraq was based on lies by the Chimp in the White House.
Just last week Congress released their report on the matter, and found that Chimpy exaggerated the case for war to the extreme.
So you are saying that Chimpy has been justified in sending over 4,000 (and counting) American service men and women to their deaths?
You are sick.
The Chimperor is a traitor.
How many billions of dollars have been wasted on the Iraq war that could have been used here in our own country?
He is hell-bent on helping everyone except the People Of The United States.
Oh, and Last night, Congressman Kucinich spent 4 hours reading into the Congressional Record 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush.
So you are still saying Chimpy is pure as the driven snow?
Pull your head out of your ass and smell the shit. It is piled to the sky in Washington DC.
Not that you could possibly be aware of it.
> Why do you think only
> Britain supported the USA
> war of choice in Iraq? ((don’t say it!!)).
I do not think that since it is not true. The coalition that invaded Iraq included dozens of countries including Italy, Australia, Poland, Spain, Turkey and a host of others. Further, if you remember the discussions with the UN about “authorizing” the war, there was never any doubt that Saddam had WMDs or even a nuclear program but rather what to do about it.
If it was common sense that Saddam did not have WMDs then why did many Democrats, including Bill Clinton, come out and say that Hussein was lying?
Remember that the UN Inspectors not only said they did not find anything yet, they *also* said that Iraq was not being uncooperative and that it was very possible they were concealing the program.
> Which nations? Several, such as Russia,
> Germany, and France all challenged
> Bush’s clam.
Not true. Some have *since* challenged Bush’s claim but they did not challenge the conclusion that Hussein had WMDs at the time. France, for example, argued having WMDs was insufficient justification for invasion. Same with Germany. They did not dispute the conclusion that Hussein had at least chemical weapons but rather that having them was not enough to warrant invasion.
#94 Mr. Gawd Almighty,
Actually, I really like the way the political compass scores things with authoritarian/libertarian on the up/down axis and financially left/right to indicate the degree to which one wants corporations controlled.
So, the top-left quadrant is communists. The top-right is where all of our politicians are today — solidly in the repugnican camp — even the dems though a bit less extreme –, the bottom left becomes liberals (I’m there, below and to the left of Ghandi and Mandela.), and the bottom right is likely anarchists or something, not sure what they’d call it.
Take the test. It’s fun to see where you really stand on things anyway.
#98 Nixon’s Ghost
As distasteful as it is to defend any politician it seems necessary in this case to update your programming. If you’re going to hate someone at least do it with facts and not lies.
Faulty intelligence or lies as you call it is the direct result of the ineptness of the head of the CIA at the time, George Tenet. He briefed everyone from congress to the president and they all bit like a fat lady at a buffet.
You ask – “How many billions of dollars have been wasted on the Iraq war that could have been used here in our own country?”
This is not a very good argument because I could just as easily trump that by saying, “How many trillions of dollars have been wasted buying oil from our enemies that could have been used in our own country if only we drilled for our own oil.”
If you would like to blame or hate someone for Iraq maybe George Tenet should be given a little more consideration.
#100–Scott==did you post this awhile back? I think I took it then, also turns out I’m a liberal. Started taking the test again and got too bored by page two. When should you mark Agree vs Strongly Agree on any given issue?==So, the test is a bit arbitrary and would only be fun to take twice==once with the more neutral and again with everything marked “Strongly.”
All depends on what assumptions you make along with the questions as asked?
Still, worthwhile test if you haven’t taken a few in your life.
#96, Scott Ritter is claiming Saddam had WMDs.
He says the Democrats don’t want to admit Bush was right, while the Republicans don’t want to admit they let terrorists get a hold of these weapons. So if he’s you’re authority, then Saddam had WMDs.
Great Nixon’s Ghost, the Senate report contradicts itself, especially with regards to links between Al Qaeda and Saddam. They acknowledge various links and that Saddam was hosting Al Qaeda in country, then say there was no realtionship.
#101 – Doc “How many trillions of dollars have been wasted buying oil from our enemies that could have been used in our own country if only we drilled for our own oil.”
Or even better, “How many trillions of dollars have been wasted buying oil from our enemies (foreign, as well as domestic buddies of our most highly placed ‘leaders’) that could have been used to develop alternatives to driving 9mpg Humpers and Naggravators, opting instead for solar, wind, hydrogen power, as well as improving mass transit, buying bicycles, re-learning to walk, etc.?””
Bush isn’t going to be impeached. Get over it you leftist weenies! The votes aren’t there, they were never there! Bush is a lame duck with 6 months left…let’s move on! Oh yeah let’s all vote for Crazy Cindy Sheehan! She hasn’t got a chance in Hell in defeating Pelosi but maybe it will be “deja vu all over again” like in 2000 when the Nader voting numbskulls in Florida alone gave us 8 fucking years of George W. Bush! (Be in denial all you want!) Same with the Presidential election…let’s all vote for Nutcase Nader or write in Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich! The Republicans will love you for it and we’ll have President McCain! Of course that will give you at least 4 more years to bitch and as total malcontents you’ll be happy!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…the far left can be equally as goofy as the far right!
Misanthropic Scott,
Great link in your post #100
My political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92
Interesting, I thought of myself as leaning toward economic right/libertarian, but I guess not…
Mass transit, bicycles, and walking. And they say conservatives want to go back to the past.
#102 – bobbo,
#100–Scott==did you post this awhile back?
Yes. I’ve certainly posted it on Cagematch and likely here as well. My own results are pretty extreme and can be viewed on the cagematch post.
I think I took it then, also turns out I’m a liberal.
I already knew that about you.
When should you mark Agree vs Strongly Agree on any given issue?
I tend to use agree or disagree on the issues that do not make my blood boil and strongly either way on those that do. It would be nice if they gave a “don’t give a shit either way” option.
I suggested on one post on my own blog that the religious Christians in the audience should take the test first, then take it again either answering the way they think that Jesus would or at least in the way that they would while thinking about being more Jesus-like. Probably only Mister Mustard’s results would be unchanged between the two tests.
Anyone think Jesus would vote republican?
I have visions of Jesus asking people for their papers to prove citizenship and then asking for an insurance card before healing the sick.
#107 – ethanol,
Good score. I think that puts you right in line with Kucinich. I’m just a tad more extreme.
Economic Left/Right: -7.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.31
My score indicates that I want a lot of controls on corporations but do not want them owned by the government and that I want very few controls on people’s personal lives. And, I’m pretty “whole hog or none” about it.
>>Mass transit, bicycles, and walking. And they say
>>conservatives want to go back to the past.
Conservatives only want to go back to the past where wide-stancing it in the potty room doesn’t get plastered all over the internet, Lyin’ Mike.
#109 – Scottie
>Probably only Mister Mustard’s results would
>>be unchanged between the two tests.
They didn’t have Jesus in the displays of Famous Historical Figures, but I came closest to Ghandi.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08
#111 – Mister Mustard,
As you know, I don’t actually believe that the flesh and blood human named Jesus ever walked the planet. However, congratulations, as expected, you got a score solidly in the quadrant where I believe that a person who really takes Jesus’s message (or at least the mainstream view of the message that may or may not have really been his) would end up.
#112 Scottie
I retook the test in WWJD mode, and came up with this score:
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -7.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.87
Maybe I’m not quite the New Messiah on the Economic Left/Right continuum, but I’m pretty darned close on the Social Libertarian/Authoritarian scale. Still in the same quadrant.
Overall, I’d say I could do worse!
#113 – Mister Mustard,
That’s funny. I noticed a very slight drift upward on the authoritarian scale when you switched to WWJD mode. I wonder what caused that. Probably just one or two questions of difference. Did you adopt the anti-gay stance in WWJD mode? (Just curious, not criticizing.)
Since you’re the first I know of that took the test both ways, I’d love it if you’d post those results on my How Would Jesus Vote topic.
It still amazes me that the most dogmatic of the Christians in the country (which obviously does not include you) actually do vote so against the main stream view of Jesus.
For War. For death penalty. Against universal health care. Against programs to help poor people, including the unwanted children created by their anti-abortion politics. Against gun control.
It really astounds me.
I wonder what would happen to ANYONE here, if we had done 1/10th of what Bush and his Friends have done?
What would happen to us if we DID any one of the things this group has done?
HOW long of a jail term would we be in for??
#103, Lyin’ Mike,
#96, Scott Ritter is claiming Saddam had WMDs.
Ya right. I think you’re caught up in another of your fanciful lies again. Here, the opening paragraph of Ritter’s Wikipedia entry.
William Scott Ritter, Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is noted for his role as a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, and later for his criticism of United States foreign policy in the Middle East. Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Ritter publicly argued that Iraq possessed no significant weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). He became a popular anti-war figure and talk show commentator as a result of his stance.
RE: 117,
Oopps, messed up the tag. The last section should have a link tagged to United Nations.
United Nations
In an interview with BBC in June 2004, David Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group, made the following comment:
“Anyone out there holding — as I gather Prime Minister Blair has recently said — the prospect that, in fact, the Iraq Survey Group is going to unmask actual weapons of mass destruction, [is] really delusional.”
>>Did you adopt the anti-gay stance in WWJD mode?
>>(Just curious, not criticizing.)
Not sure, Scottie. I didn’t write down my answers, I just clicked on what I thought (the first time) and what I thought Jesus would do (the second time). In retrospect, I think Jesus and I are pretty much on the same page re: gay relationships (ie, live and let live).
I’ll post my test scores when I get the opportunity.
>>Since you’re the first I know of that took the test
>>both ways, I’d love it if you’d post those results
>>on my How Would Jesus Vote topic.
I imagine that a number of my “Christian” brethren are either ashamed to reveal how their results differ from those of their Lord and Savior, or they actually think that Jesus was a hate-mongering, xenophobic, homophobic son of a bitch.
Hey, what can I say? Every culture has its black sheep.
I believe: http://tinyurl.com/2p7doo
#120 – Mister Mustard,
Every culture has its black sheep.
Nothing wrong with black sheep. Lots wrong with humans though. Every group has it’s idiots, racists, xenophobes, etc. I agree in concept. Just don’t insult sheep. Sheep wouldn’t treat each other or other species as badly as humans do.
> Yes, I also remember how the
> neo-cons suggested Russia and
> France especially were just
> trying to cultivate commercial relations with Iraq.
Actually, they were right. We discovered the Oil-for-Food scam which included numerous French and Russian companies.
> Russia does not have in its
> possession any trustworthy data that
> supports the existence of nuclear weapons
> or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
Except that we *did* find WMDs in Iraq in the form of chemical weapons which were akin to the ones used by Hussein to gas the Kurds.
RE: Britain, France, Germany
First, there is something fishy about an article that concludes that Rumsfeld was directed to fabricate evidence to invade Iraq without providing a shred of evidence to back that accusation. That is an incredibly damning claim that is made in passing with nothing to support it, so I find that source to suspect. Secondly, what about the dozens of other countries involved in the invasion? Further, don’t forget that *our* intelligence agencies had skepticism as well. Ok. Our intelligence agencies also had skepticism about a Japanese invasion prior to WWII. Intelligence is far from an exact science and given the uncooperative behavior towards the inspectors and the technical intelligence,they concluded that Iraq did have WMDs. Yes, we lacked sufficient human intelligence (thanks Bill and Bush Sr.) and that is a huge failure of the military and intelligence communities and, yes, the Bush Administration. However, that is a far, far, far cry from saying they *knew* that Saddam did not have WMDs and went in anyway. Nothing you have presented shows any concrete evidence that Bush knew for a fact that Saddam had no WMDs of any kind and forced us into Iraq anyway.
By the way, in your wiki link about the UN, did you note the numerous times that Hussein used chemical weapons?