Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution –

WASHINGTON — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush. Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was “off the table.”

Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war. Kucinich introduced a resolution last year to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. That resolution was killed, but only after Republicans initially voted in favor of taking up the measure to force a debate. Kucinich won 50 percent of the vote in a five-way House Democratic primary in March, beating back critics who said he ignored business at home to travel the country in his quest to be president.

Our tolerance for corruption has certainly changed since Nixon’s, and then Clinton’s Presidency. Or, do you think back room deals were made?

  1. Les says:

    “plus-sized intern”
    You start bad mouthing Monica, and you’ll have a real fight on your hands.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>How can you even compare the America of
    >>today to the America of 1930

    Sure, America’s been through some tough times, but never because of the single-handed actions of a chimpanzee and his handlers, as is the case with Dumbya.

    As to the Vietnam War, Johnson/JFK didn’t start it, they inherited an ongoing conflict. They just weren’t able to end it in a timely fashion (and don’t forget Nixon’s role in the escalation). On the other hand, Dumbya DID start the war in Iraq, for no fucking reason at all. He lied, Americans died.

  3. Les says:

    “for no fucking reason at all”
    Why would he start a war if he had no reason. It defies logic.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>“for no fucking reason at all”

    >>Why would he start a war if he had no reason.
    >>It defies logic.

    Hey, it’s Dumbya. Most of what he does defies logic. Why would he continue to pronounce “nuclear” as though it were spelled “nookyahlar”? Doesn’t he have any media consultants? Is he just too stupid to learn how to pronounce a word that most first-graders can say without a problem?

    It defies logic.

    In fact most of the past 7 years defies logic. From the theft of the 2000 election, the ’04 Swift-Boating, through his trophy war, to the present day. The whole reign has been a mystery. How could this happen to America?

  5. Les says:

    Well, I cant pronouce “nuclear”, I hope you dont hold that against me.

    Whats wrong with the swift board ads. I fully expect to see Reverend Wright ads this election.

    I am just saying that he must have had a reason. It could be getting Sadam to make daddy happy, it could be that an Iraqi peed on his shoe once, it could be that he believed that Iraq had WMDs (which they did at one time). I don’t know, I just don’t believe that he had no reason.

  6. LibbyBuck says:

    I think N.P. has been threatened into submission.

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    #64 Mister Mustard

    “As to the Vietnam War, Johnson/JFK didn’t start it, they inherited an ongoing conflict.”

    Vietnam was originally a French problem but it was JFK that got the US into that one. So I guess JFK was 0 wins and 2 losses – Bay of Pigs and Vietnam.

    But he did speak well.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well, I cant pronouce “nuclear”, I hope you
    >>dont hold that against me.

    Come on, lester. It’s only seven letters. It’s not like it’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or something. NOO-KLEE-URR. Say it. I know you can.

    >>Whats wrong with the swift board ads.

    You’re kidding, right? What’s wrong with the Swift Boat Liars, the most odious perjurors ever to excercise their 1st Amendment rights? GAK! Surely you jest.

    >>I am just saying that he must have had
    >>a reason.

    Oh sure he had a reason. He just didn’t have a reason that anyone with an IQ greater than 10 would consider a legitimate excuse for sending thousands of Americans to their death. And the reasons he GAVE were all lies. Told with the full knowledge that they were lies.

    I’d much rather have a president who gets the occasional Oval Office blow job than one who has committed the atrocities that Dumbya has committed.

  9. catlover says:

    #24 You are an idiot!

    We have the greatest intel operatives in the world. Bush had intel, Chainey had intel, Rummy had intel, Powell had intel, and Condi had intel that said that Saddy had no weapons of mass destruction. Catch up on your reading. The chemical weapons found was the stuff we gave him for the iran/kurd incursions. We trusted him then; go figure! You people don’t get it! Bush lied! He is a dishonest man who surrounds himself with people like himself. His professors knew it, his friends know it, his own mother knows it. It is time we put in a leader who values the constitution and the people who fight for it. And, Nancy Pelosi….OH BROTHER! This lady has been to Israel more times than anyone, taking marching orders. And we all know they don’t have our interests at heart. If we don’t watch out folks, we will be in WWIII and ducking for cover ourselves. Watch for news on the Arctic. Can anyone say…let’s get the hell off oil! New energy solutions = American jobs! Let’s move toward the 22nd century with dignity, world kindness, and new science that benefits all of mankind.

  10. hANOVER fIST says:

    Article II Section 4 states that it is incumbent upon Congress to do its duty. When High Crimes and Misdemeanors are involved then Congress SHALL impeach.

    This is your duty.

    If you don’t wish to do your duty…please resign. And I’m truly miffed that you are pulling bills on behalf of Israel. You have an obligation to enact the will of WE THE PEOPLE.

    If you want to do Israel’s bidding, please run for the Knesset.

    Please understand…this is not a I-hate-Jews/Israel rant…nothing could be farther from the truth…but I just don’t understand why you, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the UNITED STATES, seem to be beholden to a foreign nation.

  11. BigCarbonFoot says:

    The seven year Democratic smear campaign has certainly done it’s job.

    AT least we’re still alive which is not a high probability had Gore succeeded in stealing the election in 2000.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The seven year Democratic smear campaign has
    >>certainly done it’s job.AT least we’re still alive
    >>which is not a high probability had Gore succeeded
    >>in stealing the election in 2000.

    If Al Gore hadn’t been sandbagged by the Repub criminals in Florida and Daddy Dumbya’s friends on the Supreme Court, we’d be a fuck of a lot better off than we are right now.

    Our economy wouldn’t be in the shitter, we wouldn’t be the laughingstock of the world, the dollar wouldn’t be worth less than toilet paper, the environment wouldn’t be going to hell in a handbasket, 4000 American kids would still be alive, we wouldn’t have generated a whole new generation of insurgent terrorists… need I go on?

    The seven years of “smear” have nothing to do with the Dems. From the mainstream media to the whackadoodles on Faux Spews, everybody has given Dumbya and his puppetmasters pretty much of a free pass. In spite of that, Dumbya has run America into the ground.

    Mission Accomplished?

  13. MikeN says:

    Regarding torture and the 8th amendment, the 8th amendment applies to punishments handed out by courts. It would be a violation of the 8th amendment if a judge sentenced you to be tortured. I’m not sure to what level this applies, since the 5th amendment says something about loss of life or limb, so maybe some tortures are OK.

  14. gregallen says:

    This confirms my belief that Kucinich does not have the leadership skills to be president.

    Apparently, he couldn’t get ONE SINGLE CONGRESSMAN to stand with him on this?

    He needed a hundred but he didn’t have one.

  15. MikeN says:
    Here’s the post on goddamned piece of paper.

  16. MikeN says:

    Best I remember, it was the Kerry Campaign that kept agreeing with the Swift Boat Vets. They agreed that the first Purple Heart wasn’t deserved and that Kerry drove away in his boat before rescuing the guy. Oh and they also graciously agreed that Kerry didn’t remember hearing Pres. Nixon on the radio in Christmas 1968 during a secret mission to Cambodia, since Nixon wasn’t even president yet.

  17. gregallen says:

    >> BigCarbonFoot
    >> The seven year Democratic smear campaign has certainly done it’s job.

    Yeah, right, he’s NOT the one of the worst presidents in US history.

    It’s only a Democratic smear job.

    IN REALITY, Bush has done a FANTASTIC JOB!

    Well, vote for McCain if you really believe that.

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    Dennis Kucinich should stick to his plans to ban mind control rays from outer space. No, really. This is what he wants passed into law. If you think I am bs’ing you, Google H. R. 2977. Kucinich is insane.

  19. bobbo says:

    #81–Lou==what flavor is that coolaid you’re drinking?

    Sounds like a good law to me which wasn’t passed as it would interfere with USA plans to militarize space.

    Any solid link showing Kucinich wanted to bad mind control rays? I’ll wait.

  20. gregallen says:

    Kucinich isn’t insane. Not at all. I’d say he is clearer of mind than most.

    However, he does not play well with others.

    That’s why I could never vote for him for president.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Just to bring us back to the original topic for a second.

    The question is, why doesn’t Nancy Pelosi back trying to impeach Bush?

    Deep down inside we all know the answer.. (drum roll).. the answer is, because far too many Dem’s are just as dirty as Bush. If impeachment hearings commenced we would discover just how many Dem’s not only voted for the war, but profited handsomely from it. Maybe they got some defense industry jobs in their district, a little kickback to their PAC fund, a sweet job waiting for them when they leave politics, whatever.

    You all know deep down inside that the corruption from this war goes to the political bone.

    And that it is better (for those involved) to just let things fade away.

  22. bobbo says:

    #84–Ah Yea==nope. While all politicians are corrupt and a majority voted for the war and all try to profit from it or have their district benefit from it, Bush is the one and only who decided to invade Iraq on “intelligence reports” he manipulated, he is the one and only who makes signing statements that he won’t follow the law as passed by Congress, he is the one and only that authorized torture==and the list goes on.

    Besides he is the one and only President so it matters little what all the other disreputable politicians do day in and day out.

    No, its simpler than any covering up of malfeasance. The Dems remember the backlash the Repukes got when impeaching Clinton AND they know they have lost elections when voting against WAR! They perspicasciously recognize the stupidity of the voting public’s 50/50 support for all things jingoistic==and they cowardly don’t want to defend the Constitution or their own role in governmental check and balances. Much safer to continue pandering to the fears and emotions of the voting public than do their duty.

    Its why democracies fail over the long haul.

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, maybe that too….

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Now this has me wondering which is worse, the idiot politician who got us into this mess or the spineless politician who leaves us there.

  25. ECA says:

    HE CANT be impeached..

  26. bobbo says:

    Ah Yea–you crack me up. The simplist response can sometimes be the best?

    #88–ECA==of course Bush should be impeached==just for the record AND to keep the next egotistical power mad president in check. If they run out of time==so be it.

    Now, that does raise the “political” question. If you realize Bush can’t be impeached because of the time, and that starting it would rally the repubs to support McSame==would you vote to start impeachment or not?

    I don’t think I would==real politic. But I would have a year ago, two years ago, three years ago right up as to when it was obvious to anyone with a brain that we were invading Iraq on falsified information WHEN other methods (Hans Blixs sp?) were readily available.

    Funny the USA is going bankrupt for absolutely no good reason at all. Great Powers should fail when they get this stupid.

  27. Thomas says:

    Most of us have long since flipped the bozo bit on MM. Even within this thread he has dined on shoe leather multiple times. As for logic, with MM, I suspect you would be wasting your time.

    Don’t forget all of the other nation’s intel reports *also* said that Saddam had WMDs. Kerry stated point blank that we have to stop Saddam from using WMDs again. Even if you don the tin foil hat and think that Bush fabricated the intel out of whole cloth, it does not explain how the other nations of the world came to the same conclusion using their own intelligence groups.

    If you think Bush should be tried for “high crimes” then you must also think that the most of the members of Congress should also be tried.

  28. bobbo says:

    #90–Thomas==I recall some report that the British had several reports==some saying there were WMD, others saying probably not? So, the American Media with the help of Bushco referes only to the supporting reports–culling the evidence again to support their position.

    Why do you think only Britain supported the USA war of choice in Iraq? ((don’t say it!!)).

    And why didn’t we just very cheaply extend the no fly zone and allow the UN inspectors to continue their jobs?

    Tin foil? No–common sense available AT THE TIME!!! You must be part of the 30% who still support BushCo?

    And yes, a congress doing its job would “impeach” (sic) its own members engaged in corruption, pedophilia, and earmarks in return for contributions. Would result in a cold, empty windy room for quite some time?

  29. gwu77 says:

    Someone asked what happened to Sheehan? She`s running for Congress!


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