Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution –

WASHINGTON — Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush. Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was “off the table.”

Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war. Kucinich introduced a resolution last year to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. That resolution was killed, but only after Republicans initially voted in favor of taking up the measure to force a debate. Kucinich won 50 percent of the vote in a five-way House Democratic primary in March, beating back critics who said he ignored business at home to travel the country in his quest to be president.

Our tolerance for corruption has certainly changed since Nixon’s, and then Clinton’s Presidency. Or, do you think back room deals were made?

  1. I really like Kucinich. Too bad that not being bought by corporate america means no air time on corporate american media.

  2. Les says:

    Facts to support Vince Fosters murder.
    Of course there is no way to link the Clintons to the murder. But they had the motive, and the ability to execute such a cover up. Much like the alleged Bush war intel.

  3. Davol says:

    I want Nancy Pelosi off the table! Throw her in prison when this is all over along with the rest of the Bush Administration traitors that need to be charged with the very real crimes they have committed against humanity whether there is an Impeachment or not.

  4. Here’s a cute little video that should make things a bit more apparent. Sounds like a good book. I might have to pick up a copy, if I think I can stomach knowing more than I already do.

  5. mugwort says:

    Pelosi is a Traitor, a criminal, a liar, a hypocrite and a fraud. She belongs in jail.

    Her hands are stained with the BLOOD of HUMAN BEINGS.

    She is NOT AMERICAN. She is a ZION.

  6. chabuka says:

    Its is time for Congress to be held accountable too….including Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer….John Conyers is a disgrace…we must prove to these people we will not tolerate their obstruction any longer…we the people run this country…California, Michigan, Nevada and your Representative out…vote these false Democratic fossils out of office…put some one in who will actually uphold the Constitution and will take their oath of office seriously..this is the first step in taking our country back..Nancy Pelosi should be censured since she was one of the gang of “8” who heard the original (false) reasons for going to war..obviously she should be held responsible along with Bush/Cheney for lying us into this mess….

  7. Les says:

    “put some one in who will actually uphold the Constitution and will take their oath of office seriously”

    Oh, you mean like Republicans.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oh, you mean like Republicans.

    Les. Les, Les, Les. The most Powerful Republican In The World has referred to the Constitution of the United States as “just a goddamned piece of paper”. And the motherfucker has walked the walk, using the Constitution to wipe his hemorrhoids on a regular basis.

    Are you daft, stupid, or just dishonest?

  9. Eyes Wide Shut says:

    If you want to know why she immediately took impeachment “Off the table” and keeps it there, follow the AIPAC money.

    If we Americans want our counrty back, we must kill the power of the isreali lobby and boot all of those dual isreali citizens the hell out of major government positions. We must let the politians know that we are not slaves to the propaganda the isreali-controlled media puts out and thay they CAN win without AIPAC’s support and with AIPAC’s animosity. Just don’t tell Cynthia McKinney this, since AIPAC took her out twice.

  10. #36 – Les,

    “put some one in who will actually uphold the Constitution and will take their oath of office seriously”

    Oh, you mean like Republicans.

    That was sarcasm, right? I’m only asking because Mr. Mustard took you seriously.

  11. Les says:

    Source? That would severly dissapoint me. Alan Greenspan said that! 🙂

    Seriously, I think most politicians on either side of the aisle think this way.

    There are a few who respect the document (Ron Paul comes to mind), but for the most part it seems to be worse on the left.

    Anyone who supports the “living document” philosophy does not support the constitution. It means what the framers meant, no what some judge would like it to mean. Justice O’Connor in a 2003 decision on affimative action said that affimative action would not be needed in 25 years. BS, if its constitutional in 25 years, its constitutional now. The founding document of our country does not change, unless by the ammendment process.

  12. Les says:

    No, I was not being sarcastic.

  13. #41 – Les,

    So, you think that the changes that the repugnicans have made in government are evidence of their taking their oaths of office seriously?

    You are delusional.

    That the democraps let them get away with it does not make the repugnicans any more reputable.

  14. Les says:

    I found a source for your quote:
    “just a goddamned piece of paper”
    That is most disturbing. I now must classify Bush as a RINO. Thats right in line with Hillary’s:
    “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

    I would still place Alan Greenspan as the most powerfull republican. I don’t know what Ben Bernanke’s politics are.

  15. Alan Cabal says:

    If we nuke Israel, we don’t have to worry about Israeli shills, dupes, or agents in our government. There’s more evidence linking Israel to the 911 attacks than there is linking Afghanistan or Iraq. Besides, everyone would love us for it.

  16. jjshabadoo says:

    Funny how a blow-job is deemed fine for impeachment and this not. Consider the scope and the damage done.

  17. Les says:

    Absolutly, many things done by the current administration have been unconstitutional, parts of the Patriot act come to mind. I could state the 1994 crime bill as a big example on the other side.
    Republicans beleive:
    1) the limited, delegated powers of the Federal Government set forth in the Constitution;
    2) the balance of power among the three coordinate branches of the Federal Government;
    3) the freedom of the States and their people to promote their own welfare within the spirit and letter of the Constitution, with only such assistance or regulation by the Federal Government as may be necessary in the best interests of all the people, or essential under the Constitution.
    4) Equality of opertunity.
    Democrats encourage:
    1) Bigger government running the details of our lifes
    2) redefining the constitution as they see fit
    3) Redistribution of wealth.
    4) Equality of outcome.

  18. Les says:

    The “blow job” was not the impeachable offense.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I would still place Alan Greenspan as the
    >>most powerfull republican. I don’t know what
    >>Ben Bernanke’s politics are.

    Clearly you don’t know what Alan Greenspan’s politics are either. From Wiki-whatever:

    “Of all the presidents with whom he worked, [Greenspan] praises Bill Clinton above all others, saying that Clinton maintained “a consistent, disciplined focus on long-term economic growth.“.

    Greenspan is more of a Libertarian than a Republican. And whatever he is, he’s not a douche bag flip-flopping dimwit like Dumbya and his “Republican” administration. 7 years of those assholes was almost enough to destroy America.

  20. MikeN says:

    #28,torture doesn’t violate the 8th amendment.

  21. Les says:

    And is Libertarianism left or right?

    Just because he praised Clinton’s fiscal policy, does that change his afilliation?

  22. MikeN says:

    #16, oh goody, back to the Joe Wilson affair. Are you liberals ever going to figure out that Wilson was lying? Or that Karl Rove wasn’t the leaker, it was Richard Armitage, who was against the Iraq War? All the things McClellan hastosay on the subject are from reading the liberal talking points. Please have these hearings.

  23. MikeN says:

    Les, you’ll find a post about the goddamned piece of paper quote on this site. It’s unreliable, but liberals just want to believe.

  24. Les says:

    I would like to hear more about this theory?
    “#28,torture doesn’t violate the 8th amendment.”

  25. Positive says:

    Impeachment = Instant positive feedback from the rest of the world. But who cares about them?

  26. McCullough says:

    #55. Its certainly not my first consideration, but yeah….bonus points.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The “blow job” was not the impeachable offense.

    The “blow job” was what led to the impeachment. Strangely, Dumbya has almost destroyed America, lied about almost everything he’s opened his mouth about, yet he hasn’t suffered any legal ramifications for his unethical, immoral, and illegal behavior. Huh.

    >>Les, you’ll find a post about the goddamned
    >>piece of paper quote on this site. It’s
    >>unreliable, but liberals just want to

    Are you claiming that the Chimperor in Chief never actually said that?? Whoa, Lyin’ Mike, I think it’s time to put on the tinfoil hat!

  28. Les says:

    You think he would have been impeached if he had admitted it, instead of redefining what is is?

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You think he would have been impeached if he
    >>had admitted it, instead of redefining what is

    Of course he wouldn’t have been impeached. Slick Willy has a problem keeping his willy in his pants, but he was a fucking good president. So he was pussywhipped, and was (understandably) afraid to admit in public that he was getting his knob polished by a plus-sized intern. What do you suppose he’d say if they asked him if he jerked off? That kind of shit has no bearing on his ability to run the country.

    Dumbya, on the other hand, has displayed an unparalleled ability to fuck up everything he’s done since stealing the presidency, including, lying, cheating, stealing. Yet he’s going to skate.

    Life’s just not fair, sometimes.

  30. Les says:

    Almost destroyed America?
    How can you even compare the America of today to the America of 1930 or some other time when our country was in dire straights.

    We have lost 4000 soldiers in Iraq, thats tragic, but it is nothing compared to the 58,000 lost in the JFK / Johnson Democrat led war in Viet Nam.

    Unemployment is at 5.5%, compared to 10% at the end of Carters presidency.

    America is strong now.


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