Morningness is a predictor of better grades in college, according to a research abstract that will be presented on June 9 at SLEEP 2008, the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.
The study, authored by Kendry Clay, of the University of North Texas, focused on 824 undergraduate students who were enrolled in psychology classes.
According to the results, college students who are evening types had lower GPAs, while those who are morning types had higher GPAs.
“The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding, sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future, along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,” said Daniel J. Taylor…who developed the concept for this study.
“Further, these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy to help students entrain their biological clock to become more morning types.”
Cripes, I guess morningness is really a word because there’s a morningness/eveningness scale.
Well, Public Schools were introduced to TRAIN FARM KIDS TO GET UP EARLY so they could work in FACTORIES !!! Readin, Writin, and ‘Rithmatic were only incedental consequences of the REGIMENTATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE INTO INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY !!! Trains kids to become PART OF THE MACHINE, ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL !!! Schools should be adapted to the need of young bodies, not MACHINES !!!
“Further, these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy to help students entrain their biological clock to become more morning types.”
Or academically-minded people become morning types because of their dedication to attending class which is typically in the morning. While slackers tend to go out all night and skip class by sleeping in.
Correlation does not equal causation.
This study isn’t complete until evening types are given the option for attending classes that fit their schedule. Chances are that those with the late leaning circadian rhythm are just as bright and studious as the morning kids.
I’m not going to “become” a morning type… Fuck the morning. I’m productive in the later day and evening, and that’s when I am going to go to scho… wait… I graduated… Never mind…
[Yes, but do you still dream about going to school? – ed.]
Could it be that evening people have lower GPAs because most tests are done in the morning?
forgot to add.. you will also look like a idoit moving the damn controller.
[I think you lost track of your threads there Zaw. – ed.]
How about holding classes in the evenings for people who are not morning people instead of trying to retrain their bodies to do something it doesn’t want to do??
It’s been fairly well documented for years that teenagers need more sleep, and at different hours, than adults. Going to bed at midnight and sleeping until 1000, for example, seems to work better with most kids.
The schools, though, seem to be married to 7-3 or 7-4, mostly, I think, to line up with working parents’ schedules.
I lived through it, but when I started hearing about this, many years later, it wasn’t a surprise. If they’d only asked me first….
Ok, I didn’t understand anything they said in that article. I mean, whats a “biological clock”? I have a binary clock, anything like that?
Could be cause it’s 1 pm here, and I just got up.
More “Tyranny of the Morning People” bullshit. We Night Folk used to be the ones who kept the fires burning through the darkness, plotted the courses of the stars and the seasons, made the legends and myths, sang the songs and made and mended the weapons and tools. Morning is for robots.
2AM here and I am bright eyed and bushy tailed readdy to take that test. Somebody wake up the teacher.
The type of person that gets up early also makes good grades — Type A people? This is a correlation. Morning people are also more fit, Morning people also piss-off more people……. this is more junk science.