Voting Machine Company Salesman Becomes Election Director in Texas
A former software sales manager for Election Systems & Software, the largest voting machine company in the country, has been named county elections administrator for Fort Bend County in Texas.
According to a local news report, John Oldham had been regional sales manager, account manager and Illinois state manager for ES&S, which is based in Nebraska.
Oldham is replacing the previous elections director, J.R. Perez, who abruptly resigned in March after clashing with county commissioners over the Hart InterCivic machines. According to the news report, Perez had wanted to get rid of the $4 million Hart machines in favor of machines that would produce a paper trail.
[…]A former sales rep for Diebold Election Systems (now Premier Election Solutions) is now the registrar of voters in San Diego, California.
You forgot “everybody knows”
I am thankful that here on the border between the Midwest and the Southeast we still fill in ovals on paper, which are read by optical readers.
Voting is the closest thing we have to a sacrament in the secular part of our society. Partake of it as often as you (legally) can.
Actually, I said “everybody knows” and I would have thought that if you don’t believe that you would have made a bigger deal about the “rigging machines in Ohio” bit of my comment.
P.S. Everyone does know.
How were the machines rigged in Ohio?
Also, I do not know, therefore everybody does not know.
I wont bother looking up any articles as a quick google search will easily yield many results. While Bush’s stealing the second election was just as blatant, for some reason it did not get the same wide public recognition as his stealing the 2000 election.
I think you probably do know. If not, then I think you have a problem with news awareness to go with your problem of taking things too literally.
>>Also, I do not know, therefore everybody
>>does not know.
Well, either you’re pulling our legs, Les, or else we’re going to have to amend the statement to “Everybody except Les knows”. Do you read the papers? Listen to or watch the news? Surf the internet? If the answer to any of those questions is “yes”, then YOU KNOW. Unless you’re mentally retarded, or a dyed-in-the-wool Republican (not that there’s much of a difference there).
Les, that thing about keeping people from voting. They claimed that there were police checkpoints at voting precincts, but the reality was there was one police car parked a mile away on a different road.
Since George Bush wasn’t elected in 2000, does that mean he can run for a third term?
Here’s the post about the goddamned piece of paper.
This is really one more reason to hate conservatives.
They were willing to UNDERMINE OUR VERY DEMOCRACY in order to win elections.
True patriots understand that the vote is sacred — you don’t mess with it under any circumstances.
Rush Limbaugh, most recently, has proven that conservatives are unworthy of the American dream.
#26, Lyin’ Mike,
I don’t think
No argument there.
#7, Dusan,
The only recent proven major election fraud was 2004 election of certain Democratic Governor …
You wish. Wing nuts like to point to Democrats and say something happened instead of allowing their own thievery to be noticed.Ohio was stolen by Bush supporters.
“everybody knows”
Bush stole the election
911 was a plot by our government
globel warming is a fact
God does not exist
aliens live in rozwell.
At least everybody on this blog.
Damnit LES get off our lawn.
#40, then how come Democrats are always against protecting the vote, things like voter ID, registration, etc?
The Democrats are against those things because it makes it harder for the poor to vote. Not to say that there reasons for doing that are noble.