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But the motion, put forward by the NDP, is non-binding on the minority Conservative government. Tory MPs voted against the motion but were outnumbered by the three opposition parties in a 137-110 vote.
The Toronto-based War Resisters Support Campaign estimates as many as 200 American soldiers escaped to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq.
The motion called on the government to “immediately implement a program to allow conscientious objectors and their immediate family members . . . to apply for permanent resident status and remain in Canada.”
The Conservatives also should “cease any removal or deportation actions,” the motion said.
Resistors to this futile and arrogant war rally around an avenue of escape long part of America’s history. Back to our nation’s founding – as a matter of historic fact.
#18 – Retired Army You conveniently ignored the point made by #1 (JimD) and others in typical “My mind’s made up; don’t confuse me with the facts” fashion. When people signed up to do their part for our country for whatever commitment (4 or 6 years) they chose, served their term honorably, and then their country turns around and screws them anally by implementing stop-loss again and again, they certainly are justified in bailing. They DID their part. Let ’em go. If this conflict were righteous (even justified), recruitment would not be a problem.
Your statements about Afghanis are sweeping and unfair. Most people in Afghanistan are not terrorists. They my want us out of their country, but they don’t all shoot at Canadian soldiers.
Anyone can appreciate beauty.
#32 MM. The US seems also fond of Saudi Arabia too and wanting to prevent a similar complete invasion – with or without WMDs. That’s why the King allowed their county to be a staging base for the US. Saudi Arabia thought they might be next.
But that aside, I thought the US would do anything for oil. And Kuwait seems to have more than its fair share. At least that’s what some have said about the real reasons for being “so fond of” Iraq.
#33 BertDawg. Afghanistan is righteous, yet Canadian recruiting and public opinion is problematic. I get the sense people just don’t seem to like dying horribly in a war.
#34 Noel. Why are you imagining the small minority of “people who are trying to kill the Canadians” to be a sweeping statement about all Afhanis? Part of the Canadian mission is to train Afghanis to look after their own affairs.
Anyone can appreciate beauty.
But it takes a special kind of person to appreciate the beauty of a field full of plants destined to addict and kill.
RBG – Afghanistan WAS righteous, when we first went in there. Now, it’s tainted by the stink from Iraq.
>>Afghanistan WAS righteous, when we first went in
>>there. Now, it’s tainted by the stink from Iraq.
Dumbya can taint just about anything.
37 BertDawg. Which in turn has been perfumed by WWII. Or how exactly does this work?
RBG – Everything I’ve read on the subject leads me to the conclusion that we had the bad guys cornered in Afghanistan, and when W decided to withhold the forces necessary to divert the troops it might have taken to finish that task in order to embark on the wild goose chase in Iraq, the bad guys in Afghanistan slipped away. Now what we are left with is a wealth generation machine for organizations like Halliburton and Blackwater Worldwide, to name just two.
Despite 21 years in the military, I am convinced that General Butler was 100% correct in asserting “War Is A Racket.” President Eisenhower tried to warn us about it too, but we so easily swallow the propaganda we are fed that he was basically wasting his breath. And the propaganda continues unabated. And we are still eating it up.
As for WWII, well, look at the industrial giants that arose from that, and draw your own conclusions. At least there was a lot more truth to the propaganda of that time.