This is from the Ron Paul camp who, with this attack vid, is showing he isn’t that different from the rest after all. On the other hand, those are McCain’s words.

Here’s an article on McCain’s timeline of involvement in the runup to the Iraq war. And one on his support of Bush’s wiretapping policies. And then there’s Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham who states McCain’s policies will be an extension of Bush’s. Then there’s the anti-GI Bill vote, the constant verbal gaffes and on and on.

McCain seems to be making sure that if you loved Bush you’ll love him. Or am I missing something?

  1. bobbo says:

    Yep, for the third time in a row we will see how effective the bald attack ad of “Obama is a LIBERAL who wants to raise taxes, talk to our enemies and bring socialized medicine” will sway the god fearing American consumerist.

    It “should be” a wipe out against McSame==so I’ll hold my breath until he has a senior moment and drools on himself during a debate.

  2. Improbus says:

    Watching McCain is just as painful as watching Dubya. He really is Bush III. Oh, well, it’s not like I was going to vote for him anyway.

  3. adinas says:

    I may be nuts, but it’s better to fight Iran now than be nuked by Iran later.

  4. Improbus says:


    You are nuts.

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. I’ll second that.

  6. bobbo says:

    What???? #3 is absolutely correct.

    It is even better to negotiate/confront Iran without going to war and change their nuclear aims. We would have a better chance of that if USA hadn’t spent its credibility and influence by a bankrupting fiasco in Iraq.

    Take the hypo as stated and don’t read so much into it==just about anything is better than a nuke==dontcha think?

  7. Shin says:

    I think we should shoot Adinas now, so he doesn’t shoot us later. Same I mean..he must have access to guns. I know he swears they are for peaceful purposes..but we’ve heard that before.

    It would be the end of our civilization if any of our enemies had nuclear capabilities. We must never allow that to happen. Wait..what’s that you say? Some of our enemies have had them for 50 years now? Damn. We must have been blasted back to the stone age years ago and never realized it. Certainly explains the current regime though….mutant Neanderthals …^_^

  8. Breetai says:

    Ya know I was 200 percent with that ad until that bit at the end completely derailed it. I mean completely derailed it.

  9. natefrog says:

    Dunno about you, but the most dangerous “rogue nation” in the Middle East is one that’s backed by the U.S. government.

    That’s right, it’s Israel…

  10. JimD says:

    Well, the Bush/Cheney/Repuke plan for America ISN’T WORKING FOR MOST AMERICANS !!! It seems to be working for Dumbya’s “Base” – the BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIOAIRES AND WAR-PROFITEERS LIKE HALLIBURTON AND BLACKWATER AND THE OIL COMPANIES OF COURSE !!! But ordinary Working Americans are GETTING THE SHAFT, and the Repukes message to Working Americans is ***DROP DEAD*** (OR CHENEY’S “Go F**K yourself) !!! And McCain promises MORE OF THE SAME !!! We should call him McBush !!! And it will be NO WONDER when he and the Repukes are BURRIED IN THE OBAMA LANDSLIDE IN NOVEMBER !!!

  11. MikeN says:

    #1, Obama does want to do all of those things, but if anything brings him down it will be guys like William ‘I wish I set more bombs’ Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright, and Obama’s own statement that you can’t eat as much as you want.

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    The only thing that interests me about this race is we get to watch one former media darling get thrown under the bus as he gets replaced by a new one.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Watching McCain is just as painful
    >>as watching Dubya.

    You’re right as rain on that one. Other than the fact that he seems to know how to pronounce most English words correctly, he seems to have gone to the same public speaking class as Dumbya. ARGHHH!

    >>I may be nuts, but it’s better to fight Iran
    >>now than be nuked by Iran later.

    Dick! Dick Cheney! Is that you? I didn’t realize you were a reader of dvorak dot org slash blog!!

  14. ArianeB says:

    #3 If we got the hell out of the middle east where we don’t belong, we would not have to worry about either scenario.

    We can’t afford American Imperialism anymore.

  15. chuck says:

    The goal is clearly $200/barrel oil. And bombing/nuking/invading Iran will achieve that goal.

    So what are we waiting for?

  16. MikeN says:

    #13, I see nothing controversial about that statement. Of course there are other choices that look a little better.

    Seems to me that Israel is the country facing that choice.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    How come I’ve got this HUGE feeling to invest in Halliburton right now?

    I missed the gravy train on the 1st gulf war, and then the second gulf war, but I guess it’s not too late for the third…

  18. McCain is a serious right wing neocon nut job. The press is giving him a free ride allowing him to present himself as a moderate. I hope someone finally calls him on it. Iraq is not his only extremist issue.

  19. MikeN says:

    I wonder if Obama or McCain would support the President’s executive order to check on legal status for all workers of government contractors?

  20. JimD,

    Re: McBush

    LOL!! I love it. I’ll spread the meme.

  21. MikeN says:

    Agreeing with Democrats on campaign finance reform and speech restriction, global warming, immigration, etc doesn’t make you right wing.

  22. hhopper says:

    Damn, is McCain even competent?

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – hhopper

    Politics for people with ADHD?

  24. andy says:

    mccain’s twitch-eye when he’s asked a tough question reminds me of marty feldman.

  25. #21 – MikeN,

    Agreeing with Democrats on campaign finance reform and speech restriction, global warming, immigration, etc doesn’t make you right wing.

    Actually, it means the dems are also right wing. But, there is more disagreement than you think.

    McCain supports campaign finance reform as long as it doesn’t mean that he has to give up taking huge quantities of money. He totally flip-flopped on this one, or more accurately, just totally flopped.

    McCain doesn’t really believe in global warming. If he did, he would not want to emit 50-75% more CO2 than the best science available says is the maximum allowable to avert catastrophe, thus ensuring disaster.

    In fact, McCain has received a well-earned score of a perfect zero on the environment from the League of Conservation Voters for his complete and utter failure to even bother to show up for any vote on any environmental issue.

  26. CountSmackula says:

    Jaysus Fuxing Christ!

    There’s more illiberal-liberal, anti-Republican, Bush/Cheney vitriol over here than at BoingBoing.


  27. MikeN says:

    By the way, weren’t you guys complaining about a fingerprinting database for the mortgage business a few days ago? One of the cosponsors was BARACK OBAMA!

    But hey, he’s for socialized medicine, so you’ll sacrifice a little liberty for health care right?

  28. Jimbeaux says:

    Same sh*t, different bag.

  29. Likes2LOL says:

    Sadly, Sen. McCain’s “Straight Talk” is easily refuted with readily available video clips of him contradicting himself.

    Start at — in “John McCain vs. John McCain,” at 1:15 he even calls his own flip-flop on the Confederate Flag controversy “an act of cowardice.”

    Watching him talk, I find his unnatural Cheshire Cat rictus of a smile quite unnerving — do they put in his teleprompter script? His eyelid blink rate goes way up, too, when he’s struggling to spin an answer.

    Bonus: See him sing “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” in

  30. Likes2LOL says:

    Correction: “…do they put *SMILE* in his teleprompter script?”

    Oh, and one more site for good measure:


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