1. ECA says:


  2. Mister Mustard says:


    Spelling, m’hijito.

    [Look it up Mr. M. You’re wrong. – ed.]

  3. igor says:

    fake? whats there to be fake?

  4. apeguero says:


  5. bugmenot says:

    I think it’s called “Contact Juggling”
    “Ball Handling” just sounds gay.

  6. Shubee says:

    The ball is suspended by a wire from a tree. If you look carefully, there are a few frames where you can see the wire.

  7. The Man says:

    This isn’t fake there are plenty of contact jugglers.

  8. Holyschmoly says:

    never heard of Michael Moschen??? Or seen the movie Labyrinth??

  9. WmDE says:

    Speaking of Michael Moschen


    May be NSFW as he needs some clothing.

  10. John Paradox says:

    the movie Labyrinth??

    Every time I see contact juggling, I think of that scene. Somewhere, there was a documentary that showed the guy who actually did that.. of course, I don’t remember his name.


  11. snuffmuffler says:

    I would pay this guy to teach that skill to my girlfriend.

  12. bh28630 says:

    snuffmuffler said,

    “I would pay this guy to teach that skill to my girlfriend.”

    She knows.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


  14. brian t says:

    Folks, automatically shouting “FAKE!” does not make you look smarter. Cynicism is not a substitute for genuine scepticism.

  15. UNKN says:

    He may have been a fantastic ball handler, but he still couldn’t keep the cameraman from checking out the person in the green shorts.

  16. Dallas says:

    Awesome and entertaining! Great find.

  17. YamWhatIYam says:


    I believe it was Michael Moschen who did that scene.

  18. singles says:

    Wow, that’s pretty cool.. I couldn’t learn that in 10 years lol

  19. hhopper says:

    IT’S NOT FAKE! The Internet has dulled your credibility.

  20. Ringo says:

    Cake!! Wait….. damnit!

  21. wakeup says:

    if this guy is for real, and so amazing, how come not one person in the near vicinity is taking any notice of him at all. Fake with a capital F.

  22. Mike H says:

    For the “not a fake” crowd, please explain how gravity is ignored around 1:50 into the clip. How is the ball held by two hands on top of the ball through these moves??

  23. forever young says:

    wakeup said,

    “if this guy is for real, and so amazing, how come not one person in the near vicinity is taking any notice of him at all. Fake with a capital F.”

    There are several people that are heard to be clapping in background, and you can see several people to the right of the tree in the near background at the end of the footage paying attention to his show.


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