• Steve Ballmer says all content within 10 years will be IP-based. Laughable prediction. I mock thee!
  • Apple’s new iPhone may be designed for video phonesex. iPhonesex?
  • Look for Snow Leopard as the latest for the Mac.
  • Microsoft meanwhile working on a very bloated embedded OS. Yoikes!
  • IBM does petaflop machine.
  • WiMAX folks decide to share patents, finally!
  • No Zune phone.
  • Carl Icahn becoming a pest.

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  1. andy says:

    i think dvorak is living at 300 baud. so then printing out every email you receive would make sense because keeping email on some “server” is laughable.

  2. Zaw says:

    What a good site it is to read after work! Not one iphone news on this website.. Thank god!

  3. MotaMan says:

    Honest – I can’t give a rats ass but the 3G Iphone will be out June 11th, a good source tells me.

  4. DFClifton says:

    Carl Icahn becoming a pest. Becoming? Ask the folks at Chrysler, Motorola and GM, he’s been a pest for a long time!
    He’s almost as much fun as a divorce lawyer.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    #3 – I heard July 11th. I had my iPhone stolen last week in Philadelphia airport and I was hoping it would be available this week. I bought a Virgin Mobile phone just to get me back home to my Samsung Blackjack. That VM phone is a POS. I backed over it in my car so I’d be sure never to use it again.

    I do believe that Blu-Ray is the last fixed format and everything will be delivered via IP. I was shown technology that does 4-1 lossless compression of HD video, not too shabby! Baldmer is a blowhard however.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    iPhone sex?? Well, I guess some of you guys can get your dick in the headphone jack.

  7. MrWhite says:

    IBM’s petaflop machine will also be used to run Vista. Zing!

  8. kurthamm says:

    John, listen to you all the time on TWIT. I have one of your books that I could probably sell on eBay for some dough.

    I want to get your opinion on something serious. What is the best software for monitoring your child’s computer?

    I hope you see this. You can reach me: kurt (at) hammjunk (.) com.


  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Considering how much the iPhone users love to rub it against themselves they just need a ribbed phone cover and hack it so it can vibrate non-stop.


    And mac users say the old powerpc Macs can outperform IBM’s supercomputer just because it runs OSX.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 Angel, you horny bastard.

    You must be creaming your jeans over the new G3 iPhone.

  11. JVD says:

    I noticed the discussion, about sex on an iphone,
    well, how about this!

    http://www.sexopmijniphone.nl (unfortunately, only available on iphone)


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