Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Iran’s First Vice President Parviz Davoudi agreed on Sunday to expand bilateral relation in various areas.

The “all-friendly ties” between Iran and Iraq will be expanded “without paying attention to the enemies’ efforts,” Davoudi was quoted by the IRNA as saying.

Davoudi said oil production, construction of power plants and establishment of border markets, as well as education, transportation and customs are among areas of valuable cooperation.

Earlier on Sunday after his late-night talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iraqi premier also said that his government “will not allow Iraq to become a platform for harming the security of Iran and other neighbors.”

Perfectly normal statement from neighboring countries – absent the presence of an imperial power.

I had to chuckle looking at coverage from other sources. Most of the non-American media was similar to this Chinese article – noting Iran’s obvious concerns about long-range U.S. plans to occupy Iraq – and expressing little or no surprise that al-Maliki didn’t press White House strategies more strongly.

What does your tame local newspaper say about the meeting, this morning?

  1. god says:

    Diddly-squat, nada, nuttin’ honey. No surprise.

  2. Jack Flanders says:

    That’s the problem of ‘installing’ a Democracy like we did…you can’t guarantee what they might end up doing. Iraq had been Iran’s big power check for decades, they kept Iran in line. Now they’re much more friendly nations and will likely form one big power block, making Iran more powerful and influential than ever.

    Democracy….be careful what you wish for you might get it.

  3. Daniel says:


    Better than the last democracy we installed in Iraq though, don’t you think?

  4. Dallas says:

    Goes to show how useless and irrelevant Bush’s Iraq war adventure really is in the grand scheme of things.

    What the GOP fascists have contributed in 8 years:
    *A trillion dollar waste of American wealth
    *Death to 100’s of thousand of people
    *Squandered opportunity to unite post 9-11
    *At war with no mission, no reason, no end
    *Everyone hates America more than Vista

    The only good thing out of the GOP/Bush fiasco is that things are so fucked up, even my conservative, Archie Bunker dad may vote for a black president. Wow.
    Oh, and the those suburban republicans will pay more to haul their fat asses to the mall.

  5. cjohnson says:

    Actually, a couple:

    and there might be a couple of others, but it is blocked with the evil “Registration Required” page

  6. MikeN says:

    The lefty media here doesn’t want to admit the meme about the Iraqi puppet government is a lie.

  7. Future Sounds of America says:

    I’m not sure what a ‘meme’ is….but I wish the ‘lefty’ media (you know, billion dollar corporations) WOULD talk about the lies…
    * Iraq will be an easy war.
    * The Iraq war will pay for itself.
    * Iraq was linked to 9/11.
    * Iraq had WMDs.
    * Iraq was a threat to the United States.
    * Iraq was buying uranium from Nigeria and had ‘aluminum tubes’ obviously used for nuclear weapons.
    * You can cut taxes and spend a trillion extra on a war at the same time, and the budget will magically balance itself.
    * Bush has a brain.

    How exactly do shimmy Bush supports explain that Bush has the lowest approval ratings EVER in the history of approval ratings? Keep in mind, that’s without having a specific single scandal (Watergate, oral sex)…just on general view. This has to include a LOT of independents and Republicans to be THAT unpopular. Reagan and Bush Sr never were disliked this much. But yeah, it must be that lefty media of General Electric or Viacom.

  8. Shin says:

    Talking with your neighbors does not mean your strings aren’t being pulled. Just because we are saber rattling with Iran means nothing. It’s Iraq that has to live next door…and note that the Iranians seem happy enough to talk to them also. They are much happier with the current regime than with the one that was there before us. If we think the Israelis are talking tough about Iran’s nuclear program…imagine what Saddam would be saying..^_^. Iran’s leadership may be castigating us publicly…but I’ll bet they are smiling in their top level meetings….and giving thanks to Allah for W’s help. Not having to worry about Saddam must be opening up a lot more time for other “projects”.

  9. roemun says:

    And what does the poster thing the White House strategies are? Or perhaps one can deduce his belief from the invocation of the unnamed “imperial power”?

  10. MikeN says:

    #7 they haven’t exactly ignored those things, but to the extent you’re right, the reason is that the lefty party in America supported the war. TO be more accurate, they decided to vote for the war for political reasons. So now the media has two tracks, opposing the war and supporting their party. This is also why we don’t see as many gun control stories after school shootings anymore.


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