“You can thank Melinda and Me”
The Independent

A quarter of a century after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared.

In the first official admission that the universal prevention strategy promoted by the major Aids organisations may have been misdirected, Kevin de Cock, the head of the WHO’s department of HIV/Aids said there will be no generalised epidemic of Aids in the heterosexual population outside Africa. Whereas once it was seen as a risk to populations everywhere, it was now recognised that, outside sub-Saharan Africa, it was confined to high-risk groups including men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, and sex workers and their clients. Aids still kills more adults than all wars and conflicts combined, and is vastly bigger than current efforts to address it. A joint WHO/UN Aids report published this month showed that nearly three million people are now receiving anti-retroviral drugs in the developing world, but this is less than a third of the estimated 9.7 million people who need them. In all there were 33 million people living with HIV in 2007, 2.5 million people became newly infected and 2.1 million died of Aids.

But the factors driving HIV were still not fully understood, he said.

“The impact of HIV is so heterogeneous. In the US , the rate of infection among men in Washington DC is well over 100 times higher than in North Dakota, the region with the lowest rate. That is in one country. How do you explain such differences?”

OK everybody, green light is on , go wild!

  1. MikeN says:

    Why should paid blood donations be illegal? THat gets you more blood.

  2. Les says:

    it also gives people who should not be donating a reason to lie about risk factors.

    Volunteer donors are altruistic people who want to help others. Paid donors want the $25, even if they may have been with a hooker last weekend.

  3. MikeN says:

    That’s a false choice. If you had enough blood to meet demand with volunteers, then you wouldn’t need to pay for blood. Buying blood is the alternative to having no blood. You then have to do the same screening as they do with all donations(presumably).

  4. Les says:

    The problem is that screening can miss early infections. Here is a statement from the blood bank I donate at:

    Contrary to what you may have heard, it is illegal for Donor Centers that are collecting blood that will be given directly to patients to pay their donors. We are completely dependent on volunteer donors, and are not permitted to give you money in return for your blood. We do offer some tasty cookies, though!

  5. ECA says:

    Iv got a fun question..
    Considering that 99.999% of kids are BORN without STD…WHO SPOILED THE POT?
    Some ADULT, with an STD did it, and then the KID went out and SHARED IT.
    Keep your hands of the kids and we could get rid of MOST STD’s in 2-3 generations..

  6. Daniel says:

    The AIDS Pandemic (http://the-aids-pandemic.blogspot.com/) has an entry about hiv in China. It sounds like the government lies about how many people actually have HIV.. and didn’t treat it as a threat early on. The original name for AIDS in China was “Loving Capitalism Disease”

    i’m no HIV/AIDS doctor/researcher. but reading what i’ve read about China and how they react to HIV/AIDS, i’m willing to bet the number of cases is well over one million.

  7. Future Sounds of America says:

    LOL Stupid science at it’s best!

    “In the US , the rate of infection among men in Washington DC is well over 100 times higher than in North Dakota, the region with the lowest rate. That is in one country. How do you explain such differences?”

    Uh, because you can’t get AIDS from having sex with sheep, that’s why it’s lower in North Dakota. Come on.

  8. Les says:

    the reason is obvious, isn’t it?

    More assholes in DC.

  9. MikeN says:

    Yeah it’s illegal, but that doesn’t mean it should be.

  10. SN says:

    This is not big news or even new news. I remember reading way back in the early 90s that a heterosexual guy, with an average sex life, with 4 sexual partners a year has a better chance of being struck by lightening than becoming HIV positive. As a heterosexual guy, I wasn’t worried about it then, and I’m certainly not worried about it now.

    Simply put, HIV/AIDS is transmitted via blood. As most heterosexual guys can attest to, there isn’t much blood spilling when we bump nasties.

  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    #40, unless she’s on the rag. Some people are into that sort of thing I guess.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Simply put, HIV/AIDS is transmitted via blood.

    Oh. Is that so?


  13. The Warden says:

    Vindicates Michael Fumento and Peter Duesberg.

    There never was an epidemic. It was manufactured by the gay lobby to get the Government involved and spend Billions to study the so called HIV virus.

    Remember that before the marketers came up with AIDS, it was called GAY CANCER. Who’s going to care about it when it predominantly affects gay men? But make people think it would create havoc with heterosexuals, then you have the ticket to get federal money for research etc. And it worked!

    But 25 years later and millions dead due to toxic HIV drugs never fully tested for their safety, we now are learning the truth. HIV/AIDS is not a heterosexual problem. The problem affect gay men/IV drug users/people who are malnurished. And many GAY MEN and IV drug users typically do not take care of themselves.

    This is one of the biggest lies ever put upon our generation. When will Oprah apologize?

  14. blu-stuw says:

    A 100% of hetro aids is from anal sex and needle use. That thing was not made for sex I do not care what your reverend told you.

  15. ECA says:

    There are STD’s out there…some MEAN ones..
    They dont have to be AIDS.

  16. BigCarbonFoot says:

    The Butthole is an exit only.

    AIDS is minor compare to the screwing we’re all gonna get after the innauguration in January though. We’re doomed.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>A 100% of hetro aids is from anal sex and needle
    >>use. That thing was not made for sex I do not care
    >>what your reverend told you.

    Hey, a Republican! Are you Log Cabin, or what?

    >>AIDS is minor compare to the screwing we’re
    >>all gonna get after the innauguration in
    >>January though. We’re doomed.

    Oh no, son. January will be the dawning of a new day. We can scrub ourselves clean from the stench and stain of the past 8 years, and bring America back to her former glory.

    And just think how clean that Crawford ranch will be. All the brush…gone! Spending 5 months a year clearing, Dumbya obviously wasn’t up to the challenge. But now that he can work on clearing the brush, he should probably have it done in a decade or so.


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