
May 28 Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank, PCMagCast.com
  • Molly Wood, Executive Editor, CNet
  • Jason Cross, Senior Editor, Extremetech.com

May 28 Topics:

  • Bill Gates Demonstrates Windows 7–A New Touchscreen
  • Indian Government Can’t Have Access to Blackberry E-Mails
  • Is Apple Going Solar?
  • Is the Cable Industry Aiming to Control Content?


June 4 Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank, PCMagCast.com
  • Dan Farber, Editor-in-Chief, CNet
  • Cameron Sturdevant, Director, eWeek Labs, eWeek.com

June 4 Topics:

  • Google’s Android Developer Challenge
  • RIM’s Touchscreen Blackberry
  • I10 Technologies to Put Out to Pasture
  • Asus: On a Roll with Low-Cost Laptops
  • Enterprises Embrace 10-Gig Ethernet

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    I was gonna compare Sebastian Rupley and Norm MacDonald, but I let Google be my friend and I see that this has already been covered by Robuka Kenderle.

    About those Eee PCs, if they come out with one that has a crisp display I’ll buy it. Last time I was farting around with one at Best Buy it had a lousy fuzzy display not much better than one you’d find on a portable DVD player for your car.

  2. Wes says:

    The “Dvorak Uncensored” looks like it was created using Win95 Paintbrush. You should get a nicely polished version without all the “noise”.

    Please, get a haircut.



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