1. deadpixel says:

    yup yup can’t stop… for anything. if you stop you get blocked in then you’re a target with nowhere to go…

    been there done that, came home with no extra holes in me.

  2. gregallen says:

    Goodness. They are going to hate us American for generations after Gorge Bush and his insane interventionist polices are are long dead.

    Like I said BEFORE we invaded Iraq: Trying to kill terrorists with war is like trying to kill cockroaches by throwing garbage at them.

    Sure, you kill a few at first but then you create conditions where they breed a thousand fold.

  3. huh says:

    What a wimpy horn for a Humvee!!!

  4. Wretched Gnu says:

    yes, how dare the Iraqis not be grateful for the US causing the death of hundreds of thousands of its citizens and destroying its infrastructure in a way that Saddam couldn’t have in their wildest dreams. (Under Saddam, at least they had electricity more than half the time — and Iran wasn’t getting ready to pounce on them…) And how dare they not say “thank you” when Army aholes then go on to treat them like garbage.

  5. why says:

    #11 – We may lose 2.3, but they’re dying at the rate of 10:1.

    It’s not a safe place for anyone.

    #35 – “causing the death” – watch Fox much?


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