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I got freaked out driving in South America–stop lights being some sort of advisory only. Then I talked to a few people down there and they said there was no such thing as “defensive driving”–you go where you want to and it is other people’s obligation not to hit anyone directly in front of them.
You know, its crazy==but it kinda works. Once you stop looking in all directions and just focus on whats in front, the driving got much easier.
I don’t know if that would work in America==I reverted back to defensive driving right away.
OK, so you found the tape from my in-car camera…
Don’t tell me I can’t get to Phoenix from Chicago in 24 hours flat!
It looks to be Iraq, or Afghanistan. Where ever it is, it looks like an army Humvee, and in an environment like that, a Humvee is a giant target; you don’t stop for any reason.
I saw this a couple of years ago. The driver is one of our soldiers driving in Iraq. Our forces were told to not stop for any reason on the fear of an IED. They were even told (and you see it here) to “nudge” the vehicle blocking in front of them while in the Hummvee.
This is actually an old video in youtube (I saw it 3-4 months back) not so sure about the title thought (seems more like a repost).
It’s supposedly a US army truck driving along the streets in Iraq.
There are related videos such as these (driven by US army) more like road-bullying. It can happen to any overpowering authorities only in this case it turned out to be the US army.
#5 is correct. This, if I remember right, was taken by soldiers in Baghdad.
I’ve never been to Iraq, but the fact that the pedestrians show virtually zero surprise suggests to me that this is normal.
Good post, but, …
[Cripes. I tried to find if it had been posted before, but figured if it had, it was worth seeing again. – ed.]
At least the repost let me see it this time, neh?
In anycase, it’s not an issue of “A-hole” driving. The drivers in the video were obviously concerned (especially at the end). I’m glad they are able to do what they need to. It’s a dangerous place.
When all else fails, give it more gas.
The iraqis love us and all the freedom we gave them, which is why coalition soldiers are still dying at an average rate of 2.3 per day, regardless of the much touted success of the surge.
This is american soldiers behavior in Irak – and you wonder why they hate you???
america’s finest.
#13 – Those “assholes” don’t want to be there either. Do you expect them to sit still and be a target? They are there protecting Dubya’s “freedoms” to drive this country bankrupt. So, STFU!
>>This, if I remember right, was taken by
>>soldiers in Baghdad.
The sign on the street corner at about 2:23 points the way to Kirkuk (City Centre) and Erbil, so presumably the video was filmed several hundred miles to the north of Baghdad.
Winning hearts and minds…
You know..I never thought a-hole while watching it. Those were pretty gentle nudges..the horn was going all the time warning people to get out of the’s a military armed, and as was noted above..even the pedestrians seemed unconcerned with the style of driving…and..given the sitting duck possibilities in a hostile territory (and look, I assume that any foreign city that has US military vehicles tooling around it is likely hostile), the driver seemed relatively sane and not overly aggressive at all.
Takes a special person to call the driver an asshole because he doesn’t want to get blown up by an IED or get shot at. Sure his driving was “rude” in the sense that you aren’t going to see that (normally) in downtown (insert most unoccupied city) but that’s not a normal place. That place is pretty god damn dangerous for him and his buddies in the vehicle. His number one thought, get home safe.
The average person posting on here being idiots and calling the soldiers assholes would wet themselves in a corner if they had to be in that situation, so shut up and go home.
Bush prob. beats off to this video
18 it’s the tone. Now I have to defend the average poster here..and trust me, I don’t want to..^_^
The average person on here is no different..if our armed force are very lucky..than the average soldiers there. They have easily as many assholes doing easily as many asshole things. I was just saying that, in this case..I don’t see it. IE..commenting on what I see as unfair criticism in this specific instance. I think your brush may be over-broad..both ways.
Go away or we will bring you democracy!
I can’t believe any incoming President would want to be saddled with this utter failure and wouldn’t begin massive withdrawals immediately. I worry about McCain though as he seems he’d enjoy continuing to strut around in a ‘war zone’ as commander-in-chief, rather than the tedious job of working with Congress to address the real problems of the world.
Have you guys not seen videos of other countries driving?
Did you not notice how even the bus driver reacted like “hey! who hit… oh.. army, going somewhere, ok then”
We couldn’t see from the camera, maybe there was a nice big red + on the humvee, signifying medics…
I’m sure, judging by the reactions of the other drivers, and pedestrians, that any big, official looking vehicle (police, ambulance, fire) GETS THE RIGHT OF WAY.
In fact, I wish that that was a universial way for emergancy vehicles to drive. “i’m blowing my horn, my siren is on, GTF out of my way. Uhoh, this guy isn’t paying attention. ”
gently nudge car.
This is like saying the garbage man is an asshole for picking up your trash. Maybe you like the stink of Saddam Huessan and you like to dine in your own filth. But I for one am happy there are guys that will take out the garbage of humanity.
>>Maybe you like the stink of Saddam Huessan and
>>you like to dine in your own filth.
Time to cut back on the crystal meth, girlfriend.
You mean this is a US military vehicle? I just assumed it was a taxi cab driving through Israel. At least that’s how I remember it being.
i’ll spell it out for you slow types.
this driver is an A * * H O L E.
“i’ll spell it out for you slow types.
this driver is an A * * H O L E.
Would you drive slow, wait for the cars in front of you, if you were a US soldier in a war zone where the main method of killing US soldiers is an IED or VBIED (look it up if you don’t know what it is).
No you’d do what this guy is doing – it’s SOP for the region.
Wow, I’ve got lots of people to add to my “Don’t be such a damn moron” list today.
Its nice to see our boys are making good friends over there.
Every single one of driver who he hits just got one step closer to becomes a suicide bomber.
YooHoo! Real-life Midtown Madness!
Mister Mustard, if that is your best analysis of my comment then my opinion of you is less than favorable.