If this is not fake, think what it could do to your brain.

More information here.

Found by Cinaedh.

  1. Ron K says:

    Great find!

  2. JPV says:

    [violation of posting guidelines..go read them!!@!]

  3. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    Either the people speaking English are horrible actors or enormous jerks. Like 90% of everything that seems too weird to be real this is almost certainly too weird to be real

  4. danijel says:

    #26 Arabic?! That’s French you crazy….

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Notice that you never get to see when they pick up the popcorn.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Arabic?! That’s French you crazy….

    Maybe he meant the Japanese one. Arabs, Japanese, they both use those funny letters…

  7. gsd55 says:

    Need I say it? For a *possible* explanation —

  8. Kelvington says:

    Somebody went out and got “After Effects”! It’s so cute when people do that. How can you tell? Watch the second video, where the kernels are placed so close together.

    Had they really popped, the first kernel would have moved all the other ones, instead it not only explodes but goes exactly STRAIGHT UP, very unlikely.

    Plus in a microwave, the oven doesn’t POP the pop corn, the oven BOILS THE OIL which in turn heats the pop corn and cause the water trapped inside to expand (or explode if you wish).

  9. Dr. Mad says:

    Triple overlays (Trick) Photography. The scene is filmed three times. One with the people moving fluidly. One with unpopped kernals removed one after another. One with popped kernals in flight. All digitally overlayed. Notice the Popped kernals fly up vertically between the camera and the table. As the kernal blocks your view of an unpopped kernal on the table, the third overlay (stop action) removes kernals that intersect the flying ones. Notice also that the people’s movements are minimized when the popping takes place. The vibrating moving cell phones and shaky camera movement also mask the stop action so it’s less noticable when there are continuity breaks. FAKE FAKE FAKE – but nicely done!

  10. Hmeyers says:

    The lack of nerds and the presence of young females is the give away that this is fake.

    4 nerdy engineering students doing it in a lab would be far more convincing.

  11. WmDE says:

    If 4 cellphones can pop kernels of corn, the “heat” generated by a single cellphone would be detectable as a warm glow. I don’t detect any heating caused by my phone.

  12. solderjockey says:

    Ya and in the 60’s when color tv’s came out they told us not to sit too close because they emitted x-rays! The paranoids always find something.

  13. the guy in the first video I’ve seen before and think he is a street magician.. He has done other weird tricks.

    he would have rigged the trick then done the multi-culti versions too in an effort to buffalo the viewers as if it was all independent. There is a subtle sameness to all three vids. Totally fake. BUT funny.

  14. andy says:

    yes 44, reminds me of a beer ad in which various people around the world order the same beer in parallel ways except in their local language.

  15. OvenMaster says:

    #43: that one was true. This was before Uncle Sam mandated sufficient shielding in CRT glass to absorb X-radiation due to the high voltage needed to spray electrons onto the shadow mask and screen.


  16. wiscados says:

    Mythbusters once tried to make a super microwave by connecting multiple microwave engines, it didn’t work because the waves canceled each other out, so have three or four cellphones won’t make the popcorn hotter, more likely it will make it colder…

  17. brucemlloyd says:

    We are completely surrounded by invisible rays and radiation. Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it won’t harm us. Cell phones are the tin-foil-hat-wearing-weirdos device of the month because of videos like this. I received second-degree burns on the back of my neck from being out in the sun too long. The only thing I get from my cell phone are telemarketers.

    I highly doubt my cell phone is going to have an effect on me, an Angstrom away from my head as much as the sun, 93 million miles away, has on me.

  18. shela42 says:

    I noticed that all three videos seemed to have the same white and silver phone. Could this be the missing link? Or just a small heating unit such as one used in extreme mountain climbing.

  19. MikeN says:

    Better to ban cell phones just in case. I find them to be annoying, and they should be limited to emergencies only.

  20. JimR says:

    #39, Pedro… corny… but funny!

  21. HMeyers says:


    Smartest comment ever made on the internet!

  22. Self Appointed Genius says:

    Actually, these are draft promo videos for the iPhone 2.0, which has a microwave-laser device built in for making popcorn even where there’s no microwave in sight.

    Voice quality still sucks though.

  23. Bosco Marimba, Jr. says:

    I hope cell phones have some deadly flaw in them, because the people who use them the most are some of the very people I could most do without, especially on the highway.

  24. Digital Jedi says:

    So, how many of you actually make a cell phone call with four cell phones pointing towards your head?

  25. socokid says:

    OMG… some people are so gullible. This was debunked a few years ago. Besides, the over-acting in all three videos is a clue. 😉

    Seriously, by far the more interesting thing happening here is the social experiment that these fake videos yield. Ah well, if it just makes a few more of you put on your critical thinking caps more often then the world is a tad better for it, so no harm done I suppose.

  26. Stephanie says:

    #24, you do not need the “thin metal” to microwave your popcorn. I have been buying bags of corn kernels and popping the kernels in a simple brown paper sack in the microwave for awhile now.

    Who’s the sucker now people!?! I have been popping my popcorn for just cents per serving while you people pay more for your individually wrapped packages!!! HAHAHAHA 😉

    Seems like no one on this thread has tried it though. I may give it a whirl at work tomorrow.

  27. Johndoe says:


  28. boychicle says:

    If you study all the video clips carefully, you will see two of the Frogs disguised as Japanese in the other clip.I wasn’t thrown by those fake Japanese accents.

  29. cellphone engineer says:

    If you actually belive this, I pity you. I work in the industry, this is a new low for people buying into the paranoia…. I know an electrician that will install a flux capacitor in your house to stop cellphone radiation too. (I’m not joking either, its happened..) I’ve walked infront of fully transmitting antennas on a roof and guess what!?! I didn’t fry like a lump of spam on the asphault roof! power levels are so low on new phones to actually cook somethign is totally not feasable. Only thing you have to worry about is getting infront of high power microwave dishes, or say getting painted by a high power radar. I havn’t seen this myself, but I have heard of AM radio arrays actually making florescent tubes glow more than 1/2 mile from the transmitters…. try to educate yourself on something before freaking out and making comments like “OMG I’m so happy I don’t use a cellphone” how many of you use cordless landline phones? baby monitors? stand in the sun to long? its all radiation, the body is designed to deal with certain amounts of it. I’ve been to so many zoning meeting where people are tryign to stop towers due to “radiation” when they have absolutely no clue…


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