If this is not fake, think what it could do to your brain.

More information here.

Found by Cinaedh.

  1. swhall says:

    #58 >>>I have been buying bags of corn kernels and popping the kernels in a simple brown paper sack in the microwave for awhile now.

    I do that too, works just fine, without all the oil, fake butter, and cost 🙂

  2. gregallen says:

    Thanks for the Snopes link. I should have gone there first.

    So, how did they pull off the video? I suspect Dr Mad (#40) is onto it.

    The three seemingly total separate videos is a great touch.

    I have a passing familiarity with Japanese and Arabic and those videos are pretty convincing. The biggest giveaway was the acting in the English one, which seemed fake.

    As far as urban myths go, I have to give these guys credit.. this was very well done.

    I’ve been an urban myth fan for twenty years and I love to see a good one. Hat’s off!

  3. barney says:

    1: If the cellphones dumped enough energy to pop the popcorn, what would they be doing to the cellphone on the other side of the popcorn? (Hint, put your cellphone in the microwave to find out).

    2: Cellphone antennas don’t waste any energy shooting radio waves straight out the top, there’s no cell antenna straight up from your phone – they put out radio waves sideways (when you stand up).

    3: Microwave oven : 1500 Watts of power
    Cellphone: under 1 Watt these days.

  4. Stalagmite says:

    This is definitely real–I tried it and it works. Unfortunately, the movie I was watching was long over before I had a full tub of popcorn.

  5. Peter iNova says:

    If this were real, it would be repeatable. No credible repeatable results are forthcoming. Ergo…

  6. curiousgeorgina says:

    the funny thing is everyone here probably spent mroe time trying to figure out if it was real or fake then they did making those videos. lol


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