When President George W. Bush makes his final tour of European capitals next week, he can expect a less-than-fond farewell on a continent where leaders are already looking past him to his successor.

Behind the smiles and handshakes, there will be quiet relief among his European hosts who see an end to the Bush era as a chance for the next president to repair a U.S. image abroad that has been damaged by the Iraq war and other policies…

“Bush will travel in a little bubble from palace to palace,” said Joseph Cirincione, a Washington foreign policy analyst. “He’ll have welcoming ceremonies, photo ops, even some praise — and then he’ll be quickly forgotten…”

Mindful that Bush is even more unpopular across much of Europe than he is at home, the White House itself has no lofty hopes for Bush’s trip, which is expected to draw large protests in countries where anti-Bush sentiment runs highest.

No one wants a t-shirt to remember this final tour.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    I must say America is resilient. Bush did his best to destroy this country and while its teetering on bankrupty, joblessness, homelessness and now starvation, somehow we survive. Of course there are stlll 6 months to go, so maybe my optimism should be tempered a bit.


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