Can the environment make for entertaining TV? Discovery Communications is about to find out.
Today, in the United States, Discovery introduces Planet Green, a new cable brand promoted as the first 24-hour channel dedicated to eco-friendly living. It is the highest-profile cable channel introduction of the year, and an equally risky one. By wrapping itself in the planet, Discovery is betting that “eco-tainment” will appeal to viewers.
Planet Green will replace the Discovery Home Channel in more than 50 million homes. Focusing on the public’s increased interest in environmental issues, Discovery says it is confident that it can attract more viewers with green-themed programming…
Discovery’s research, conducted last year, identified 40 percent to 50 percent of Americans as “armchair environmentalists.” Carr calls the channel’s target audience “bright greens,” people who are motivated by the idea that they can help the planet.
I wish them well. They’re out to communicate to a market that has as many Know-Nothings as Do-Nothings.
If your on-screen guide isn’t clear when or where this happens, all the Discovery channels – and there are number of them – have a Green countdown onscreen, today, till 6PM EDT.
This is little more than rebranding. They are just jumping on the “green” bandwagon in the attempt to make their Discovery Home channel more popular.
I just want to know what’s going to happen to Dirty Jobs, Deadilest Catch… they are not “green” shows.
#3, suer they will still exist. Dirty Jobs will focus on working at recycling centers and doing waste cleanup, while Deadliest Catch will show people catching exotic insects to make the protein paste our governments will be compelling us to eat in ten years instead of real food.
As other people have alluded to.. the challenge will be separating the wheat from the chaff each night. As is the case now.
#3 and #4 – you have no idea how many “Discovery” channels there are. Do you?
#6, you have no idea that not all comments made anonymously on the Internet should be taken at face value. Do you?
I think their adverts have been quite funny
#9 dl.tv did that last week.
I still miss Nr. Wizard
@12–DrDodd–nice attempt to twist away but Mustard nailed you with your own sleaze. At least you have the brains to recognize it, and the basic humanity to try to avoid it. Now all you need is the honesty to change your scumbag philosophy.
It’s merely an excuse for additional taxes which will never “help” the environment.
Did you see this one in Wired Magazine?
Army: Sun, Not Man, Is Causing Climate Change
Bishop Compares Global Warming Skeptics To Pedophile Rapist
“The Bishop of Stafford, Gordon Mursell, wrote in a parish letter that not confronting global warming meant people were “as guilty as” Josef Fritzl,”
If you disagree with climate cult alarmists you’re no better than infamous Austrian pedophile and rapist Josef Fritzl.
Glad to see we can stick to a rational debate.
#15 bobbo
scumbag philosophy? Sorry you don’t see the danger in all of this, but as soon as all of the city, state, country and world green taxes mount to an oppressive level, you will.
#22 bobbo
A personal attack so early in the discussion? This indicates your lack of knowledge on the subject or simply a lack of class. I suspect both.
#26 Mister Mustard
I’m stunned at how quick you are to dismiss the possibility given the evidence before us. Still, I guess some are destined to be as Pink Floyd stated, “Just another brick in the wall.”
#27 bobbo
Individual action – now that’s interesting. Just what are these actions and who is giving the orders?
Why is it OK for Cuba or Mexico to drill for oil in the gulf of Mexico, but not the US? If thinking globally is the mantra then why is only the US condemned and the target of the religion of green?
No, there is more going on here than many would like to admit.
#28–DrD==if you are going to refuse to answer questions, make statements you can’t backup, and equate everything with religion==its Mister Mustard you need to pitch to. I’ll leave you two to play nicely together.
>>I’m stunned at how quick you are to dismiss
>>the possibility given the evidence before us.
Let’s see some of the “evidence”, doc.
>>and equate everything with religion==its
>>Mister Mustard you need to pitch to
Bobbo, WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about? As time marches on, you make less and less sense.
The weird, fucked-up punctuation… OK, I guess I can deal with that (although it makes your posts border on unintelligible sometimes). But when the content becomes gibberish, I’m going to stop reading what you write.
#30–Mustard you ol’ pitcher, you know I wrote that just for you. I’m disappointed you aren’t all atwitter.
As a dipshit conservative if not a neo-con, if not a BushZombie, DrD does not share our social/political beliefs but he thinks everything is religion and that its clever to think any belief system is a religion. Who else does that on this blog?
He is spicy and yellow, thats all the hints you get.
>>he thinks everything is religion and that its
>>clever to think any belief system is a
>>religion. Who else does that on this blog?
Gee, Bobbolina, I’da thunk that the LogicMaster of the Universe would recognize a straw man argument before he proposed it.
I have never said that “any belief system is a religion”, and you fucking well know it.
What I HAVE said is that a belief system concerning the nature (or the existence) of supernatural forces or deities is a religion.
And no, I’m not going to continue discussing this. We’ve beaten this dead horse into fertilizer, and it’s too early in the day for you to talk me to death. Again.
>>Right up your alley.
Bobster, if you think the devil is “right up my alley”, you don’t know what alley I’m on. You don’t know my street, my town, my state, or even my motherfucking country.
You’re getting sloppy lately, Bobbo. Between that, the wacky punctuation, the weird logic, and your undisputed ability to talk me to death, I am, once again, Audi 5000.