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Four Algerian Christians have been given suspended jail terms and fines for worshipping illegally

The state-appointed Higher Islamic Council said Protestant evangelicals are secretly trying to divide Algerians to colonise the country…

The four men admitted they had converted to Christianity but rejected the charge against them – that they were holding an illegal religious ceremony when they were arrested.

Some reports also suggest the men were accused of attempting to convert other Algerians to Christianity…

One of our more advanced allies in the Great War on Terror.

  1. JPV says:

    I suppose the fact that a person can get a 5 year prison sentence in Israel, for trying to convert a Jew to Christianity is ok, huh?

  2. bobbo says:

    Yea==introducing a competing religion is the MOST effective way of subverting the cohesion of a society.

    What is the higher value?? Religious freedom/diversity leading to sectarian violence, or a stable society restricting you to one idiotic set of dogma?

    Its not like the USA starting out with all different groups. This country is uniform or close enough for the question to be legitimate.

  3. Ismael says:

    Same stories appear in Turkey every day now. Mullahs are fighting back and they are stronger than ever…

  4. ethanol says:

    JPV, do you have supporting evidence for your statement?

  5. ethanol says:

    And JPV, that is a non-sequitur regardless.

    Can you practice Christianity, Islam, etc. in Israel, legally like here in the GOUSA? Oh that is right, YOU CAN! Name me another Arab country where you can openly practice Judaism and Christianity. Can’t do it can you?

  6. Noel says:

    #5 ethanol,

    Here’s a list:

    United Arab Emirates

    That is all.

  7. Scottelsdon says:

    I know they say its illegal to preach another religion, but is it illegal to preach the truth ? that all religion is false , made up and a tool to control the masses, that belongs back in the dark ages and the fiction section of the book shop ?
    TING – There Is No God

  8. ethanol says:


    Thanks for enlightening me. I even checked it out – http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2007/90223.htm
    Their constitution does allow freedom of religious practice and some christian churches even operate there.

  9. lou says:

    Like George Carlin said. The planet is not fucked. Just the people on it.

  10. roemun says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  11. macheat says:

    Human rights violations are wrong, unless they’re against Christains. Way to go Dvorak, very true to form.

  12. Mr. Catshit says:

    #4, ethanol

    There is a law in Israel about trying to convert Jews to other religions. How often it is enforced I don’t know. It was enacted years ago to appease the right wing nut Jews.

  13. Mister Ketchup says:

    Nice bandage!

  14. Future Sounds of America says:

    Islamic extremists, radical Jews, evangelical Christians…have we not learned out lesson? Religion and politics don’t mix. Believe whatever you want. FSM, Hindu, Navajo, Egyptian gods, Greek Gods, Celtic Gods, Zoroastrianism for all I care. Just stop trying to impose your religion on ME against my will via government…this is to you Republicans in United States who would LIKE to make Christianity the official religion. All of you….STOP IT.

  15. gregallen says:

    >> JPV said, on June 4th, 2008 at 12:35 am
    >> I suppose the fact that a person can get a 5 year prison sentence in Israel, for trying to convert a Jew to Christianity is ok, huh?

    Why do people create these kind of false dichotomies?

    Freedom to change religions — or have no religion — is a basic human right.

    One test of a real moderate or progressive Muslim is if they advocate for the right to convert AWAY from Islam in Muslims countries.

    Very few Muslim-controlled countries have legalized this and it is a blight on the religion.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    Hey… on the bright side these acts would have gotten them the death penalty in Pakistan.

  17. gregallen says:


    I’m highly familiar with Pakistan and just want to add an “*” to what you say.

    While conversion AWAY form Islam is technically illegal in Pakistan, the government usually turns a blind eye to it. I’ve know a number of ex-Muslims who live semi-openly.

    The main trouble is that the radical groups can turn on these poor victims of conscience with impunity.

    I call on all moderate Muslims to lead the vanguard of religious freedom in the Muslim world.

    We Christians can complain about it but only Muslims can end this oppression.

  18. Hmeyers says:

    “I call on all moderate Muslims to lead the vanguard of religious freedom in the Muslim world.”

    And do you actually think Muslims would do anything like that in the next 50 years?

    Compassion and liberalism are products of freedom, wealth, justice and education and Muslim countries generally have none of those.


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