I’ve seen a lot of brilliant political moves in my time but what Barrack Obama did tonight was incredibly impressive. Not only did he give a visionary and inspirational speech but he did it in the very same hall where the Republican convention is going to be held. Now when the Republicans have their convention at the same location the news media is going to compare and contrast it with Obama’s speech tonight. Obama has stolen McCain’s thunder at his future convention. As a Hillary supporter I have to say that Obama is off to a great start. Maybe he does have what it takes to win.
Here’s a letter to the editor I wrote tonight. I’m a Clinton supporter.
#28, “The republicans should be a party of fiscal conservatives and social liberals. Small government couldn’t care less if gays marry. Unfortunatly, they are the party of fiscal liberals, and social conservatives…while the party of Barbara Boxer is full of social liberals and fiscal liberals.”
Pretty much sums up the differences between the two parties. If you are looking for the first group, you are better off voting Libertarian.
I hope that Obama can unite the Democratic Party, and Independents alike.
Bush and the Republicans have driven this country into a ditch, and we need someone who can inspire people to help him change the status quo.
McCain is the status quo. As he said last night, government doesn’t work, and he’s going to prove it in his presidency. Just as Reagan, Bush I and II, and Clinton. Albeit Clinton was the best Republican president this country ever had, he still got rid of regulations that protect WE THE PEOPLE.
All this unregulated capitalism is destroying this country, and giving it to the rich.
#32, the rich are part of The People as well. As are all those who work for the “evil” corporations.
Nailed it on the head. I’ve been saying for years that the problem in Washington isn’t the Democrats or the Republicans, it’s both. Bill Clinton has been viewed as fairly moderate and having such a successful presidency because he was always gridlocked with a Republican congress. Bush spends 6 years with no gridlock and a free pass and gets some of the worst legislation ever pushed through (this coming from a registered republican, mind you). Imagine Obama, with the current Democrat controlled congress, and with his #1 liberal voting record (at least, what little of it exists) and we have the same crap, just in a different direction.
In my perfect world, we would vote for members of congress only, and the president would be appointed from the minority party. Gridlock balances the system out. Not to mention that people pay far to much attention to voting for president and nowhere near enough to their members of congress.
Don’t be mislead by the title of this article. St. Paul the rest of the metro is by no means Republican Turf.
There will be plenty of protesting when the right wingers land in September.
The only things that will keep Obama from being elected are the racists and the bigots. You know who you are.
#35 – Actually, the statement is not referring to St. Paul or the metro area, but the hall that the speech was delivered in. It is where the Republican convention will be held.
#36, So only racists and bigots will be voting for somebody other than Obama? I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.
“Obama’s razor thin win wasn’t a mandate.”
Funny how Bush’s razor thin loss in 2001 was viewed as a “mandate from the American people” by right wingnuts in 2000…
Malcolm said,
The only things that will keep Obama from being elected are the racists and the bigots. You know who you are.
Good one Malcolm! I suspect most people missed the irony.
Definition from wikipedia: “A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.”
The fun begins on inauguration day, just after President B. Hussein Obama has been sworn in, and then screams “Allah Ackbar!” just before suicide-bombing himself, vice-president Clinton and the chief justice.
#14 bobbo said, on June 3rd, 2008 at 11:00 pm;
“…the period of prosperity you refer to was a bubble and mostly a coincidence brought on by Clinton not being able to veto a republican dominated congress curtailing Bill Clinton’s social spending…”
I hope that’s sarcasm.
If I recall correctly, wasn’t the Republican Congress only elected in 1994 or 1996? Furthermore, that Republican Congress you claim was responsible for keeping the tax and spend liberal in check is the exact same bunch of idiots who is responsible for one of the greatest spending sprees and debt increases in US History. And Bill used his veto power quite frequently…
That’s a scary thought.
Not for the bombing…but for President Pelosi /shudder.
See #36.
>>The fun begins on inauguration day, just after
>>President B. Hussein Obama has been sworn in
Oooooh! His middle name is Hussein! Is he Saddam’s son?
You get docked 1000 carbon credits for that waste of energy.
“You get docked 1000 carbon credits for that waste of energy.
Do you mean he gets docked for the post, or does he get docked for being a worthless excuse of a human being?
The greatest danger Obama faces is from people who say anyone who hasn’t had the kool-aid are racist, low class, uneducated, downscale, bigoted hicks. Everyone who doesn’t like him, or is unsure has just been royally insulted.
The media has portrayed any non-Obama supporters as simply too backward to get his charm.
I don’t think it’s a good argument, especially to older voters, to say “decrease your suck factor by voting for me”. Isn’t that kind of elitist?
#25 Mean Old Man….
Thanks for reminding everyone of Carter’s cure for the economy. It is astounding how few people understand this.
Now, Obama needs to find a woman (non-Hillary) running mate just to shut up the critics. Any suggestions?
Bottom line for me: The Republican party has been at the trough too long and are now the same fat, corrupt pigs that they accuse the Dems of being. In fact, BOTH parties are now chock full of rudderless scumbags willing to do anything, spend anything, and line anyone’s pockets in order to simply stay in power. A pox of both of their houses.
That being said, it is clear that come November, there will be comfortable Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. Therefore, we need a Republican president to act as a counterbalance. I don’t love McCain (though I find his inability to play nice with his own party, as well as his relative honesty refreshing), but as far as I can see, with the Democratic working majorities on the horizon, I need to embrace him. CERTAINLY, Obama, who seeming has never met a non defense spending bill or liberal position he didn’t embrace is NOT the person we need on top of the Democratic majorities.
>>Do you mean he gets docked for the post, or
>>does he get docked for being a worthless
>>excuse of a human being?
He gets docked 500 for the ridiculous post, and an additional 500 for being a hatemongering idiot.
Additional posts will incur greater penalties. First offense is kind of a freebie.
For all those who mistakenly think Repugnicans are better for the economy than Democraps, please take a look at the GDP growth under the presidential administrations since 1960.
Bush’s Economic Growth: Not So Impressive
It’s pretty humorous that the best Repugnican ties the worst Democrap on the one issue where everyone seems to mistakenly agree that Repugnicans are better than Democraps.
I guess it is all about perception, not reality.
“Now, Obama needs to find a woman (non-Hillary) running mate just to shut up the critics. Any suggestions?”
McCain-Powell will win.
Actually, as I have said on prior threads, the results are already out. They were accidentally released early.
Your a Hillary supporter? Lost all respect for you sir.
#42–nate==I could be wrong. I heard it during a discussion that our country does best with “divided government”==when the President is of one party and the congress of the other party. Its the only way the designed checks and balances of our constitutional design half works.
I like the argument so much, I don’t care if its true or not. The truthiness has a great gut feel.
How responsible for the “economy” is any president? I thought it was mostly the Chairman of the Federal Reserve?===anyway its ALWAYS a mix of very many things with everyone taking credit for the good and no one taking responsibility for the bad. Idiots picking and choosing afterwards.
#51, let’s see Kennedy proposed a tax cut that was passed by Lyndon Johnson, which tripled after tax income. Bill Clinton passed a capital gains tax cut. George Bush Sr passed a tax hike, and Nixon had wage and price controls.
It’s not the party, it’s the policies.
There’s zero chance hillary is the VP tapped. She’s far too divisive, and has way too many anti votes out there.
Anyone suggesting as such is foolish and has no idea what the hell they’re talking about.
Brilliant strategy on Obama’s part through this campaign is why he’s running while Hillary is sitting on her ass this fall.