On leave from the violence he had survived in the war in Iraq, a young Marine was so wary of crime on the streets of his own home town that he carried only $8 to avoid becoming a robbery target.

Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield was attacked on January 5 while he and his girlfriend were waiting for a bus. He had heeded the warnings of commanders that a Marine on leave might be seen as a prime robbery target with a pocketful of money, so he only carried $8, his military ID card and a bank card.

“They took it, turned his pockets inside out, took what he had and told him since he was a Marine and didn’t have any money he didn’t deserve to live. They put the gun to his neck and shot him…”

Feeding and breathing tubes kept him alive 4½ months, until he died of an infection on May 18…

The two men charged in the attack were identified as Ean Farrow, 19, and Thomas Ray III, 20, both of Cleveland. Their attorneys did not respond to The Associated Press’ requests for comment.

This is why I don’t have an all-encompassing position on capital punishment. I feel, case-by-case, we have to consider protecting the public, legitimate likelihood of rehabbing an offender, a number of qualities including aspects as dry as cost-benefit ratios.

And, then, there’s justice.

  1. Mr. Catshit says:

    #18, Powellew,

    OK, moran.

    Please, check out definition #7, it does apply to you.

  2. Mr. Catshit says:

    #19, Thomas,

    I am beside myself with laughter, naive child.

    It figures. Let’s look at some of you crackers and your comments.

    #4, Start by shootin them both in the knee caps.

    #5Toss the fuckers in Iraq with I (heart) George Bush

    #8, For convicted murders, 3 Months in prison max. Then administer a mild sedative and slit both wrists the long way

    #13, They want blood to pay for blood…and NOW. The fact that it might be the wrong person’s blood is entirely beside the point.

    #14, Send ‘em to Gitmo.

    #15, I would send those two to Iraq

    #20, Maybe they could be target holders on the rifle range.

    #22, throw them into a small sound proof cell, with a small window, and never let the out again. You feed them generic tasteless food, through a food slot and force them to watch the 700 club 12 hours a day on their small black and white TV. Oh yah, and you give them a rope,

    I can understand why your small, violent, compassionless mind is laughing. You have no soul. No empathy. Your sociopathic schizophrenic mind (you are beside yourself) deserves the world you like, violent. Kill yourselves, and may the last ass wipe standing turn off the light. Just don’t be fucking whining when someone like minded gets the jump on you

  3. Noel says:


    I don’t really know the answer to either of those questions. If the first one were my decision I would try solitary confinement to the point of Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs before actually ordering someone to be killed.

    As for your second question, I really do not know the answer. I think it would largely have to do with the personality of the prisoner and the terms of their confinement.

  4. bobbo says:

    #34–Noel==fair enough. I am generally against capital punishment because of the error factor–but some crimes do seem to deserve it/warrant it for the good of the system?

    I’m also very much in favor of non-prison solutions to issues today that have become criminalized saving prison for those who truly need to be locked away rather than rehabilitated.

    We are the authors of much of our own misery.

  5. Wally the Engineer says:

    I read this story yesterday and I was SICKENED.
    We shoot rabid dogs don’t we?
    There is no such thing as rehabilitation of these type of criminals. They are sociopaths and pity them if you will, they add nothing to our society. Purge them.

  6. Mr. Catshit says:

    #36, Wally,

    Great idea. What if it turns out someone else did it? Now whuch ya gunna do?

  7. HitMeWithIt says:

    Hey I think Wally #36 was just saying that these two should be shot. As far as I can make out they are not exactly in a position to deny it so in answer to your comment #37, if they admitted doing it then they are then OK to be shot yes?
    The ‘it might be the wrong man’ theory doesn’t fit every crime because there are lots of cases where people are caught red-handed or admit it or have many witnesses to them committing the crime.
    In those cases then it is hard to put up an argument against capital punishment sometimes if that is what the victims feel they require for justice to be carried out right?

  8. Mr. Catshit says:


    In those cases then it is hard to put up an argument against capital punishment sometimes if that is what the victims feel they require for justice to be carried out right?

    No, it is not hard to argue.

    If revenge is the qualifier, what about the family of the accused take revenge for killing their kin.

    I’m sorry for those who lost a relative or friend. That loss can never be made back. And not everyone accused of murder is guilty.

    Society does not exact the penalty because the family wants their pint of blood. Society does what is right. THAT is the difference between justice and vengeance.

    This is why Courts don’t allow relatives / friends of the victim or accused on the jury. We want impartial people capable of making a sound judgment on the evidence, not with a blood lust.

  9. Tech_1 says:

    D`Vorak: You are becoming not responsible..Enjoy it.. Your’re site is becoming nothing more than esqurie and or survivor television = seeking the aspartamed+ Msg minded folks for easy ratings.. PLEASE GROW UP…tHANKS.

  10. Ron K says:

    Just think Eideard-“Without capitol punishment there would be no Easter” and we need Easter!

  11. Mr. Catshit says:

    #41, Why? I’m sure all those bunnys can find work in the Tech Sector. Just like they encourage the displaced auto workers to do.


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