Tuesday June 3, 2008

Dream Team?! |
Associated Press – June 3, 2008:
Hillary Rodham Clinton told colleagues Tuesday she would consider joining Barack Obama as his running mate, and advisers said she was withholding a formal departure from the race partly to use her remaining leverage to press for a spot on the ticket.
On a conference call with other New York lawmakers, Clinton, a New York senator, said she was willing to become Obama’s vice presidential nominee if it would help Democrats win the White House, according to several participants in the call.
Clinton’s remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez, who said she believed the best way for Obama to win key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.
It wasn’t Florida’s fault.
Oh, and I am sympathetic for all Michigan democrats.
Anyway, Obama has the necessary delegate count, according to MSM.
All of the people who hate the Clintons and all of those who see through Obama being motivated to vote for McCain?
That works.
James Hill said, “blah, blah, blah, whah, whah, whah.” I for one would welcome a n-n-n-n black guy for president. I expect McCain to start drooling and going to the bathroom in his pants at any moment.
Your worship is noted, though calling the next President the n-word… or at least alluding to it… isn’t funny.
Also, Hillary just said she isn’t dropping out, so it looks like B.O. hasn’t asked her nicely yet.
#5 –
Thanks for deciding what is and what isn’t funny. Actually I meant it as nice guy.
Ketchup==I also thought it was funny. Not appropriate, but still funny. Self deprecating. Goading the pc crowd.
Still, as long as such references have any relevance/impact at all, USA will suffer from its racial history. Sad that Obama won’t be able to tell us any of the racial jokes he probably has a trunk full of? – – -or maybe not.
>>though calling the next President the n-word…
>>or at least alluding to it… isn’t funny.
Wowie. Even Mister Hill acknowledges that Obama is going to be our next president.
Rock on, Jimmie!
Obama/Clinton ’08
Obama/Clinton ’12
Clinton/Obama ’16
Clinton/Obama ’20
The horror.
The horror.
I don’t like the idea of Hillary being president (and can’t imagine a scenario I’d vote for her) but don’t mind if she’s VP.
If that is what it takes for Obama to win, and really at this point it looks like it does, then I’d be all for it.
I fear that if Hillary becomes Obama’s VP, then some crazy Clinton enthusiast will assassinate President Obama so that Hillary will become President.
All the professional talking heads (most anyway) are saying Obama/Clinton is a nonstarter. But it would be a powerful combination full of drama, tumult, history making events and, with Bill working the trail, stained dresses and God knows what surprises.
Obama/Richardson is very likely. Good call, Julieb (#11). While not a big Richardson fan, myself, he brings that golden resume, the Hispanic vote and a connection to the West that Obama strategists see as vital to their success.
They certainly outmaneuvered the Clintons in terms understanding the Democratic Party’s primary process. Let’s hope they can do the same against the GOP in the general. Richardson as VP would seem to fit.
#14 – maybe even sooner.
Anyone remember The Manchurian Candidate (the good version with Frank Sinatra).
At the Democratic convention, Obama stands up to accept the nomination, Hillary standing at one side, applauding – then some nutball fires 2 shots into Obama, and Hillary steps up and vows to “keep hope alive”.
(Later it’s revealed the nutball is Bill Clinton, brain-washed by the vast right/left-wing media conspiracy.)
(Note: to the Secret Service and NSA guys who are tracking my IP address and monitoring my thoughts – I’m just kidding!!)
All I can say is …. 8 years of utter and complete political and leadership failure, with ZERO accomplishments, and yet untold damage to America, is almost over… the party of “Cronies first, Business second, America a far third” is almost out of power… the disgraceful trampling of the Constitution in the name of patriotism is about to be seen for the treasonous crime that it actually is…
We barely survived it… the task of rebuilding America after the ‘leadership’ of the Bush administration will be long and hard.
I never imagined that I would be as ashamed of America as I have become in the last 7 years.
Rather than being VP, Hillary could take a spot in Obama’s cabinet, perhaps as the Secretary of 3:00 AM Phone Calls 😉
Sure Hillary, you can have the VP slot, but first you have to promise publicaly not to beat Obama to death with a shovel and run around screaming “Who won NOW?” 5 minutes after he’s sworn in. OK?
To be a viable candidate, Obama had to drop his odious church and hope for religion in general after he takes office. Likewise, Obama should insist Hillary get rid of her hideous Bill and hope for the rest of her team as well.
Only way it could work.
Obama/Clinton ‘08
Obama/Clinton ‘12
Michelle Obama/ Chelsea Clinton ‘16
Michelle Obama/ Chelsea Clinton ‘20
Oh the prosperity!
>> bobbo said, on June 3rd, 2008 at 7:22 pm
>> To be a viable candidate, Obama had to drop his odious church
Goodness, you are a sucker for the smear.
Unless Americans get more savvy, we’re doomed to crappy politicians leading our country into decline.
>>Goodness, you are a sucker for the smear.
Whenever it comes to religion, Bobbo is like Pavlov’s dog. He has to get in a cheap shot, no matter how much of a non sequitur it involves.
Mister Mustard,
What little I’ve followed this bogus “scandal”, it seems pretty obvious that his church has had a very positive impact on the community with scholarships, drug addiction programs, helping the poor , etc.
Everybody I’ve met who have listened to the whole sermon say that they kind of agree with Wright’s point — that you don’t say “God bless America” when America acts horribly. You condemn evil, even if your own country does it.
Who disagrees with that?
Obama disagrees with that.
Obama naming Clinton as Veep would be a huge blunder. According to recent polling at Survey USA, the real dream ticket would be Obama/Edwards.
Obama should be Hillary’s VP.
The superdelegates are abandoning their duty to act in the interests of the party. Hillary has won the popular vote, and by an even wider margin among Democrats. The superdelegates should be trying to undo the effects of the quirks by which Obama stole the nomination, for example getting non-Democrats to vote and through caucuses. Instead, they have decided to endorse him.
Obama stole the nomination?
How about this for stealing votes and delegates. Michigan and Florida knew that if they moved up their primaries, their delegates (and popular votes) would not count. This was a move Hillary endorsed, that is, until she saw she was going to lose the nomination. Obama’s name wasn’t even on the ballot in Michigan.
Hillary was the one who tried to steal the election – and she still lost.
So, MikeN, you want to try your ridiculous, moronic story again? Or shall we just beat you about your head until you get the facts straight?
gregallen wrote, “You condemn evil, even if your own country does it. Who disagrees with that?”
Sadly, Greg, Americans who disagree are legion.
MikeN – You are showing just how disinformed you really are.
If we count people that actually ‘backed’ a candidate, Obama won those numbers. Remember that there are primary elections and primary caucuses. If you count only the ‘election’ votes, then Hillary is ahead in that count, but if you count the ‘caucus’ votes (which Hillary does not count) then Obama is actually ahead in ‘heads counted’.
And you have a poor sense of history also… if we use the ‘popular vote’ argument, then Bush should have never assumed power in 2000, because he lost the ‘popular vote’ outright. (besides the fact that history shows that Bush lost the electoral college vote also).
it makes no difference who is picked. It’s solid loser. Obama Richardson would really be a disaster. Obama Edwards is ridiculous. Edwards did nothing last time except lose a debate to Cheney then disappear.