Dream Team?!
Associated Press – June 3, 2008:

Hillary Rodham Clinton told colleagues Tuesday she would consider joining Barack Obama as his running mate, and advisers said she was withholding a formal departure from the race partly to use her remaining leverage to press for a spot on the ticket.

On a conference call with other New York lawmakers, Clinton, a New York senator, said she was willing to become Obama’s vice presidential nominee if it would help Democrats win the White House, according to several participants in the call.

Clinton’s remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez, who said she believed the best way for Obama to win key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.

  1. Hmeyers says:


    Listening to Reverend Wright’s speech, it made a lot of sense. Unfortunately, to most Americans the simple sound bite of “God Damn America” the beginning and end of the speech.

    And so goes politics …

    Sort of like how Dan Quayle will be remembered for “potatoe”.

  2. tdkyo says:

    General Wesley Clark?

  3. Rick Cain says:

    I would like to see Obama and Hillary win in 2008. I don’t really like them, but it would be amusing to see republicans lining up for cyanide-laced kool-aid.

  4. Thomas says:

    About the only thing Obama could do to lose the Presidential election would be to name Hilarity as the VP.

  5. MikeN says:

    #28, 30, let’s run through it again.

    The DNC and Howard Dean said that Florida and Michigan would be stripped of delegates, but the DNC rules and bylaws do not require that penalty, and the only reason people thought there would be no delegates was because Dean didn’t bother to learn the rules. He would have saved plenty of headaches and realized that half-votes would be the end-result. The Republicans figured this out pretty quickly. As it is, the DNC then gave Obama half-delegates that properly belong to Hillary. Very risky for Obama to push for this, as he could still be outvoted at the credentials committee in Denver, and lose his entire Michigan delegation.

    As for the popular vote, even if you give all of the Michigan uncommitted to Obama(which you shouldn’t, since at least a quarter of that should be Edwards, he still trails in the popular vote. The caucus numbers are estimates, plus the Wash caucus shouldn’t count since they had a primary, so if you use that total as well, you get Obama down 5000 excluding SD and Montana. So maybe overall
    Obama up 5000, of which at least 60k are Edwards votes in Michigan. Realclearpolitics has all the numbers except the washington primary.
    That is the big point. Obama’s wins in caucuses are not representative of the parties’ wishes. Take a look at states that held both a primary and a caucus, and you see that Hillary did better. Plus Obama picked up a large number of votes from Republican crossovers. Hillary won the votes from real Democrats.

  6. chuck says:

    Well at least I don’t have to move to France now.

  7. James C says:


    At least 4 more years of Obama/Clinton coverage? Haven’t we suffered enough?

  8. Bob says:

    Two things are reasonably certain now. Obama will be the Democratic Nominee, and if he loses it will be due to Hillary being unable to read the writing on the wall.

    There is also the possibility that the Democratic Party itself has given the GOP the perfect ammo to shoot down any claim made by the Democratic Candidate. Allowing Michigan and Florida to count can easily be seen and used as proof that the Democrats have no respect for their own laws and rulings, let alone those of the United States of America.

  9. tdkyo says:


    I blame more on the Democratic Party Leadership for poorly handling Michigan and Florida situation. That’s a nice scar as the Democrats heads towards the election.

  10. B. Dog says:

    Golly, what a Dream Team.

  11. bobbo says:

    #39–Bob–from what I’ve seen reported on the Rules that apply==none of us know them well enough to know if they were followed or not but unless all the votes where given to Hillary and multiplied by 3, those votes had no effect on the outcome===SO WHATS THE POINT?? besides a talking point that somehow appeals to you and tdk?

    #40–tdk==so, with MI and FL moving their elections to the head of the pack just EXACTLY WHAT would you have done?? Please be specific.

  12. AC_in_Mich says:

    MikeN in #36

    you seem to conveniently forget the number of Republicans that crossed over to vote for Hillary in a vain attempt to keep this run going, esp after McCain became the nominee. Remember Rush and his “Operation Chaos”?

  13. Stinker says:

    It does seem odd to me that if she want’s to be the VP with Obama, she would dis him on this night by not congradulating him, or ‘conceding’ the race to him. Instead she holes up in her house and plays the victim. Plays the ‘a woman can’t get ahead’ card, tacitly.

    There’s no way Clinton supporters would vote for McCain. A pro lifer (at least compared to Barak and Hillary) and one who would put just they type of Justices on the Supreme Court that they wouln’t want.

    So anyway, I just don’t see it. I might be blind.

  14. the answer says:

    That wouldn’t be a bad thing. they share a lot of the same views, and apparently there are a lot of whiners who want to vote for McCrackhead just because Hillary lost. That’s just wrong. Suck it up. Friends don’t let friends vote republican.

  15. QB says:

    “Whoever said that after denial comes acceptance hadn’t met the Clintons.”
    — Maureen Dowd

  16. bobbo says:

    Just listening to Hillary’s “concession” speech of yesterday, she doesn’t want to be VP===SHE STILL WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT!!!

    Obama would be nuts to put both Clinitons on his back. Still no financial disclosures from the Clintons==scandals aplenty ready to erupt.

    Obama will suffer, at least initially and maybe even permanently from rejecting the Clintons, BUT he would do even worse with them.

    Its time for a CHANGE! It would be business as usual with the Clinton sleaze machine on board.

  17. Mister Ketchup says:

    I have a draem, er drame – Al Sharpton!

  18. MikeN says:

    Yes I remember Operation Chaos, but that is far outweighed by the numbers who voted for Obama early on. Operation Chaos probably delivered Texas and Indiana, but Rush’s listeners were just too cautious. Just compare the results in open and closed primaries. Even last night after Obama clinched, Hillary won closed SD and lost open Montana.

  19. JimD says:

    Hill should stay in the Senate !!! Obama should run with Edwards !!! Problem solved !!! I think Women know the Dems are more pro-women than the Repukes – who fought the Equal Rights Amendment TOOTH AND NAIL !!! Let’s not forget that Bill/Hill were once called “New Democrats” as they backpedalled away from the traditional New Deal Democrats that ended the Depression and fought and won WWII !!! Those “New Democrats” presented themselves as “Centrists”, but they were more like pro-corporate CRYPTO-REPUBLICANS !!! Remember Bill pushed the Repuke’s NAFTA through and the GIANT SUCKING SOUND DESTROYED MANUFACTURING IN THE MIDWEST !!!

  20. /t. says:

    Awake #17 said…

    All I can say is …. 8 years of utter and complete political and leadership failure, with ZERO accomplishments, and yet untold damage to America, is almost over… the party of “Cronies first, Business second, America a far third” is almost out of power… the disgraceful trampling of the Constitution in the name of patriotism is about to be seen for the treasonous crime that it actually is…

    We barely survived it… the task of rebuilding America after the ‘leadership’ of the Bush administration will be long and hard.

    I never imagined that I would be as ashamed of America as I have become in the last 7 years.

    I fully agree.

    But please, good People of America, do not forget that how you vote in November has GLOBAL implications. I’m not sure the rest of us on the planet can take another four years of Republican administration.


    A friendly but nervous neighbor.

  21. QB says:

    James Hill: that’s amazingly funny, um I mean, politically incorrect

  22. tdkyo says:


    Although this would seem too idealistic, I would have given every chance for Florida to redo the primary and seat them full in the convention, because it was not the Florida democrats’ fault for having their primary moved early.

    For Michigan, I am not buying the party’s defense for allowing Iowa to be the first primary state. Granted, Michigan did break party rules, but I believe it was not necessary to penalize Michigan according to party rules. But getting back, if the Democratic Party’s defense was about the principle of following the rules and keeping states in line, then the party leaders acted beyond the boundaries of that principle by giving Michigan a second chance. My argument is that the party should have not given in and seat Michigan in the convention if they were actually serious with keeping in policy, but party leaders are so susceptible to politics.

    Meh, my solution is not great, but I like it better than what was decided.


  23. Timbo says:

    If Hillary still wants to be president, the Democratic party won’t let her run. She should start her own “Social Democrat” party and run from there. I’m sure she would win if she did. That would show those Democrats who dissed her!


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