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Could bizarre footprint-like image on the surface of Mars suggest an extra-terrestrial Bigfoot lives on the red planet?
Probably not, but the image photographed next to the Phoenix spacecraft which landed on Mars will be seized on by the life-on-Mars brigade.
The black-and-white image shows what looks like a wide footprint – similar to Earth’s mysterious Bigfoot images.
Were aliens sitting and watching Phoenix land? Does Bigfoot originally come from Mars?
If NASA didn’t in advance show how the track of the robotic arm shovel looks like, I’d take this with more interest…
As reported by NASA the “track” is important… It is the scrape left after the first use of the Phoenix arm/shovel on the Martian surface.
If you read NASA’s caption of the photo it states that the mark was made by the robotic arm.
That’s what they always say…
Yeah, robotic arm, sure.
Robotic Bigfoots(Bigfeets?)on Mars! Ahhhhhh!!!
And I for one would like to welcome our new Martian Bigfoot overlords…
And of course, aliens would have a foot very similar to our own; human beings being so “evolved” and “perfect”.
Why is it that all our pictures of aliens give the impression that aliens and humans would share very similar body structures? is it so hard to believe aliens might be different?
Is it me or is the shadow on the wrong side anyway, it would have to be raised to cast a shadow on the right. Why would there only be one print…made from a one legged being who can hop incredible distances? 😀
No worse than the idiots that sit at home staring at the photos and see all kinds of alien signs in the rocks.
Fake… Obviously Photoshopped!
Nah … the alien is sitting on the lander and took the picture with a different camera.
The “Face On Mars” is ON THE MOVE !!! Run for your lives !!! Or not, ’cause it’s on MARS !!!
Ha! Well, it just looks like an interesting shaped rock to me.
I bestow upon you the title: Lord of the Tards.
Is Eideard calling a UKKMA ? 🙂
The earth is flat, people.
It’d be a lot more convincing if it weren’t so obviously a raised area rather than a depression in the surrounding ground. Looks like a protruding rock to me, just like the other rocks in the area. And I’ve yet to see a footprint that left toenail impressions. But maybe the weird physics of Mars cause beings to leave anti-footprints instead…
We never landed on Mars.
They must be reusing the fake moon landing set to get these pictures.
don’t be silly. that can’t be a footprint. it’s missing a toe…
Hey, they already have a photo of the Martian Bigfoot… and discussion:
Reguarding the fake moon landing. I think we DID land on the moon, but I don’t think we did as many missions as they report we did. I think some were faked and some were real. The first one had to be real so the Russians could verify we got there first. After that the funding started to dwindle, and interest in moon landings become mundane.
Oh so my point was some of them were faked to garner more funding for real moon landings, but alas after Apollo 13 it kina tanked.
Harry and the hendersens goes to NASA huh?
Probably a midget foot print from someone working on the NASA mars set on area 52 Groom Lake.
We’re going to keep fucking with that planet and get our asses kicked.
I’m worried NASA isn’t telling us the whole story and the Martians will come here and probe our butts and drill our skulls – or vice-versa.
I’m worried NASA isn’t telling us the whole story and the Martians will come here and probe our butts and drill our skulls – or vice-versa.
It’s not the machine’s clawprint – it’s swamp gas.
Or perhaps a flock of geese. Mass hallucination, anyone?
It’s a footprint from Elvis’ alien love child that he fathered with a race intergalactic Sasquatch who are living among us now. Probably in Wisconsin.