
Fontainebleau, the currently-under-construction resort between Sahara and The Riviera has launched a new version of their website which has a bunch of groovy information buried within a video and brochure.

The site features a QuickTime video outlining a number of the properties offerings including history of the Miami Fontainebleau hotel and flythroughs of computer generated models of the interior of the casino and other public areas.

Fontainebleau has partnered with Apple to put an iMacs in every room… Fontainebleau guests experience a new sensory landscape through an innovative relationship with Apple. The program includes intuitive and simple options for booking and pre-planning stays online and interactive programming throughout the resort. An iMac in every guest room inspires guests to share memories and encourages personal expression.

3,889 rooms, suites, penthouses…with an iMac in each one. Tee hee.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>In addition, the Kinkos machines are not available
    >>to non-paying customers. That too helps keep the
    >>riff-raff out.

    btw, I’ll bet charging $500/night for access to the room with the iMac does an even better job of keeping the riff-raff out.

  2. ZZ says:

    My old workmate set up 3 iMac’s (24″) in his guest rooms. It worked out beautifully. The computers had Vista and OSX to choose from and also 7 different language “guest user” accounts to log in. I didn’t check the Vista side, it was probably all in Chinese and Home Basic. None of the people had owned a Mac but had used one before. What was very interesting was, people were using mostly the Front Row app, and were watching tons of movies and company materials, as well as listening music and podcasts. I suppose the internet and Office got some usage too, and the video chat.

    Everybody had been very happy with the iMac’s, not even the 6 button Magic Mouse had caused any problems. There were about 40 people who took part of the company training program from 8 different countries. Now the plan is to talk to one of the hotels to install MacMini’s to go with their 40″ TVs, next bunch will be around 130 people.

    I think an iMac per hotel room is a brilliant idea, especially now when I use one by myself instead of my @%$#^ PC (well, I still use it to access some older files, but it’s not on the net anymore). Surprisingly many people don’t carry their laptops, it probably has much to do with the fact that while abroad you would be helpless when nobody can troubleshoot your foreign language PC. At least that’s what my experience has been, IT guys couldn’t even figure out the keyboard set up.

  3. John S says:

    #20 MikeN lists things that Mac users like(read liberals). James Hill(non-liberal) is a Mac user and is from what I can tell none of those things. You would thing either he would have commented or someone else would have mentioned that. Also a whole boat load of Conservatives use Macs beside Mr. Hill. People such as Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh.

    “Let’s see, you guys like
    Farmer’s Markets, Organic Food, Diversity, Barack Obama, Hating Corporations, The Daily Show, Whole Foods, Toyota Prius, Knowing what’s Best for Poor People, recycling and threatening to move to Canada.”. Does this describe the people I have just mentioned.

    #24 James Hill commented,”I’m not sure this will work, as Macs only attract people with both money and class.”. Careful Mr. Hill according to #20 MikeN you just complemented commy pinkos!

    John S

  4. Eddie the hun says:

    What a concept
    Ease of use
    All most people on a vacation or road travel need or want is email and simple browsing capabilities
    For most users moving from a windows to a Mac is seamless – its like moving from a standard transmission car to an automatic whereas the other way round is the struggle from an automatic transmission vehicle to a standard manual gear transmission model with a clutch

    Bull shit. I have been using pc,s since basic. I bought one of these Imacs a few months ago it has been gathering dust since I had to call my nephew to tell me how to delete a file. He was a fanboy for years when he lived and worked in a university town. when he got out in the real world and got a real job he found he had use a PC. I have been trying to give this IMAC away but not takers.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Bull shit. I have been using pc,s since basic.

    “since basic”? wtf does that mean?

  6. ECA says:

    you know better then to ask that…
    Iv been dealing with computers sence the portable Osborne..PET, Vic… CP/M, and even worked on a few Main frames and Card punches and REAL to REAL tapes.. and not to forget Teletypes..

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you know better then to ask that…

    Well, no I don’t.

    What you said “I’ve been dealing with computers since….” makes some sense, as all the things you mention have to do with computers.

    “I’ve been dealing with PC’s since BASIC” makes no sense. BASIC was designed in 1964, long before the advent of the PC. Does that mean he has been dealing with PCs since 1964? It makes no more sense than saying “I’ve been dealing with PCs since fuel injection and digital watches”. BASIC had nothing to do with the advent of PCs. Sure, it was a minor programming language for non-programmers available on PCs, but the statement taken at face value makes no sense.

    I’ve been dealing with computers since the LINC and the PDP-8 and paper tape. BFD. I’d never say something as senseless as “I’ve been dealing with peta-flop computers since the time of FORTRAN” though.

    I’m just saying.

  8. #25

    That’s obviously why so many people in the tech industry, from journalists to computer programmers, are now using Macs. Those are the people who need “training wheels”


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