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>>What artist today has a reputation as a great
>>musician and is still listened to? The oldest
>>one I can think of is Elvis
Bobbo. (==–=-==–///-==-=). Elvis is dead.
Mustard–what great artist do you regularly listen to that is before your generation?
Lord have mercy, that po’ boy can certainly play. He has more talent in his little finger than most of the phony wannabe’s of today. Sadly most all the old blues masters are all gone now. The blues probably gave more to the american culture than any other genre of music. I for one hope this music continues to live on for a long time.
A big thanks to Uncle Dave!
I think I just might dig out some ol Lightnin Hopkins. A little “Gin Bottle Blues” would nice right about now…..Mercy!
Bobbo – you don’t appear to understand much about music.
OFTLO==what artist do you recognize/actually listen to as a great that is older than you are?
Taste in Music is like any other taste. It matters little if some like Lightning Hopkins blues whereas I prefer the more rock based Howlin Jack Hawkins? Once you hear his “I Put a Spell on You” no other version will do.
I defy you to give a cogent specific response. Teaser–if you even get close, I’ll not post for a week. That way, we can both benefit from your wisdom.
>>Bobbo – you don’t appear to understand much
>>about music.
I think Bobbo needs to be |’d to /dev/null for the time being. He’s out of control.
Bobbo, do you mean Screamin’ Jay Hawkins? He was completely crazy.
I’ve always wanted to a blues man, maybe named Blind Lemon Pledge.
Screaming Lord Byron?
>>Bobbo, do you mean Screamin’ Jay Hawkins?
I assume that’s who he was referring to, but I’m not sure that, at this point, Boboli knows WTF he means. He seems particularly decompensated today. Screamin’, Howlin’, it all sounds the same to him.
You know, my music collection is so large that I can’t find any given artist to refresh my memory, and when it is the “direction” I aim at, I often let the details lapse.
But seriously folks==None of us listen to anybody we didn’t grow up with or like right now. How can anything so ephemeral be “great?” Now–when I listen to Louis Armstrong, I like it==but I don’t listen to it when Blind Lemon Pledge is available (made me laugh–thanks). I like Lena Horn, but not Billie Holiday.
No one has said it but I was immediately reminded of Eric Clapton when listening to the posted guitar work above–but all the English Wave artists credit the Mississippi/Memphis blues men as their mentors. Clapton would be heavily represented in my collection were I to be put on an island.
A friend has a music prodigy as a budding archetect. In his spare time, he does listen to and admire the work or the artists from the 60’s and 70’s–says the work is more complex than todays pop. Is that an accurate assessment or the influence of his pop?
Very few listen to Tommy Dorsey or even Frank Sinatra anymore. What does “great” even mean? Influential? Would that be Moog? Kurtsweil?
We homo sapiens are so limited by our personal experiences. Some find god in that space, others “great” music? Hah!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I say “Hah!”
All is vanity.
#26, grog,
n.w.a. changed the face of rap music forever, and you can hear their influence on almost every rap album made since
You missed lesson #1. RAP AIN’T FUCKING MUSIC !!! It doesn’t even rank as bad poetry.
>>You missed lesson #1. RAP AIN’T FUCKING MUSIC!!!
>>It doesn’t even rank as bad poetry.
Eh, I’m not that keen on rap, but NWA is pretty good. And their members’ solo efforts. I particularly like “Chronic” by Dr. Dre.
#35, bobbo,
… if you even get close, I’ll not post for a week.
Right now I’m listening to Albert King, Kansas City through my little computer speakers. Before that I was listening to some early Johnny Rivers. Both from before my time and much older than I.
Occasionally I listen to some Cab Calloway and Big Joe Turner. I recommend both.
#42, Mustard,
Try it after a little chronic. Hoo yeah!
#43–gawd==I encourage everyone to enjoy as much of everything as you can. Life is short–live it large and in appreciation for the grave is a fine and wonderous place, yet none there I think embrace.
You people offering up Springsteen make me want to puke!
What i find amazing about lightin is his ability to play three,four or more parts at the same time. Bass ,rythem,and lead. Not many guitar players can do that.
#30 Nothing withstands the test of time. Time conquers all. “The Greats” hardly last a generation. What artist today has a reputation as a great musician and is still listened to? The oldest one I can think of is Elvis==and I don’t listen to him at all except in rip-off advertising jingles.
what rock do you live under?
Frank Sinatra is older than Elvis, and he has an entire channel on Sirius
Every city in America has at least one station that devotes at least some of their day to Jazz.
Dizzy Gillespie ring a bell?
Ella Fitzgerald?
Scott Joplin?
dude you are so ignorant of the history of popular music that you should really just have stayed out of the conversation
but thanks for making me laugh.
>>You people offering up Springsteen make me want to
>>puke! […….] Bass ,rythem,and lead. Not many
>>guitar players can do that.
Pffft. Even though Mister Hopkins is clearly an inspired and talented guitarist, those who are capable of a walking bass line are a dime a dozen. There’s more to what makes him great than well-developed basic technical skills. Obviously you missed that part, if you’re puking over Sprinsteen.