Pat Regan

The grandson of prominent anti-gun campaigner Pat Regan has been arrested on suspicion of stabbing her to death. Mrs Regan, 53, was discovered at the property on Marlborough Grange in the Hyde Park area of Leeds on Sunday. The mother-of-six started campaigning against gun crime when her son Danny was shot dead in 2002. The 20-year-old man was being held on suspicion of murder, police said.

It is thought he had been arrested earlier in the day over another stabbing. A 45-year-old railway worker was treated in hospital for a stab wound to his arm after challenging a man for trespassing at Leeds station on Sunday morning, British Transport Police said.

Mrs Regan set up a Leeds branch of Mothers Against Guns after her son Danny, 25, was shot at his home in Haydock, near St Helens, Merseyside in December 2002. His killer has not been found. She had met government officials to discuss how to tackle the problems of guns and gang-related crime. Dee Edwards, co-founder of campaign group Mothers Against Murder and Manslaughter, said Mrs Regan would visit schools and give talks about the dangers and consequences of getting involved in crime. She said: “She made such a big difference to so many people’s lives. This is an absolute tragedy for so many people.” Mrs Edwards said she had known Mrs Regan for about six years and described her as the “most incredible woman”.

“It’s just the most dreadful news for everyone. She’s just an amazing woman,” she added.

I have noticed in the British press lately quite a few murders by stabbing, as well as a proposal for a ban on kitchen knives.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Oh man, the bitter irony.

    I guess those gun nuts are right: Guns don’t kill, people do.

    Gee. Who knew?

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I sure hope this doesn’t descend into a useless yuck-fest over the irony, followed by a wanking contest between the pro gun nuts and the anti gun nuts.

    All this is, is what it is when anyone is murdered… It’s just tragic.

  3. gquaglia says:

    Just goes to show people, man will kill man whether is be by gun, knife, sword or poison, man will always find a way. Something these liberal do gooders will never understand.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Something these liberal do gooders will
    >>never understand.

    I’m a liberal do-gooder, and I understand it fully.

    Maybe neither Mrs. Regan nor her son Danny would be dead right now if they were packing a friend (or the murderers thought they might be).

  5. GigG says:

    Tragic it is and it was also tragic when her son was shot. But it seems she should have been spending her time NOT raising thugs. But instead she raised at least 2. The one that killed her and the one that got shot.

    From another article that calls her a “Brave Mother” had this to say about the sun that was shot…

    “The 26-year-old father-of-two, who became a drug dealer after dropping out of school aged 15, was shot dead in his home in St Helens, Merseyside.”

  6. edwinrogers says:

    If it was funny, yes it would be ironic. A decent, kindly, worldly woman with outspoken views against violent crime – I expect that her death will come as a shock to those who followed her.

  7. Diamened says:

    If only she had a gun…

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    Violence in the city, feels like summer.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>If it was funny, yes it would be ironic.

    The definition of irony doesn’t necessarily include humour. It’s a contradiction between what is meant or said and what actually is.

    As in this case.

  10. Les says:

    Just goes to prove, those who live by the sword get shot by those who live by the gun. Wait a minute, she didn’t have a gun.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>“The 26-year-old father-of-two, who became a
    >>drug dealer after dropping out of school aged
    >>15, was shot dead in his home in St Helens,

    Huh. It wasn’t made clear in the linked article that the dead son was a drug-dealing thug.

    If I wanted to avoid being shot (or stabbed, or garroted, or beaten with brass knuckles, or kicked with steel-toed boots, or fileted with a kitchen knife) one of the first things I would do is make sure I wasn’t dealing drugs and associating with drug dealers.

    Tragic, but whaddaygonnado? Even though guns are all but illegal in the UK, the criminals will always find a way to get guns. And if they can’t get guns (as if!), there’s always the kitchen knife, the garrote, the brass knuckes, the steel-toed boots, etc.

  12. J says:

    as soon as they outlaw knives then death by baseball bat will go up.
    then they’ll outlaw baseball bats and death by rocks will go up


  13. Bob says:

    Now that, is comedy! I love it when people get bit by their own faulty logic.

  14. bobbo says:

    No yuck fest allowed on this one huh? Oh, just OFTLO’s instigation for a wank-off.

    Well, I don’t see any irony at all. In a land where guns are very restricted, there is much less murder overall and dramatically less by guns. Where is the irony? All I see is sound civil laws that greatly affect the options of its citizens==towards legal and illegal activities both.

    Whats ironic here? A nut with a knife has killed one person==not a subway filled with people as do gun nuts.

    The story is an object lesson for the USA to follow, not to get confused by issues of gun control. That issue is understood quite well, its only our mental illness that prevents action.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>as soon as they outlaw ….

    You know what they say; when they outlaw baseball bats, only outlaws will have baseball bats.

    Better we work on the underlying sociopathology that leads people to want to kill each other than delude ourselve into thinking that banning “murder weapons” will lead to the end of murder.

  16. wanker says:

    #14. bobbo, “That issue is understood quite well, its only our mental illness that prevents action.”

    Yeah, lets not let a little thing like the Constitution get in the way.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>In a land where guns are very restricted,
    >>there is much less murder overall and
    >>dramatically less by guns. Where is the irony?
    >>All I see….

    All I see is that in places like Vermont, where just about any Tom, Dick, or Harry can carry concealed, murder rates are pretty low. In places with draconian gun control laws (like NYC or DC), murder rates are appalling.

    And according to the BBC, the “ban” on handguns in the UK lead to an INCREASE in handgun crime

    We report. You decide.

  18. bobbo says:

    #16–Mustard==thank you for demonstrating the issue. Its of religious significance for you I know. But not being exactly religious, we can change the constitution==if it were an impediment==if we weren’t mentally ill.

    Thank you for your support.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#16–Mustard==thank you for demonstrating
    >>the issue.

    Wtf are you gibbering about now, Mista Bobbolina? #16 is a post by Wanker, not by me. I have never mentioned the Constitution with respect to gun control in this thread.

    Lay off the beer, will you? Or stop posting. The wacky punctuation is one thing, but when you start blabbering senselessly, we’ve passed the point of diminishing returns.

  20. Jamie says:

    Murder has existed and been a part of human civilization probably before humans figured out that smashing someone’s skull with a rock or stick was more efficient than their bare fists.

    Jack the Ripper didn’t use a gun, didn’t need one, did he?

    I agree with Mr. Yellow Condiment, it’s better to deal with the underlying issues FIRST. It’s the motivation you need to deal with – not the means. Otherwise any college science prof should be labeled as a weapon of mass destruction – given the knowledge and materials they have (legal) access to.

    You deal mainly with the means, then you might as well outlaw just about EVERYTHING.

    If someone with murderous intent gets a basic chemistry education they could kill/harm numerous people with just stuff from the local hardware store.

  21. bobbo says:

    #17–Mustard, I’ll decide that the overall death rate from guns is a very small fraction of that in the USA. Lack of available guns requiring their illegal smuggling into the country is the main reason for that.

    Again, thank you for making the case for making guns illegal.

  22. GigG says:

    It would lower crime to a much greater extent if people like the victim here didn’t have children in the first place. One child is a drug dealing thug and the other knifes his mother. I wonder what her other four kids are up to?

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard, I’ll decide that the overall death
    >>rate from guns is a very small fraction of
    >>that in the USA.

    Bobbo, is English your second (or third) language? Wtf are you talking about? “You’ll decide”? Are you The King? The Emperor? George W. Bush? I’m getting a headache.

    And did you not read my comparison of Vermont (loosey-goosey gun laws) with NYC and DC (draconian ones) wrt murder rates?

    What’s wrong with you, man? Sometimes I feel like I’m exchanging posts with an outer-space alien.

  24. bobbo says:

    #16–wanker==sorry, didn’t mean to demean you for anything other than your opinion.

    #19–Mustard==sorry, didn’t mean to reveal your stupidity prematurely.

    #20–Jamie==silly. Let the militia have bazooka’s or machine guns, tanks, mustard gas because its their attitude that counts? Learn to juggle more than one ball at a time.

  25. natefrog says:

    #14, bobbo;

    You’re spot-on.

  26. bobbo says:

    #23–Mustard–since you can’t remember your own post #17 for more than 5 minutes, read it again and get back to me if you can’t make the nanometer wide connection. We’ll take baby steps from there to take gun bans thru the consitution all the way to common sense. Jamie could accompany us only for his edification. Wanker is another lost cause.

  27. natefrog says:


    Yeah, lets [sic] not let a little thing like the opening clause of the Second Amendment get in the way.

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Whats ironic here? A nut with a knife has
    >>killed one person==not a subway filled with
    >>people as do gun nuts.

    No, they use sarin gas when the knives don’t kill enough people. Christ, Bobbo, have a cup of fucking coffee.

    >>Mustard==sorry, didn’t mean to reveal
    >>your stupidity prematurely.

    Now THERE is a compelling argument, a deep cut, a coup de grace.

    Christ Bobbo, have a fucking cup of coffee. I’m not going to tell you again.

  29. Les says:

    “When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually…I ask, who are the militia? They consist of now of the whole people, except a few public officers. But I cannot say who will be the militia of the future day. If that paper on the table gets no alteration, the militia of the future day may not consist of all classes, high and low, and rich and poor…”

    George Mason, Virginia Constitution Convention

    Any more questions about what they meant by militia?

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#23–Mustard blah blah blah blah blah

    Oh, for fuck’s sake. I can see this is going to be another fruitless 20498063982872398724-post thread, where you gibber on like a chimp, making no sense, weaving your pretzel pseudo-logic like spaghetti in a bowl, and slowing down reading of your posts with your fucked-up punctuation.

    I’m not getting sucked in this time.

    Bobbo | /dev/null


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