
Adobe has made a move into online document sharing with the launch of the community site. It allows people to create, store and share documents online, and hold web conferences to discuss changes.

Those using the service get access to the Buzzword word processor that lets them create basic text documents. Document creators can store their files on the site and invite others to collaborate, read or comment.

It also allows the creation of web conferences so co-authors can collaborate on and discuss a document in real time.

Online communities are so darling. I think I’ll start one for geeks who prefer lemon-scented canned air.

No huffers, please.

  1. edwinrogers says:

    This whole online communalism thing, is so 2007.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’m getting really tired of companies trying to throw in “social networking” into mundane bullshit like this. These out of touch executives, who think they are being clever, are so clueless it’s shameful.

    “Buzzword” that lets them create basic text files. Ohh how innovative… since 1980.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Basic text files?

    Christ, I could do all that 25 years ago with some BBS software and a telephone. Or a few years ago with Google docs and an internet connection.

    What’s wrong with these people?

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    One key feature that is missing is printing on PAPER. If this thing is going to fly, they need to be able to print. There are still plenty of people who I work with who say that they, “can’t read things on the screen like they can on paper.” Personally I can’t tell the difference, except that one kills trees, and the other uses 100% recycled electrons.
    But hey, some people will buy into ANY hype. I just pity the fool who asks me to set this thing up for them and then expects me to “fix” it when it doesn’t print to their printer.

  5. llsee says:

    I just don’t get these online document sites. You know that Adobe, or Google or whoever is scanning every word of your document for potential advertising opportunities, or whatever they can use!

  6. Esteban says:

    I can’t imagine anyone, not even the programmers at Adobe, being so on fire about PDF files that they would want to create an Acrobat online community.

  7. tdkyo says:

    Dear Adobe, I still remember the day you killed Atmosphere. Jerks!

    Sorry for my public rank.



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