Obama Resigns From Trinity Church – From The Road — I guess he didn’t want to go this Sunday.

Barack Obama has formally resigned from his church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

It had to have been a painful decision, as Obama just cut the line to his religious anchor, but the church had become a weapon for his political enemies. The Trinity Church was the place Obama called his religious home. A place where he was married. Where his children were baptized. Where he was friends with the congregation and its minister, Jeremiah Wright.

  1. MikeN says:

    So Obama is about 10 years behind Oprah.
    I thought he said he could no more walk away from Wright than he could disown his own grandmother, or walk away from the black community?

  2. bobbo says:

    #32–Mike, that was then, this is now. Bet a few months ago he didn’t think his mentor and church would reveal itself as so anti-white?

    You remember that Regun never left the democractic party?==it left him?

    Same thing. All motion is relative to the observer. Thats why you see everything in political terms, because thats the way you roll.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Another point I see as having been completely missed is what Wright did to Obama.

    After Obama called Wright a loony Grandma, Wright went on the warpath and did just about everything short of hiring a hit-man to keep Obama from getting the nomination.

    Obama has plenty of reasons to dump his former church. Not being welcome is a good one for starters.

    (What this also implies is that Obama hasn’t had any change of heart, just venue).

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Like the article says “the church had become a weapon for his political enemies.”

    What the article didn’t say was that one of Obama’s greatest political enemies was his own pastor.

  5. bobbo says:

    Ah Yea–I thought I read somewhere that months ago Rev Wrights was profiled as a “life-long anti-washington unless you are helping the minorities type of guy” and that he even told Obama that if he became President he would be coming after him as well.

    The couple just grew apart thats all. No treachery, no change of position. Just each staying true to themselves==until Wright moves into that 1.5 Million Dollar Home. Can’t begrudge him that, as Obama will do the same====as they all do.

  6. MikeN says:

    So bobbo, you think for 20 years, this church was and pastor were all normal, at least when Obama was around, but just in the last few months it became obvious that they are racist?
    The reality is it’s not just the pastor. In the video, the whole crowd is cheering. In his supposedly historic speech on race, Obama says that there are differences, and his pastor has said controversial things. He just wants us to believe he never heard this particular speech, and if he had he’d have left. Doesn’t square with the facts.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Sorry Bobbo, what you said doesn’t make any sense at all. Two people that just grew apart. Two people growing apart doesn’t entail both of them going on every major news channel and bashing the other.

  8. brendal says:

    There are many paths to God…some are more political than others.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    I didn’t find his pastor to be very controversial at all, just rather blunt and to the point.

    If we want crazy, just watch old Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and John Hagee speeches. According to them, god would nuke washington, liberals, atheists and lesbians toppled the towers on 9/11, and the catholic church is a big french whore.

    Anything Rev. Wright has said pales in comparison to those protestant clowns.


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