Obama Resigns From Trinity Church – From The Road — I guess he didn’t want to go this Sunday.

Barack Obama has formally resigned from his church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

It had to have been a painful decision, as Obama just cut the line to his religious anchor, but the church had become a weapon for his political enemies. The Trinity Church was the place Obama called his religious home. A place where he was married. Where his children were baptized. Where he was friends with the congregation and its minister, Jeremiah Wright.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    If Obama has any more problems with his Christian affiliations, he’ll probably start wishing he were Muslim after all, like the emails say he is.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – eric

    It would have been great if he did, but really… when did he say that he’ll give up his faith?

  3. Joffi says:

    Something that strikes me is a normal politician would have resigned from Trinity the moment the Rev. Wright tapes surfaced. There would have been no speech, there would have been no attempt to do the right thing at a personal level and make the right thing the political response.

    Sen. Obama tried to do right by everyone and not make the simple, cold, political choice. It took this long with the continued pounding of the press and the ignorant pressure of white America for him to finally face the fact that in order for this not to be an issue in the fall, it needed to be done.

    To me, that speaks volumes about the man and more about the statesman who lives by example the ‘this is not politics as usual’ credo.

    *btw, I am a white American from the boonies myself

  4. Cursor_ says:

    It doesn’t matter anyway.

    All of them USE piety as a selling point.

    This is the way it has been since the chief of the village shared power with the shaman.

    Obama is a plutocrat like all the rest. The dollar is their god.


  5. @Joffi: It does speak volumes about Obama. He was happy to stay there for two decades and participate in the same crap from which he now retracts in a last minute to grab the nomination/potential presidency. At least Clinton’s are transparent about their triple-face-nes.

    After twenty years only honest move would be remaining in and fighting to snap that place out of racism and hatred to the Christian message… (As the option of leaving honestly have expired some nineteen years ago).

  6. jbenson2 says:

    So Obama – a man who spent 20 years attending a church, was married in the church, and had his two children baptized in the church, simply quits because of a few video clips “that were taken out of context” and did not represent the real beliefs of Trinity.

    Seems the increase in the number of “distractions” are showing Barack’s thin skin or lack of a backbone.

  7. JimR says:

    It’s about time that religion was kicked out of politics.

  8. JPV says:


  9. JPV says:

    Some complete and utter moron said

    I guess he’ll do anything to become president. Even give up his faith.

    Really? Is that the only church in the world where he is allowed to practice his faith?

    How interesting.

    Personally I would be delighted if he really did give up his faith. Belief in religion is a mental illness.

  10. Brian says:

    Gotta love the ‘he’s giving up his faith!’ Apparently unaware that there is more than one church where one can practice their faith.

    Ideally religious backgrounds would have no bearing on an election, as it obviously has no bearing on one’s political policies. Bush ran on a ‘moral’ agenda, and look how corrupt an administration he’s run?

    Let’s kick all religions out of all politics and focus on issues that actually matter: foreign policy, economics, you know, important stuff.

  11. Mister Ketchup says:

    On a related note, you all HAVE to see this: http://tinyurl.com/3t34ch

    [Thanks for not Rick Rolling us. Cool article. – ed.]

  12. JimR says:

    #12, good one! Actually not a bad idea IMO.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Mister Ketchup

    That was a good one. 🙂

  14. the answer says:

    Obama needs to further the separation of church and state. I think the whole ” religion” angle really alienates a lot of the youthful / intellectual voters.

  15. floyd says:

    Church of Christ is a congregational church (as is Disciples of Christ my late mom’s nominal church). If you change congregations, you change the religious dogma, which might be very liberal, very conservative, or somewhere in between. Obama probably decided quitting that church was the right thing to do, both politically and morally.

    #12: Funny! The black guy has a sense of humor too!
    #15, I agree with what you said. Presidents should not make decisions based on their religious beliefs, but on the facts of the matter.

  16. James Hill says:

    “They caught him ridin’ dirty.” = Required an apology.

    This weekend’s story about insiders telling Clinton to stop fucking around. = News.

    Personally, Obama would have locked up my vote if he would have stayed with the church. Leaving after 20 years just proves he’s another chameleon politician.

  17. Mister Ketchup says:

    #17 – Go ahead and vote for Hillary then.

  18. James Hill says:

    #18 – I’ll take a pass on that one. I heard Bob Barr is running…

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you change the religious dogma

    Well, no you don’t. As the polity of the church mandates that “the basic unit of the life and organization of the United Church of Christ is the local church”, you may find liberals, conservatives, mainstreamers, or fringe wackos as predominating in the congregation (and hence the political views of the church) vary significantly from church to church. However, the “religous dogma” remains the same.

    In general, most UCC’ers are probably more on the liberal side than most other churches (Unitarians excepted). Most believers who want to be told what to do in every aspect of their lives go to a church that tells them what to do (like fundie evangelical or Roman Catholic).

  20. Mister Ketchup says:

    #20 – Well of course the dogma remains the same. It cannot be proved otherwise regardless of the makeup of the congregation. Just like the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa Claus. And the lemmings want to be told what to do in every aspect of their lives because they are too stupid to figure it out for themselves. And they will be hypocrites, child molesters, gamblers, adulterers, fornicators, blasphemers, liars, fudge packers homosexuals, prostitutes and sports fans. But what the hell, they are forgiven.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And the lemmings want to be told what to do in
    >>every aspect of their lives because they are
    >>too stupid to figure it out for themselves.

    It’s clear you’ve been going to the wrong church, Tomato Man.

    No matter. God still loves you, brother.

  22. Mister Ketchup says:

    I want God to love the 1.35 million homeless children in this country first. I want God to love the people suffering in China and Burma first. If he can’t love them at least relieve their suffering.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I want God to

    Perhaps it’s God’s plan that YOU (and other like you) carry out whatever it is you want.

    I realize it’s easy to treat God as a trained circus animal or magician, and ridicule Him when He fails to perform the trick you call for. That’s not the way it works though, and I suggest you do a little introspection and think about it.

    In any case, I’m not getting sucked into a 24309850982243098-post thread about the pros and cons of religion.

    I suggest you go find a nice juicy burger and spice it up a little.

  24. Mister Ketchup says:

    #24 said “Perhaps it’s God’s plan that YOU (and other like you) carry out whatever it is you want.”

    Could be – I have survived terminal cancer, plane crash, walked away from totaled cars without a scratch, surrounded by sharks and a myriad of other mishaps. I guess I was kept here for some reason, if nothing else just to be a warning to others.

  25. bobbo says:

    #24–Mustard==how does god work?

  26. Don says:

    Now if we could just find a way to get him to cut his ties to the corrupt Illinois political system where he cut his political teeth, and still has lots of ties. Sheesh, the thought of a bunch of those lowlifes getting an in at the Whitehouse is scarier than a third term of W.


  27. MikeN says:

    Sounds like Obama tried to split the middle with the church, and keep his black voting base intact. Once he got the delegates he needed, he dropped the church for the general election. Basic Nixon strategy.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#24–Mustard==how does god work?

    As you know, Mista Bobbolina, in mysterious ways.

    ‘Nuff said.

  29. Lou Minatti says:

    Who’s Barack gonna throw under the bus next?

  30. MikeN says:

    Well, let’s see,he’s dissed the ‘middle’, ‘typical white people’, and Puerto Rico, maybe next he’ll diss blacks?


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