Five weeks ago Leila Hussein told The Observer the chilling story of how her husband had killed their 17-year-old daughter over her friendship with a British soldier in Basra. Now Leila, who had been in hiding, has been murdered – gunned down in cold blood. The report on the final act of a brutal tragedy.

Leila Hussein lived her last few weeks in terror. Moving constantly from safe house to safe house, she dared to stay no longer than four days at each. It was the price she was forced to pay after denouncing and divorcing her husband – the man she witnessed suffocate, stamp on, then stab their young daughter Rand in a brutal ‘honour’ killing for which he has shown no remorse.

Though she feared reprisals for speaking out, she really believed that she would soon be safe. Arrangements were well under way to smuggle her to the Jordanian capital, Amman. In fact, she was on her way to meet the person who would help her escape when a car drew up alongside her and two other women who were walking her to a taxi. Five bullets were fired: three of them hit Leila, 41. She died in hospital after futile attempts to save her.

Her death, on 17 May, is the shocking denouement to a tragedy which had its origins in an innocent friendship between her student daughter, Rand Abdel-Qader, 17, and a blond, 22-year-old British soldier known only as Paul.

She died, still a virgin, four months after she had last seen him when her father, Abdel-Qader Ali, 46, discovered that she had been seen talking ‘to the enemy’ in public. She had brought shame on his honour, was his defence, and he had to cleanse his family name. Despite openly admitting the murder, he has received no punishment.

It was two weeks after Rand’s death on 16 March that a grief-stricken Leila, unable to bear living under the same roof as her husband, found the strength to leave him. She had been beaten and had had her arm broken. It was a courageous move. Few women in Iraq would contemplate such a step. Leila told The Observer in April: ‘No man can accept being left by a woman in Iraq. But I would prefer to be killed than sleep in the same bed as a man who was able to do what he did to his own daughter.’

Truer words were never spoken.

  1. Eddie the hun says:

    cultural diversity at its finest. Explain to me again are we there to preserve this culture or change it?

  2. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Repeat after me:

    “religion of peace – religion of peace”

  3. gromnie says:

    Remember folks, this is what “multiculturalism” holds in such high esteem and wishes to promote, acclaim and emulate:

    The disgusting acts of barbaric savages.

  4. billabong says:

    F#$@!!g heathens… is time to develop a different source of energy and let the Israelis nuke em.

  5. notaredneck says:

    Billabong said, “it is time to develop a different source of energy and let the Israelis nuke em”

    If you feel so strongly about nuking them, get your own country do it.

  6. MikeN says:

    This isn’t multiculturalism or honor killing. This guy killed his daughter because he considered the British the enemy.

  7. Don says:

    “This isn’t multiculturalism or honor killing. This guy killed his daughter because he considered the British the enemy.”

    No, he killed his daughter because she would not do as she was told. It only made the international press because she was seeing a British soldier. If it was another local man, she would still be dead. We just would not have heard about it.

    I know it will not happen in my life time, but I can’t wait till the oil run’s out and they can sink back into their 12th century little piece of paradise.


  8. The Man says:

    “I know it will not happen in my life time, but I can’t wait till the oil run’s out and they can sink back into their 12th century little piece of paradise.”

    Sink back into, what makes you think they ever crawled out.

  9. akitanik says:

    Its kind of corny, but Lennon had it right. . .

    “And no religion too
    Imagine all the people living life in peace”

    Wipe out organized religion. Imagine what a better planet this would be.

  10. LtJackboot says:

    And what part of this behavior entitles these people to refer to themselves as ‘civilized’? Always going on about how they are a ‘civilized’ people who want to be recognized as such. Ten centuries behind the rest of the world in religion, law, and politics does not make one civilized nor does merely making the claim.

  11. green says:

    In the West people kill over much more civilized things – shoes and sporting event outcomes to name a few.


  12. iraq religion says:

    Ah, yes, Iraq, where religious affiliation was once a minor point and fundamentalism was suppressed under secularist Saddam Hussein. Until the religion-crazed USA showed up.

  13. floyd says:

    #12: Unfortunately I think you’re right. Christian fundies associate Iraq with Armageddon (even though Armageddon is in Israel). Maybe they were trying to start the big battle so Jesus would come back or something.

  14. Bob says:

    #15 is right. People who want to kill another person will find an excuse to do it. And those prone to killing will find a reason to kill someone else. I know many people on this board are religiphobes, but put aside your bigotry for a second.

    In this U.S. (and thankfully still most of Europe), we have laws against killing someone else. When someone who claims to be Christian kills an abortion doctor we prosecute that person, and if the evidence is there to convict, that person is sentenced.

    I think what really upsets people about this crime (other than the fact its her own family), is that their seems to be no prosecution. Its as if the government is saying, “no problem, it’s O.K. to kill someone because you can’t control them, just as long as they are your own family.”

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet the Evangelics are jealous that they can’t do that so openly and get away with it.

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – Angel H. Wong

    Watch Jesus Camp. There’s a short episode where the indoctrination lady talks about how the enemy [the Muslims] are training the kids with weapons etc. It’s almost like “And here we’re only allowed to teach them the bible”.

  17. Jägermeister says:


    Probably better with a link to the full version of Jesus Camp.

  18. Miguel Correia says:

    #4. Yeah, right, nuking them would certainly help those women.

  19. QB says:

    This is so sad. It sounds like she died standing up which is more than I can say for the bastards who killed her and her daughter.

    The west is going to “democratize” these guys?

  20. Jeffery Williams says:

    It’s a shame such murder is tolerated in any part of the world.

  21. UNKN says:


    There was another one of these that happened in India ( I thought this was the same ) where they village men killed the man and woman. That made it onto msnbc or one of the 3 major news sites, and they were both locals.


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