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Republican plants.
I don’t get it.
I’ve been a citizen of Florida all of my life. My wife and I even preferred Hillary (at one point). Even so, Florida BROKE THE RULES and moved the primary before February 5. They even had 30 days to respond to a warning about breaking the rules before they got penalized.
They did nothing.
So, the votes were taken away….last year. There was no media snafu. I saw no demonstrators. Nobody was screaming about an injustice. By the time the primary happened, I had already become an Obama supporter. Regardless, I was under the understanding that the votes would not matter because the delegates woult not be seated — votes not count. As such, I did not vote. Most of my democrat friends did not vote either. If we’re told 6 months in advance that we’re not going to be able to have primary that counts — who on earth thinks that those who did turn out are going to make for a fair and accurate vote?
There are two legimate ways to do this: 1) Run a new primary in Florida (Not going to happen — the Florida DP has shut that down)
2) (The true fair way) Leave the votes as is. The vote is heavily tainted by voter non-turnout because many voters paid attention and knew that it could affect nothing either way.
Get over it!
#33, Republican plants?
You give them too much credit, besides the Republicans want Clinton to run against. With Obama they’ll have to deal with him playing the race card. They already know how to go after Hillary, and get away with it.
Why are you all so eager to credit Obama with votes for Edwards? I know Edwards endorsed him, but that doesn’t mean he should automatically steal those delegates. Hard to think a candidate will do well when he can’t beat a guy who’s been out of the race for months by more than 20 points.
This just keeps getting better and better.
Never in my wildest dreams last year did I think that any Republican candidate would have even had a snowball’s chance in hades of having an actual shot at winning the presidency in 2008. W’s poll numbers had been a HUGE drag on all the GOP’s candidates.
What a difference a year makes!
To #14, Senseless Babble: Thought crime legislation, untenable double standards for discourse and behavior, and splintering national “narratives” had been created solely by the Democratic party and its enablers in the media. This atmosphere suited them just fine when it was only applied against Republicans. I would like to think that this Obama/Clinton nonsense might lead some on the left to finally see the problems inherent in the identity politics approach.
I’d like to take this time out to thank the Democratic Party for their embarrasing amd continual ineptness. It’s restored my faith that the Democrats will always manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 😀
Heads up on some breaking news – a surprise video is suppose to be unveiled today:
A youtube video of the same event (different camera)
Clinton Supporter Ejected From DNC Meeting Shows Bruises:
#24, #35:
I’ve said it a million times: whether you’re a parent or a political party: don’t dole out punishments that hurt others and yourself more than it hurts the ones who actually did wrong. The Florida and Michigan conventions broke rules. The only ones really hurt by the DNC’s punishment are (potentially) Hillary Clinton, and most importantly, citizens like you and me who had nothing to do with MI and FL’s decision. This is a de facto part of the electoral process in this country, and people have a legitimate expectation to have a voice in the primaries. Absolutely inexcusable on the part of the DNC. How could they not know that their myopic, retarded, petty “crack of the whip” might have created chaos like this? How could they not know that this would at the very least create ill feelings from Florida and Michigan Democrats? (Don’t forget, the Republicans took away half their delgates, which is about half as retarded as what the Democrats did. They’re just lucky the Republican race wasn’t as close.)
The DNC has no one to blame but themselves: the DNC is a principal who gave the entire fourth grade detention because their teacher broke a school rule.
Besides, who really should give a shit that FL and MI voted early? Who did it hurt? Why should the DNC even care? It was a meaningless flex of the biceps by the DNC. There is absolutely NO good reason. It’s already a circus; changing the dates a few months in advance of any or all of the primaries can’t conceivably ruin anything. Unless someone chooses to forcibly ruin it themselves.
Thank you Howard Dean for being a moron, once again.
Another example of Hillary having squarely behind her the dumb white racist crowd.
Even if hillary had gotten what she want she a losser.
I’m still trying to figure this out. Florida and Michigan knowingly made the decision to not have their votes counted by not following the rules. Now they are complaining, even though they are being allowed to have their votes being counted as half votes. Were I in charge I would have kept with the rules and shut these states out, otherwise, what is the sense in having rules?
2000 – Nader
2004 – Swift Boat
2008 – Clinton
holy crap harriet is not using a walker!!!!!
#42, this is not what the DNC did. For Michigan, they did not give out half votes. They gave Obama 4 delegates previously won by Hillary as well as all of the uncommitted.
OK, they are half votes, but I still have heard an explanation of why Barack Obama is entitled to delegates won outright by Hillary?
#45, Lyin’ Mike
… but I still have heard an explanation of why Barack Obama is entitled to delegates won outright by Hillary?
You just don’t get it. You haven’t heard an explanation simply because you are too busy promoting McBush.
Obama did not contest Michigan or Florida as the DNC had already stated that those States were outside the rules. It would be unfair to give Clinton all the delegates when many people stayed home instead of breaking the rules. Giving Obama some of the pledged delegates only evens the total. Making their votes only count for half punishes the State Leadership.
Maybe next time Florida and Michigan won’t act so much like Republicans and actually obey the rules.
It’s OK to give Obama some delegates, but why ones that Hillary won? This amounts to the DNC overruling the results of an election.
Don’t worry, Hillary will land on her feet no matter what happens.
America has a hard time electing a female president because its a backwards redneck protestant nation with a small collective penis.