Found by Chris Condayan.

via TalkRadio News linked here

  1. andy says:

    i didn’t know dvorak had a sister.

  2. Mark says:

    “We’re voting McCain because Hillary agreed to the DNC rules in 2007, now because she’s behind in the delegate count, she’s throwing the rules out!” What a bunch of children.

  3. SJP says:

    Someday history will write that, “Harriet Christian, from Manhattan, is credited for starting the group called The Colorado Seven.”

    I was too young to fully enjoy the 1968 convention. It’s great to have a chance to relive the chaos.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Sore losers, just like their candidate.

  5. andy says:

    ron paul didn’t win. i’m voting for the communist party! that’ll show you!

  6. chris says:

    Obama is Ted Kennedy’s fault. This is the same loser that brought the Dems: John Kerry, Mike “Da Tank” Dukakis, and Himself(damaging Carter in 1980). He can’t stand to see the Democrats move away from New England(and Kennedy history) to become an actual national party. The Republicans have essentially become a regional party(the south) and an uncompetitive Democratic party refuses to play hardball to take advantage of this fact.

    Even now Obama’s people are putting it out that Hillary has damaged him so “if” he loses it in November it will be all her fault. Boo Hoo Hoo.

    Rahm Emanuel positioned the Democratic party to win in ’06. He did this by being aggressive, and running “unconventional” candidates. These candidates were not straight-jacketed to the positions of the Democratic establishment.

    Doesn’t it seem weird that, since Johnson, the only Democratic presidential winners win over the opposition of New England Democrats? Or that the most promising candidates are destroyed by these same people?

  7. god says:

    Lotta True Believers here, today.

  8. Thomas says:

    How do you figure that the Republicans are a party of the South: just because Bush I and II are from Texas? What about Reagan (CA), Dole (KS), Doles’ running mate Kemp (NY) and Cheney (WI,NE)?

  9. Thomas says:

    I almost forgot potato boy Quayle (IN).

  10. QB says:

    Harriet is still feeling guilty about that night in Dick Cheney’s frat house in 1964.

  11. Hmeyers says:

    Was that Geraldine Ferraro in the video or her sister?

  12. Hmeyers says:

    #10 – You mean potatoe.

  13. I don’t understand the people who say that “if my candidate doesn’t get the nominations, I’m voting for the Republicans.” – I’m sorry, but don’t the issues and the candidates stance on them stand for anything? I mean, Obama and Clinton, agree on about 90% of most issues, and where they differ, it is only in their take on how an issue should be approached and handled. If they weren’t so similar, they wouldn’t be in the same party. But to vote for McCain if your candidate of choice doesn’t get the nomination, well, that’s just plain stupid in my opinion. Do these people not care about the issues? Are they only about the “cult of personality” behind Clinton and Obama? Can Someone Please Explain This Thinking To Me? I just don’t get it.

  14. jlm says:

    “inadequate black male”?
    thats one ignorant racist bitch right there…the republicans will be glad to have her.

  15. emailc says:

    Oh please. Aren’t you capable of doing anything other than repeating conventional wisdom? Do you do that in the tech world?

    In one state, the Republicans had to shut down a delegate convention because there were too many Ron Paul supporters. A former Republican is running on the libertarian ticket. McCain is running away from Bush. Where are the stories about division within the Republican party?

  16. Jeff says:

    No one cares about the Republican Party.

  17. JPV says:

    They’re all basically pissed off because Hillary wasn’t allowed to steal all of the votes from Michigan…

    Here’s what the Clintons wanted – 73 delegates for Hillary and 55 for “uncommitted.” That split conforms to the actual vote results, which were 55 per cent for Clinton and 40 per cent for “uncommitted” (again, since Obama’s name was not on the ballot).

    What the committee agreed to was a different compromise proposed by the Michigan Democratic Party that gave Clinton 69 delegates and Obama 59.

    Hold your horses, said Ickes. He contended the compromise “hijacks” four delegates outright from Clinton and awards 59 delegates to a candidate who no one actually voted for in Michigan.

    On its face, this complaint seems reasonable. But here’s Obama’s argument. His campaign argues the Illinois senator deserves those Michigan delegates because the election was flawed and the actual results could not be construed in any way to be a fair reflection of support for either Clinton or Obama.

    Many Michiganders who backed Obama cast ballots for “uncommitted” – something even Clinton’s own representative at the meeting, former U.S. ambassador to Canada Jim Blanchard, noted in his presentation to the committee.

    Further, some Obama supporters may have voted for Clinton since his name wasn’t on the ballot. Others still voted in the Republican primary since Obama wasn’t on the ballot.

    To paraphrase Obama supporters: The Illinois senator should not be punished for playing by the rules. At the time Michigan and Florida voted, their primaries were null and void. Nobody thought they would count, including Clinton, who said so on New Hampshire public radio.

  18. ECA says:

    the race is on…
    ALL rules are GONE..
    Infighting and back stabbing is OK..
    Murder, Lies, assignations, abound…

    And still…In the end, the next president will be a Scape goat..
    And in the end..
    BOTH parties will get to say..
    “See, we TOLD you so, Blacks(or Women) cant run this nation”

  19. JPV says:

    Not to mention that these fools keep saying that they have been “disenfranchised” because Hillary wasn’t allowed to steal the Michigan votes.

    These idiots sadly, don’t seem to understand the difference between a political party’s nomination process, and a general election. The DNC could choose it’s nominees by throwing darts on a dartboard, if they so choose.

    It becomes more and more clear, every day, why this country is in such a mess.

  20. Mark Parker says:

    This is just Dems being Dems. They’re loud, bitchy and… dare I say? …cranky. And they argue vehemently more with themselves than with anyone else. If you’re a Republican, or a non-political American anywhere in the mainstream, you might think the Dem Party is tearing itself apart. But they’re not. They’re just being Dems.

    They’re still going to win big this year because the numbers and trends are way in their favor. As for all those feminists who say they’re voting for McCain? Don’t make me laugh… BO is going to say “Roe v Wade” and “Supreme Court” and “hundred years in Iraq” and McCain is going to sink like a the lead candidate that he is.

  21. Mikey Twit says:

    I can only speak as an observer in the Great White North, but from my perspective, Hillary’s biggest problem was that she ran, like the nomination was owed to her, and was appalled that Obamba would challenge her. Where as Obama, just ran a campaign.

  22. livvidd says:

    Is it possible that these women were planted there by the republicans to throw a wrench in the way this event would be covered?

  23. RR1 says:

    Both FLA and MI ignored the party when told not to have their votes on the days they did. Why should the party suddenly have to count these votes? If you don’t follow the rules, you pay the consequences.

  24. BigBoyBC says:

    Obama better watch out, the Clintons put a bullet in poor Vince Fosters head, and he was a friend. Just imagine what they’ll do to the black man who “stole” her spotlight.

    Beware the Clinton Political Machine, it’s makes the Republican one look like a bunch of church ladies.

  25. sdawnjones says:

    LOL- oh, these comments are hilarious. Glad you guys liked my video 🙂

    Potayto, potahtoe… whatever

  26. BillyBob says:

    #14 One word. Racism.

  27. Erik Blazynski says:

    I dont understand the “Denver” chant. I know that is where the convention is, but WTF, you chant the name of the city? I think the democratic party has become the party that focuses on issues that do not matter to people.

  28. MikeN says:

    Why should rules matter to Democrats? If they can put Frank Lautenberg on the ballot after the deadline, then why can’t they give Hillary 73 delegates and 55 uncommited, as the original Michigan election revealed?

    What about the disenfranchisement of all the people who find caucuses too difficult? Hillary has clearly been the choice of Democrats this year.

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    Jägermeister: Ohhh, that the BEST VIDEO!!


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