
Sports fans?

  1. Steve Jibs says:

    Is saving the picture to your own space that hard?


  2. leeq says:

    dvorak pwned!

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    It was a group photo of Mustard, James Hill, QB, Pedro and a few others.
    LOL! Just kidding guys…

  4. julieb says:

    I’m puzzled by religionists who insist on controlling the lives of others. Why are they so compelled to force themselves?

  5. julieb says:

    I have a copy of the image.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    #4 – Julie, they are all just a quiet group of friendly people sitting around praying because it gives them an excuse for doing nothing but gives the illusion they are doing something. How about the group that has been praying for gas prices to go down and they have gone up 43 cents since. Maybe they should pray for the gas prices to go up. And, if you don’t agree with what they are doing, they will kill you.

  7. RTaylor says:

    I score 6 out of 22. Maybe 7 on one of my dark days.

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    NOT LESBIANS! Damn them…

  9. Mrs. Ketchup says:

    Homosexuals AND lesbians

  10. TVAddict says:

    13 for me. Woot!

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I have a copy of the image.

    What was it?

    Inasmuch as my brother Ketchup tells me I was in the pic, I’d be interested in knowing where it was taken. I didn’t know I showed up on camera film or in mirrors. Must be this newfangled digital shit.

  12. billabong says:

    rtaylor I didn’t do an inventory but thanks for yours. Now I know just about where I am on the list.

  13. billabong says:

    Hey guys I quit counting at 10.

  14. floyd says:

    I have to catch up with you people, only 10.

    There used to be a group of fundies that would picket Fremont Street in Las Vegas with signs like this. They were of course met with catcalls and other mirth.

  15. Aaron says:


    I’ll see you all in hell!!


    (see Liars)

  16. James says:

    Wow… those guys destined for hell get to have all the fun… maybe we should rethink this whole ‘god’ malarkey!

  17. Improbus says:

    I will totally be going to that imaginary place where “bad” people go.

  18. QB says:

    Monsieur Catsup said:

    “It was a group photo of Mustard, James Hill, QB, Pedro and a few others.”

    That cracked me up. Is “evolutionist” even a word? OK, I’ll admit when I make money from Microsoft products I do feel a bit like a prostitute. Hypocrite? Yea guilty. Pyschic? I wish since I’d be richer.

  19. doug says:

    #16. If this is the guest list, hell does sound like quite a party …

    Does the inclusion of ‘hypocrites’ mean that the Christians have invited themselves?

    it does reflect American Christianity’s obsession with sexual matters. note that murderers are not on the list.

  20. Michael_gr says:

    I don’t see murderers on th list. I’m going outside to hack some people to pieces. Jesus seems to be OK with that as long as I don’t watch, god forbid, a game!

  21. Daniel says:


    Inclusion of sports fans and exclusion of murderers does seem a bit off. I’m sure they were just referring to Red Sox fans though…

  22. missing of course says:

    war criminals
    child beaters
    slave holders
    war profiteers
    pedophile preachers
    Republican closeted homosexual anti-gay congressional activists (whew!)

    So that’s who will be in heaven. Still want to go?

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The other “most wanted” lists I’ve seen have a toll-free tip line you can call to report sightings of potential suspects. This would make for one busy phone line.

  24. Mister Ketchup says:

    I’m really struggling with the lesbians. What if they were lesbian nuns?

  25. QB says:

    #25 How about lesbian Republicans?

  26. qsabe says:

    Cool, I made almost every one. I’m so proud.

    I really hope there will come a time when I can find a place where the assholes who shove their superstitions on others are not allowed. Hell sounds like it.

  27. Mr. Catshit says:

    I see nothing on the list about nose-pickers and those who don’t wash their hands after using the toilet.

    The list might also consider people who fly flags against HOA agreements.

    [Here are a whole lot of people who could be on the list: http://tinyurl.com/558hp8 – ed.]

  28. QB says:

    #28: “The list might also consider people who fly flags against HOA agreements.”

    Very nice indeed. I acknowledge the Buddha within.

  29. John Paradox says:

    Let’s see… I don’t drink anymore (CAN’T), don’t follow sports, and am not female so can’t be Lesbian….



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