
Sports fans?

  1. JimR says:

    In other words, heaven is empty.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    list of all the fun and grand things in the world. Do these people expect to not do these things when they are dead?

    Oh just read what JimR (#31) said. It must be empty!

  3. Shin says:

    Sports Fans, Child Molesters..6 of one…^_^

    I think we can rationally deduce who these people are from what they left out. Clearly murdering, torturing, junkie rapists.

  4. Mister Lesbian says:

    What if they aren’t really lesbians but got drunk and woke up with their face looking like a glazed doughnut? You know, accidental…

  5. Vegas Bob says:

    What about iPod users?

  6. edwinrogers says:

    #35. We’re in Heaven, already.

  7. hhopper says:

    Hell’s going to be great. I scored an eight.

  8. Yoseph says:

    Damn, I guess I won’t be smoking any
    weed or playing with myself in that
    church…I score 5, including evolution.
    But, you know, I believe in Jesus too,
    so I could come up with a list, except
    I don’t believe in hell either.

  9. Bryan Price says:

    Hypocrites??? Wouldn’t that be the ones holding the sign???

  10. QB says:

    Actually, the more I think about it, the more it sounds like the bill of rights.

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Fornicators? Did ‘yo ma and pa fornicate to make you?

    Some list. Heaven must be an pretty lonely (not to mention boring) place.

    “I often find that those without vices are also without virtue”
    ~ Abe Lincoln

  12. t0llyb0ng says:

    Ah, the sweet smell of absurdity in the morning.

    It is morning, isn’t it?

    No? Carry on.

  13. Bill R. says:

    Can’t be any worse than living in the desert…

  14. brucemlloyd says:

    I’d rather be a condemned human being in hell with all the foibles and failings of a human than a retarded Christian robot in heaven; which sounds a lot more hellish.

    I say bring back the lions.

  15. James Hill says:

    Jesus saves, James withdraws.

  16. QB says:

    Wow, Uncle David found a posting on which everyone (well kind of) agrees.

  17. Hell is definitely going to be a cool place!! See you all there. BTW, does “lesbian trapped in a man’s body” get me an extra point?

  18. bobbo says:

    Sports Fans does seem out of place. What is the religious bias there?

    Evolution is also accepted by many christian churches with some quibbles about when evolution started?

    But like god, heaven is a place that none of us mere mortals can understand. Its more unknowable than infinity squared an infinity number of times!!! I find nubmers above a bakers dozen daunting, so, to me its like heaven doesn’t even exist. Again, like god.

  19. Jeffery Williams says:

    I score a 10 and I AM a Christian. (I want to score a 0, but then some jackass would crucify me.) I just don’t get fundamentalists. You don’t seek what you have, but what is missing. The sign should read, “Heaven’s most wanted. (Hell already has you.)”

    “Sports fans” are the worst kind of sinner. They skip church services which hurts the bottom line. 😛

  20. Eddie the hun says:

    Got a 12 thanks to who ever came up with this list.

  21. #48 – bobbo,

    Closest thing I can think of for the sports fan argument would be Sunday Night Football. One may not touch pig on the sabbath, or some such nonsense. If you’re curious enough, you’ll have to google or search skeptics annotated bible or some such. I don’t care enough to search for that one, sorry.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I find nubmers above a bakers dozen daunting,
    >>so, to me its like heaven doesn’t even exist.
    >>Again, like god.

    Heh heh. I’ve noticed that about you, Bobbo. When you become confused or don’t understand, you put your hands over your ears and start singing “LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa”

    Hey, if it works for you, great.

  23. JimD says:

    Just a REMINDER !!! Stay away from NUT-JOB CULTS, keep your CHILDREN AWAY, and KEEP YOUR WALLET CLOSED !!!

  24. JimD says:

    Hey !!! They left out those who might WORK ON THE SABBATH, or those that might WEAR CLOTHING OF MIXED FIBERS !!! They are FALLING DOWN ON THE JOB !!! For more “SINS”, go read Leviticus … And laugh !!!

  25. #54 – JimD,

    Come on. They even left out those who boff sheep. They missed lots of sins.

  26. bobbo says:

    #52–Well Mustard, I would engage you but I know you are too tired even before you start. Just enough energy to poop and run. Have a nice wipe.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>poop and run.

    Bobster, my fatigue level goes through the ROOF just reading your messages.

    Not having a secret decoder ring for your punctuation, it’s sometimes like reading a foreign language.

  28. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #55, Scott,

    Come on. They even left out those who boff sheep.

    That’s a sin ??? Shit !!!


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