
Through half a decade of war, a team of 100 Reuters correspondents, photographers, cameramen and support staff have strived to bring the world news from the most dangerous country for the press.

This is their testimony – bearing witness to ensure the story of Iraq is not lost.

Click on the photo to get to the slideshow.

  1. bobbo says:

    Maybe I’ve had too much beer, but I didn’t see any story told. I saw a bunch of unconnected pictures of the agony of war. Is that a “story?”

    If so—-nevermind.

  2. ECA says:

    An unconnected propaganda Exploitation, trying to explain 1 side of a Multi faceted story, of GREED.

  3. moss says:

    All the way back to Peter Bowman’s “Beach Red” from the Pacific campaign in WW2, a certain portion of Americans have been affronted, even angry, over any depiction of war as something less than glorious.

    It’s OK for “furriners” to show reality – “All’s quiet on the Western Front” comes to mind. But, “our” wars belong to John Wayne and Donald Rumfeld. Chickenhawks who believe their own PR.

    Good journalists write the sub-plots whilst in the middle of the war. Their assembled work still wins prizes for the Journal it is. As did this retrospective.

    Other journalists, few and far between, back home write the larger story. Sometimes, rarely, the two are the same. Ernie Pyle and Konstantin Simonov were exceptions.

    Doesn’t matter to those who’d rather turn their backs and look away. Have another beer.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    No pictures of the happy children flying their kites with Saddam Hussein?

  5. moss says:

    #4 – nope that’s pre-war. Like the news photos of Rummy delivering info on WMD’s to Saddam in the good ol’ days of Reagan.


  6. keaneo says:

    4 is also a perfect example (as ever) of the monochrome mindset of American conservatism as practiced by neocons who ape populism.

    All enemies of the state – our state, anyway – fit into a tidy box. Easier to hate. No need to understand. No reason to personalize the deaths of the hundreds of thousands who “had to die” in the course of the American invasion of their land.

    Of course, a significant portion of the Iraqi population remembers that Saddam played a role in kicking out the Brits. He sold out that movement for personal power, personal gain, soon enough. Still, the colonialists were gone.

    We will be remembered and held in the same sort of contempt as the Brits before us. Except they weren’t dumb enough to slaughter as many civilians.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    Surprising how quickly the libs forget their own comments on WMD’s.

    Even Snopes has verified what the forgetful democrats conveniently try to ignore.


  8. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – moss – But, “our” wars belong to John Wayne and Donald Rumfeld. Chickenhawks who believe their own PR.

    Very good post and the above quote is so true.

    Before the war erupted, the American media played their part in drumming up war feelings. Hardly anyone questioned the motives of getting into Iraq. After all, the great leader and his administration knew that Iraq had WMD and supported terrorists. It was Gulf of Tonkin all over again…

  9. moss says:

    Predictably, #7 is right for the wrong reason.

    Most ordinary citizens who did oppose Bush’s War from the gitgo have as much contempt for the Dems as the nutballs who rolled over in the name of patriotism – for the blitzkrieg.

    #7 – I imagine – still gets his rocks off over the whole thing and wouldn’t change a jot.

    But, then, the US has had a unified foreign policy premised upon replacing the Brits and the French as the world’s leading imperial power since the end of WW2. Never mattered which breed of pig controlled the trough in DC.

  10. MikeN says:

    Bad picture,5 years into the Iraq War should show Pres Bill Clinton in his first term.

  11. MikeN says:

    I thought the reality-based community had decided that the Iraq War has made us less safe. But the most recent escalation seems to have reversed the trend of terrorist attacks. In the previous low-intensity occupation mode, we had attacks on the World Trade Center, embassies, Khobar Towers, and the USS Cole, followed by another attack on the WTC, plus bombings of TWA 800 and the Olympics. If the current uptick in the Iraq War is creating 10 terrorists for everyone killed, then where are they?


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