Defense lawyers for five suspected al Qaeda members have asked a military appeals court to delay their clients’ arraignments because several of the attorneys have not received security clearances that would allow them to participate in the hearing.

Lawyers for five September 11 suspects at Guantanamo Bay say the cases are being rushed for political reasons.

“I’ve never seen a military judge hold a hearing when all detailed counsel are not present,” said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Brian Mizer, an attorney representing accused al Qaeda figure Ali Abdul Aziz Ali. “It is offensive to me the government would seek to proceed in a death penalty case without all detailed counsel present.”

Remember when “justice for all” was more than a song title?

  1. MikeN says:

    Sounds like they are loading up on lawyers to try and slow down the trial. This is a military court, so it doesn’t operate under the same rules as regular courts. Only JAG lawyers should suffice.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Lawyers for five September 11 suspects at Guantanamo Bay say the cases are being rushed for political reasons.

    For example: Ramzi bin al-Shibh is facing trial on allegations that he researched flight schools for the hijackers and acted as an intermediary between the hijackers and al Qaeda leaders. [This was even before 9/11]

    News Flash: 9/11 happened over 6 years ago!

    Terrorism Trials Rushed?

    Want to reconsider the Headline?

  3. andy says:

    i don’t see a disparity in a bunch of jaywalkers rotting in gitmo for 6 years, with a handfull suddenly trotted out for the pony show every 2 years around election time. “look, we got one!!!”

    “An analysis of the Justice Department’s own list of terrorism prosecutions by The Washington Post shows that 39 people — not 200, as officials have implied — were convicted of crimes related to terrorism or national security.

    “Most of the others were convicted of relatively minor crimes such as making false statements and violating immigration law — and had nothing to do with terrorism, the analysis shows.”

  4. lmj3325 says:

    1. Doesn’t eveyone by law have the right to a speedy and efficient trial?

    2. You better take down the Metallica artwork or Lars Ulrich might sue you.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Hold it, Hold it!!

    Wasn’t it these very same lawyers who went to the Supreme Court to force the trials to go forward in a “Timely Manner”??!!

    And now they are complaining that they won their case and got their wish??

    This is actually a stall tactic to allow time for the defendants to change the venue from military tribunals to federal courts. Nothing to do with the elections, except for propaganda.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    The Bush doctrine is different.

  7. god says:

    Ain’t too many readers here whose clicking and reading skills are up to their mouth-running talents:

    It’s the JAG lawyers complaining.

    JAG lawyers don’t get “clearances” which satisfy the Bushies – so, the trials should proceed without all lawyers present? Pretty basic right – even for courts martial.

    One more illustration of liberty-lovers who don’t give a crap about everyone having the same rights.

  8. GigG says:

    These are the same lawyers that were bitching the the trials were delayed.

  9. jbenson2 says:

    #7 – It’s not the article, it’s the misleading headline.

  10. grog says:

    every single one of those men is going to be put to death.

    the trial is just a formality.

  11. keaneo says:

    Uh, #7 – wander through here all the time and you’ll realize #8 and #9 could care less about allowing fair trials – any trials in this case – for furriners.

    The foot-dragging since 9/11 came from the knuckle-draggers in the White House. It has taken a number of suits going up to the Supremes before trials were allowed.

    The RNC Twins oppose the trials when the talking points say so…want ’em hurried up when politically expedient…oppose the timing or support the timing when the “official” nutballs say so…toeing the party line.

    Yes, the headline is spot on.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>News Flash: 9/11 happened over 6 years ago!

    Yeah, and they held the terrorists, the ne’er-do-wells, and the totally innocent victims incommunicado until right before the elections, and then said “HOLY FUCK! LOOK AT ALL THE TERRORISTS WE’RE PROSECUTING!!”.

    The fucking Bush regime will go down in the annals of history as the most pathetic, incompetent, dishonest, and cowardly “administration” ever to disgrace the White House.

    Bush and his puppeteers should do some hard time in Gitmo.

  13. McCullough says:

    #4. You better take down the Metallica artwork or Lars Ulrich might sue you.


  14. MikeN says:

    #10, then why have the trial? Show trials shouldn’t be happening. If the evidence is too secret to reveal, then dump the trial. If the evidence is only revealed thru torture, then drop the trial. Go straight to execution.

  15. FML says:

    #11 and #12 – thank you for bringing some sobriety to this ‘conversation.’ As to “Jbenson” and “ah yea” – read-up before you spout off about what you don’t know. Firs,t the JAG lawyers are the ones seeking delay because the govt had YET to clear some of them to see their clients or appear in court with them. The need for delay is not obstructionist, it’s fundamental: we don’t take people to a death penalty trial without their having met their lawyers.
    Don’t forget that it’s the govt that wants to grab whomever wherever and hold them indefinitely, then suddenly claim they must be rushed to a show trial. It’s the government that is refusing to turn over evidence, that is refusing to grant JAG lawyers the ability to even look at classified evidence, that is manipulating YOUR constitution for political ends. And it’s the US diplomatic future, in the Middle East and around the world, that is being hijacked with the administration’s gun-slinging jingoism.
    As I said, read-up before you spout off junk.


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