News Corp Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch predicts a Democratic landslide in the U.S. presidential election. Murdoch has yet to endorse a U.S. presidential candidate but considers Barack Obama very promising.
“You have got the Obama phenomenon. You have got, undoubtedly, a recession … The average American is really getting hurt financially and that all bodes well for him (Obama), Murdoch said…
Murdoch said Obama and John McCain, the expected nominee of the Republican Party, both have a lot of problems, but McCain will be hurt by his party and his close ties to Washington. Race will be an issue for Obama, who would be the first black U.S. president, but “it looks like he overcomes that, overcomes that totally.”
Murdoch is associated with conservative political views but has a reputation for a pragmatic streak in major national races where he has shown a willingness to switch sides when he detects major political changes afoot.
Ain’t nothing like good old-fashioned opportunism when it comes to landing on the winning side of an election.
Hollywood paved the way for Obama. It was written and so shall it be. Or some crap like that.
what a worm
Ever consider that world-class conservatives are fed-up with All-Amurikin neocon nutballism and will support any alternative – for an opportunity to get back to business, living in something approximating peace, stop worrying over who the White House wants to invade next week?
D`oh! With all the crap the repubs have done to the country, what makes this guy some media prophet?.
To bad there is no difference between either party…they are both hell bent on the destruction of the greatest country in the history of the world.
The kiss of death.McCain in a landslide 2008 a depression in 2011.We are at war we don’t elect peacemakers to make peace we elect warriors to make peace.The media is selling us a joke for president.BTW I am a yellow dog Dem and I will be voting for one this election.
Good thing we’ve got him on the Dem side this time. Unfortunately, the results are already out.
In other news, I predict that tomorrow will be Saturday.
Has he noticed that Howard Dean is trying to throw the election?
Murdoch is right. In spite of all the negative press, the DP’s mismanagement of the Florida and Michigan rogue primaries, the awkward play for the white trash vote by the Clinton campaign, Obama’s lack of experience and preacher problems… The Dems will make big gains in Congress and take the WH.
I say that because the RP has lost three out of three special elections in the last two-and-a-half months. All three in formerly safe GOP seats. This is a sign that the balance of electoral power between the two parties, which has kept the nation polarized for the last twenty years, has likely been tipped in the DP’s favor.
Obama’s ability to energize young voters and the DP base this year, combined with the mismanagement of the war and the economy by the GOP, will result in a massive, tectonic shift in American political opinion similar with what was experienced under Reagan and FDR.
Doesn’t matter who wins, I assure you it will be business as usual.
Being one of the richest men on Earth makes him good with money, not neccesarily good with politics or the environment. I’d like to see him come up with a way to turn around the U.S. dollar, not pander to the Democrats.
“…the greatest country in the history of the world.”
you’re a Vollidiot
Just watch, come 2009 good ole Bill’O will start rating about the perils of the Conservative biased media. He knows who pays his salary.
fcuk it! we’ll do it live!
Murdock going Democrat!
Ann Coulter advertising on DU! (Google Ad)
“Rivers and seas boiling! … The dead rising from the grave! … Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together!”
I can’t think of anything good to say about any of this.
Is this what happens when a country disintegrates into chaos?
I wonder what the ‘Americas’ will be called in 100 years?
And Thanks, Misanthropic, for that link! I’m still laughing!
#17 – Ah_Yea,
Glad you enjoyed it. You’re welcome.
#16 – Bill,
I wonder what the ‘Americas’ will be called in 100 years?
Probably some unintelligible sound from one of the last remaining species of insects, why?
OK, maybe that’ll take 200 years, but don’t count on it.
that’s a fun game. in 100 years, americans will be fed the daily news not by private citizens, but by a monolithic news corporation which is in turn fed its marching orders by a fascist government whose purpose is to instill constant fear in the citizenry from foreign terrors. the citizens are happy to oblige as they are also tuned into a constant diet of fluff entertainment, also provided by said news corp.
#19 – andy,
And that would be different than today how?
LOL. McCain will win. Murdoch will keep laughing all the way to the bank with all his sheep flocking to hear the future on his psychic hot line. The sheep will bahhhhhhh like they always do after an election. Obama will take Oprah’s place when her show is cancelled. Hillary will do commercials for tampons. The war will end in a year or two.
Mr Murdoch and Mr John C. Dvorak, share an uncommon ability. To spot winners. Consider that if John had inherited a couple of ailing Australian newspapers in the 1960’s, he would probably today own Fox.
#24 Mr Dvorak called it for Clinton after New Hampshire. However, he does call the technology landscape pretty accurately. And his Cabernet calls are spot on.
I appreciate his sense of priorities.
#25 – QB,
Just curious, do you mean Dvorak’s cabinet calls are spot on? Or, are you actually referring to his wine choices? (I’d be more interested in the latter myself.)