Could you imagine this being played in the US? Safety groups would be yelling about how not having the people in the van buckled in is sending the wrong message about seatbelt usage and anti-monster equipment must be added to cars NOW. Liberal, pro-monster groups would be yelling that the ones in the ad are being forced to eat people because they aren’t on a balanced, subsidized lunch program. Conservative, anti-monster groups would be yelling about how this is what you get when you let foreign monsters into the country. Ultra-religious groups would be yelling about how the people being eaten must be gay or atheists or just not them and deserve being eaten, plus these ads somehow promote satanism because the monsters are cuddly. Politicians would be yelling because… well, they’re politicians and it’s something to yell about. And on and on.
All the while those under 25 would laugh and buy the cars because they don’t give a crap about all that BS.
Uncle Dave, you are so right!
This is the worst kind of monster — the kind that looks cute and cuddly right up to the moment they eat you! Give me a monster that looks evil and menacing any day.
This monster better have a good lawyer.
This is a Satanic ad! The monster is even in red as predicted. This may actually be real! The devil is spawning. And, hey, where is the Mom? Or was that the Mom? Then where is the Dad? And why are they not wearing clothes? Or a diaper? I dunno. Makes no sense.
#2 Gary, I agree. Useless Monster Cable is going to sue the creator.
Mini-golf monster too?
Reminds me of the illegal alien traffic stop:
Uncle Dave probably has U.S. sentiment nailed on the subject. However, there are those of us who think a nice large predator is just what humanity needs to thin the herd and clean up the gene pool.
Unfortunately, any large predator that, shall we say, takes the bait will also have to deal with high levels of toxic chemicals, heavy metals and the rest.
Poor monsters.
Wow, talk about cranky!
Do the contents of a Mercedes taste better than a Focus? Are there more calories?
I give it 2 Carbon Credits.
#3 – John C Dvorak – This is a Satanic ad! The monster is even in red as predicted. This may actually be real! The devil is spawning.
Hmm… John… Have you been hanging out with Mr. Mustard Gas lately?
You people really believe this shit, don’t you?
It’s a car commercial. If American marketers thought that would sell cars in America, they would make commercials like that to run in America.
Seriously guys… you invent more problems than actually exist.
>>Have you been hanging out with
>>Mr. Mustard Gas lately?
wtf? when did I ever express an opinion on monsters?
Yes, you have.
#12 – Mister Mustard,
wtf? when did I ever express an opinion on monsters?
Oh what the hell … I’ll take the bait!
You have expressed the opinion that to either believe they exist or do not exist is a belief. So, now you should clarify whether you are monstagnostic, just to be consistent with our other 945,877,236 conversations on the point.
>>now you should clarify whether you
>>are monstagnostic
Aw, Christ, Scottie. Take a holiday from that shit, will ya? There will be another hundred Christianity-bashing postings here on D dot O slash B in the next week, you can take any of those opportunities to lock horns should you choose to do so.
And, btw, I believe we were discussing DRAGONS (in particular, fire-breathing ones) in the other “945,877,236 conversations on the point”, not monsters. There’s a big difference.
Get the supernatural phenomena straight, OK?
There are hardly ever any Christian bashing posts here.
But I agree, we should not hijack this thread for another debate that could be easily settled by any community college English teacher.
#15 – Mr. Mustard,
Whether the supernatural phenomena are straight or not is a discussion for a different ongoing thread. Now you’re trying to further the hijacking of the thread. 😉
Besides, see what happens when we don’t allow tangents (or, in this case, probably hyperbolas) to be explored. Everyone stops replying.
Or, is it just that I have a way of derailing a conversation so badly it scares people? If so, I must figure out how to use the skill to my advantage, preferably a financial advantage.
#17 – Misanthropic Scott – Whether the supernatural phenomena are straight or not is a discussion for a different ongoing thread.
Or, is it just that I have a way of derailing a conversation so badly it scares people?
No, it’s just that you have a certain way of juggling Mister Mustard… and the rest of us are just having fun watching it. 🙂
Maybe not in the US, but I could see it playing in Canada for sure. After all, we have Wrigley’s Excel gum ads featuring a gay King Kong climbing office buildings and eating people (can’t find a link though)–not that I have anything against homosexuals of any species, mind you. Is this ad that much more of a stretch?
#19 – Peter,
No. It’s not more of a stretch. And, I’d love to see the King Kong ad. What did they do to indicate homosexuality on the part of Kong? Seems to me that gay and straight Kongs would eat people in the same way, unless the gay one was eating dick first, which seems unlikely to have made it to Canadian TV.