Federal agents have arrested a man on charges of drug trafficking after finding a statue of Jesus made of cocaine at a Texas border crossing…

According to the criminal report filed by U.S. officials Tuesday, Bernardino Garcia-Cordova offered a woman $80 to transport two religious statues across the border and deliver them to him at a bus station in Laredo, Texas.

A drug-sniffing dog alerted Border Patrol agents of the presence of drugs in a box that contained two religious figurines. One of those statues, a Jesus figure weighing 3 kilograms, was found to be made of cocaine.

Worth more than a cheese sandwich, I’ll bet.

  1. bobbo says:

    I wonder what if any charges were brought against the mule? I think it is a crime in Texas to be stupid AND cross the border?

    But, the mindless reporting continues with the characterization that making statues out of cocaine is “extreme” in any sense. Extreme is putting it into babies in utero then killing the mothers to retrieve it. I don’t know exactly how that is supposed to work, but that was the plot in some movie. I would call that extreme.

    Does anyone still suggest the harm caused by illegal drugs is worth this massively stupid and ineffective effort? Misplaced morality over pragmatic libertarianism.

  2. Mister Ketchup says:

    Jesus H. Christ, I thought the H meant heroin, not cocaine.

  3. Jesus Christ that’s good coke!!

    Seriously though, they really did take the idea from Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke. If I remember correctly, which is questionable this many years later, they had a whole shipment of TVs and stuff made out of pot. In fact, so was the truck itself.

    #1 – bobbo,

    Not me.

  4. JimD says:

    Nothing new there !!! They have intercepted Madonna and Child statues made of Coke before !!! They must take CORE SAMPLES OF EACH “PLASTER” CASTING !!!

  5. James Hill says:

    Some people may not believe in Christ, but they’ll snort him.

  6. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #5 – Those days are over for me. The only thing I snort is baby powder from the cheeks of my girlfriends behind.

  7. Mister Ketchup says:

    Oh yeah? Well here:

  8. mike says:

    It’s a miracle! All praise for transforming a statue. Water was transformed to wine at a party. This was the delayed next step. God’s a party animal.


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