• Revision3 website attacked with denial of service for doing nothing more than using BitTorrent; and it was MediaDefender behind the attack. This can’t be good. These people are supposed to protect legit content makers, not attack them.
  • Stonehenge turns out to be a cemetery.
  • Slew of stories about using coax to deliver Ethernet. I suspect that there is a movement afoot to create Ethernet to the home based on the cable network.
  • Brazil has jumped in with South Africa to condemn OOXML. I’m suspicious.
  • Sony is in the news for developing a glass speaker.
  • Alien will be revealed on TV.
  • Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth will become an Opera in Italy? What?

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  1. JimD says:

    I wonder if the “Alien” on TV will have a “BigFoot” ???

    Ethernet to the Home would probably dovetail with IPTV and allow the Cable Companies to get a couple of HDTV feeds into the home without having to install fiber …

    Stonehenge a cemetary ? No, they just performed human sacrifices and weren’t too tidy about it !!!

    I wonder what kind of ZOMBIE SWARM “Media Defender” has organized and what kind of WORMS AND TROJANS they used to do it ??? Prolly ILLEGAL !!! BOOK ‘EM, DANO !!!

    Glass tube speaker will probably sound like a ONE NOTE WONDER and fade away pretty fast !!!

  2. Esteban says:


    I was just curious about your Brazilian columns. Do you write them in Portuguese, or does someone translate them for you?

    Also, if you do write them in Portuguese, may I be so nosy as to inquire how you learned the language? (I only ask because, as a tow-headed anglo white boy, people are always surprised when I speak fluent Spanish.)

  3. Les says:

    The “alien about to be revealed” hits about a 10 on the b.s. ometer.

  4. andy says:

    boo hoo revision3. boo freaking hoo.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    Alien – the truth! http://tinyurl.com/6g9x9s

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – Mister Ketchup

    Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Who would of guessed that little green men would of traveled millions of miles just to be a peeking tom?

    Maybe they were looking for Earth Women…


  8. Ron Larson says:

    My question is: Is Media Defender going to be criminally prosecuted? They clearly broke a lot of laws last weekend, and I suspect many more times.

    I can’t buy the argument that it was simply an untended accident and they can’t be prosecuted for accidents. That is because Robert Morris was convicted in 1989 for the first Internet Worm. His worm accidentally got away from him and started replicating like crazy. He didn’t intend to harm others, yet he was convicted anyhow.

    If I have a gun, and I shoot someone accidentally, I can and will be prosecuted. How is this any different? Media Defender makes and uses Internet “weapons” designed to harm “bad guys”. Their weapon, that THEY operate, harmed a good guy.

    It really, really saddens me to know that these hitmen will never be touched because they are really just a vigilante group backed by powerful lobbyist.


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