“Leadfoot Lillian”
WKMG Orlando

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — A Florida woman who is considered to be the world’s oldest driver got her license renewed until 2011. Lillian Cox, 101, said she has been driving since 1915 and continues to travel around Tallahassee in her 1984 sedan. “They’re surprised that I’d get a driver’s license at 101,” Cox said.

“But I have four more years.” Local 6 showed video of the woman driving around a neighborhood. “I’m sure I look (101 years old) but they don’t let me know that,” Cox said while driving around a neighborhood. Cox has been invited to the “Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” She said she hopes the show picks her up in a limo.

Of course, her car hasn’t reach speeds above 15 MPH since 1964, and her right turn signal is perpetually blinking, but good for her!

  1. bobbo says:

    Yay!!! I guessed Florida!

    Old joke==”Group at the old folks home discussing their aches and pains. John says–I can’t turn my head left. Mary says–I get dizzy when I look down. Larry says–my leg twitches when I put pressure on it. Then they all smile and say simultaneously: “atleast I can still drive!”

    And there is too much truth to that joke. Ought to go google accident by age statistics==very skewed by the limited miles driven and how many accidents they cause by people avoiding them.

    DMV–another failed government program.

  2. McCullough says:

    #1. You win the prize!!!…How would you like your years supply of Depends shipped bobbo?

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Well, of course it’s Florida… 😀

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – McCullough

    No choice of getting NASA space diapers instead? 😉

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. Nope, I think John Glenn used up all the stock.

  6. bobbo says:

    Actually not a bad prize. Might make a comfy cushion and help with that occasional surprise?

  7. hhopper says:

    Cripes McCullough, you forgot this:

  8. McCullough says:

    I was trying not to GIVE it away, but since the secrets out, hang it high……..

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – bobbo – Actually not a bad prize. Might make a comfy cushion and help with that occasional surprise?

    Also, it might come in use in case you need to drive 900 miles without stopping for unnecessary breaks… 😉

  10. K B says:

    Little old ladies in tennis shoes are highly underrated.

  11. Justin From Penn says:

    Wow she’s been driving since before Turkey was a country.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Reminds me of a guy when I was a Kid in North Carolina. He owned a fully decked out 440 dual quad Dodge Charger, ~ 69 model year.

    He would race us “kiddies” on Fridays and Saturdays, and more often than not would teach us a lesson.

    He was 86 and going strong when I moved away.

  13. animby says:

    Hell, Justin: She’s been driving since before turkey was a BIRD!

  14. Mac Guy says:

    My grandparents still drove well into their upper-80s. My grandfather was the driver, and he kept his eye on the left side of the road. Grandma watched the right side. Frightening, especially since my grandmother once drove through the garage with my sister in the car. Back then, she was only in her late-60s, early 70s.

  15. abhtiw says:

    from India, and even I guessed Florida right. why, dunno !!!

  16. lou says:

    I feel better that I’m a 1000 miles away from her.

  17. Raster says:

    If you like driving, don’t drive in Florida.

    Some highways are so bad they have to post a *minimum* speed limit.

    And the easy one: “Her first car ran on steam power!”

  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    People like her I don’t stay awake nights over.

    The guy that cut me off last night does though. About 50-60, driving a 20 y/o Town Car with handicap plates PLUS a handicap mirror thingy. No signals, no brake lights, no intelligence behind the wheel. And a very low right rear tire. In a 45 he started out at 30 for the first mile then decided to boost it into hypersonic just as I got to my turn.

    Guys like him worry me.

  19. Mister Ketchup says:

    #20 – This is why your next car should have side-winder missiles.

  20. Carl Winslow says:

    “What State Will Issue a Drivers License to an 101 Year Old Woman?”

    Umm, any state with a 101 year old female resident who can pass the exams? It’s not like she tried Indiana and they were like “Nope you’re too old.” She just happens to live in Florida.

    Not that Florida isn’t fucked up…it totally is.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    I am not saying that old folks are bad drivers, because many of them are great drivers, they have tons of experience, but their reflexes get slow with age.

    What we REALLY have to look out for is the kids driving their hot rods. They constantly speed, and do not pay attention to their driving. This, coupled with their lack of experience, makes them the poorest, most accident prone drivers out there. I have a thing against people who speed. I lost several pets to drivers speeding down my road. Most of the time they don’t even stop. One time, my dog was on the leash, and some bonehead kid took him out! There was nothing that I could do about it, or so the police said. Apparently, it’s not against the law to run over animals.

    And the people who think that they can eat a bowl of cereal, talk on the cell, put on their makeup, shave, and change the radio station all at the same time while they are driving. I know that some people think that they can multi-task, but it gets ridiculous at times. These people should be keeping their minds on the task at hand, the task that not only effects them, but others on the road, driving!

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #18-19 – Mister Ketchup

    You sure captured the highlights… 😀


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