This flap is so chock full of objects of Internet scorn that it’s hard not to get a little dizzy: Right-wing nutcase Michelle Malkin has won a victory over baby-talking Food Network personality Rachael Ray, who was hawking obesity-causing products for fast-food company Dunkin’ Donuts while wearing what appeared to be a kaffiyeh, the cotton scarf that most Americans associate with Palestinian nationalists, especially the much reviled late Yasser Arafat.
Malkin called out Ray and Dunkin’ Donuts on the faux kaffiyeh being visible in the online ads and got the conservative blogosphere buzzing about a potential boycott of the donut chain. And guess what: Dunkin’ Donuts caved and yanked the ads.
It’s probably hard for many people to decide who deserves the lion’s share of their wrath: Malkin for ignorant (and, as always, borderline racist) demagoguery, the insipid Rachael Ray for aggressively embracing the role of foodie icon while shamelessly peddling nutritional nightmares, or Dunkin’ Donuts for manufacturing said fare in the first place and for backing down in the face of Malkin’s toothless swagger.
Dunkin’ Donuts’ official response? “In a recent online ad, Rachael Ray is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design. It was selected by her stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we are no longer using the commercial.”
Media cowards intimidated by the politically-correct clothing police.
What’s the mood today at DU?
Are we demonizing Muslims today?
Or… are we demonizing people that demonize Muslims?
Get your story straight guys. It hurts my head to try and figure out your schizophrenic posting mentality.
Looks like the libs are having a problem with Political Correctness when it is not written according their own sacred canons.
#1. We like to post absurdities…..wouldn’t you agree this qualifies?
The kaffiyeh does a good job of covering up her fat little piggy body.
conservatives have always hated freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
what they want is an evangelical theocracy complete with morality police and everything, just like iran.
is anybody surprised by this?
These TV cooks really cash in on marketing. Don’t get me wrong, my name is for sell, there’s just no buyers. 😉
Right-wing mustard-sniffers have been in the forefront of political correctness ever since the “War” Department became the DOD. It’s just not fashionable for nutballs to brag about it, nowadays. That’s probably part of PC, too – if you think about it.
Meanwhile, rightwing nutball theocracies ban ties in Iran and our resident roaches get their shorts properly tweaked. But, when one of their own acts just as foolish, they have to stretch for a reason to defend the crap. Political correctness trumps thoughtfulness.
Just as absurd going down either road.
I applaud Dinkin Doughnuts for knowing when to kneel down and kiss boot. Why bother ignoring idiocy when you can join in the fun…because as we all know these right wing nut boycotts can really do a number on the bottom line…and to have the guts to remove such controversial imagery which has obvious connections to Osama Bin Laden….way to keep the ’03 spirit alive!!!
Sarcasm aside, I personally boycott anything Rachael Ray is a part of b/c she’s a B%$#h!
I so can’t stand Malkin. According to McCain she would be a gook, yet she’s all in favor of these neo-con war mongers and Faux News assholes.
a kaffiyeh, the cotton scarf that most Americans associate with Palestinian nationalists,
Most Americans? I’d like to see a real poll on that one… I’d say most Americans have never heard of a kaffiyeh, and don’t associate scarfs with Palestinians as a general rule.
On the other hand I would like to do Rachel Ray while eating a box of Dunkin donuts.
Um, a little help please. What is the building in the background? Is it a church or a mosque? The corporation will ALWAYS bow to a special interest group, no matter if it’s left or right.
The hate-filled tone of the article, though, really suprised me. Hate of Malkin and Dunkin donuts!?!?!? Wow, I’d think they’re not worth the effort to hate as hard as that. More proof that there’s as much hate on the left as the right.
Nevermind, it’s the Oregon State Capitol building.
Um…I’m a guy so to me it’s a scarf. You should be lucky I know enough to call it a scarf and not a bandanna. Also, I tend to associate them with yuppie and upper class women not any particular country. #8 I completely agree with your last comment.
>>there’s as much hate on the left as the right.
Are you claiming that epicurious dot com, the recipe web site, is a “left-wing” web site?? Sheesh. I’ve never heard that one.
And plenty of people other than left-wing commie pinko fags think that Michelle Malkin is a sputtering neo-fascist fool. Anyone to the left of Dick Cheney or Anal Cyst Limbaugh knows that she’s a screeching harridan, a hatemonger, and an all-around douche bag.
Cute as a button, though.
Ugh. I’m more annoyed at Rachel Ray than most since she grew up close to my area. This is ridiculous though. Some people need to get a grip and focus on some real issues.
Special Forces wore these scarfs in Beirut and continue to wear them in such fine tourist establishments as International Trading Hub Baghdad. The scarf means little. Traditionally they are cloth to keep the sun off the sand flees. If you start seeing green flags that is when you see Islamofacists. I think Mrs. Ray must be suffering from a bout of bulimia. She cooks so much tasty pasta with cheeses and never gains a pound. I’d like to be a janitor on her set.
Soon, the only good advertising will feature blond, blue-eyed actors wearing solids.
>>She cooks so much tasty pasta with cheeses
>>and never gains a pound.
Check out the booty. She’s packin’ some junk in that trunk.
You asked: “It’s probably hard for many people to decide who deserves the lion’s share of their wrath” ////
but you failed to offer the right choice.
Everyone you mentioned has acted rationally. Malkin needs the attention, Ray is just a meat puppet acting as ordered, Dunkin Donuts is a business wanting to sell product and not offend anyone.
So, the only “person” at fault is the BushCo/McCain voting rightwing nutjobs that actually buy this crap (the donuts and the call to righteousness) and make the calls or the blog entries.
BTW–I’d love to read Malkins orginal complaint and a few of the ditto head responses if you have them as part of your indepth research??
I also note how similar this is to the March of Death post below. THAT stupid hatred coming from the Motherload of original hate.
She does have a big turd cutter.
Makes you wonder if the people in the Mideast see t-shirts and baseball caps as signs of American imperialism…
Behind every right-wing nutcase, there’s a caring mom.
Krispy Kreme is better than Dunkin.
I wouldn’t want Dunkin Donuts promoting Yasir Arafat.
>>Krispy Kreme is better than Dunkin.
Yuck! Does anybody even still eat that shit? I thought they got rid of all the inventory in the clearance bin at Wal*Mart. That crap is only suitable for people who have too few teeth to bite through a regular donut.
Certainly much ado about nothing. But that’s the first time I’ve heard a Conservative Republican referred to as PC>
And Krispy’s rule!
A kaffiyeh is made of cotton, ye say? Do genu-wine A-wabs wear silk ones?
Would a real A-wab wear a paisley one?
All this baloney over a silly garment.
First, what the heck is wrong with America when a SCARF is the cause of this much concern.
2. #4 you are SADLY mistaken. Rachael Ray is HOT! She isn’t some “skinny mini” who’s afraid to eat real food without scoping out where she’s gonna purge it.
3. Fresh Krispy Kreme’s are the BOMB! If the only KK doughnut you’ve had is out of the bargin bin at Walmart, expand your horizons and get to a Krispy Kreme pronto and eat a hot one off the line. They are the best glazed doughnuts out there. Dunkin has the best filled and cake style, but you just can’t beat a hot Krispy Kreme!
As to Milkin, I’m gonna have to do some research on that right wing nut job to see what the fuss is about.
People are still mad at Malkin for having the guts to point out that some of the Japanese who were interned were not loyal Americans.
It’s just a TV ad. BFD. If only this would happen all the time then there would be no commercials at all.
I sometimes wonder if we are becoming a country of complainer’s. If I don’t like it or take offense to it then it must go away. You know a piece of clothing can mean a lot of things. I am sure terrorist wear jeans too. But I don’t think we should outlaw them. Or forbid people wearing them because it makes them out to be terrorists.I am certain that one day life will become so bland because everyone will be afraid of offending someone. OMG but what about the boring people who are bland? Did I just offend them???